Diets that work



  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    Not to mention humanity for hundreds of thousands of years lived just fine on low-carb diets. High carb diets are unnatural and the reason why everyone is sick and fat. Lots of "science" (read: studies rife with selective bias) promote high carb diets. But that's mostly because the organizations heading up the studies include the FDA, which have a stake in commodities that are predominately starchy vegetables (which are high in carbs). Any salesman will tell you that you "need" their product.

    No sorry but that just isn't the case. A lot of healthy people eat quite a bit of carbs. It doesn't magically make them sick and fat. It's true that a low carb diet can aid wight loss. But there is literally zero reason for a fit and healthy person to avoid carbs. You need to wake up and realize that people are sick and fat because our lives have become sedentary and we have become dependent on pre prepared food which tends to be extremely unhealthy.

    Geez I mean the things people will believe to skirt around the idea that sitting around on our *kitten* all day and eating pizza and ice cream isn't doing us any good. By all means tout the benifits of low carb. As honestly there are some to be had for those wanting to lose weight. But it isn't the solution to everyone's problems. And frankly for a healthy human being it is an unhealthy diet. Especially if they intend to have any athletic performance at all.

    Also to be honest the way low carb shoppers go on about it like it's "diet Jesus" I am half tempted to believe the brain needs carbs theory.
    Yes, they don't want to see science because if it goes against their views then it is a conspiracy.
    Here is a meta-analysis that is really rustling jimmies across the Low carb zealots.

    That's a lot of it right there, people don't want to hear anything against what they like or believe to be real by <insert magazine name>, "Doctor" Oz, etc., etc. I've been in my MS program for 9-months now and have read numerous studies and there really is good information available if one is willing to read it and be open to it going against main-stream trends. "Muscle Confusion" anybody??? Basura! Science is not always perfect but when several studies point in the same direction there might just be something there...
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    I totally agree with the above. I tried low carb and after 2 weeks was the grouchiest ***** this side of the moon! Like the old saying goes...everything in moderation. Also, try to eat as cleanly as you can. flowerforyou Good luck!

    sounds to me like you hit induction flu and gave up. i've run across some people that truly cannot handle low carb, but i've also heard hundreds of stories of people saying "oh it's not for me" because the minute they felt the carb withdrawal effects, they gave up.
  • LunaRoberson
    LunaRoberson Posts: 4 Member
    My Best Friend was did that.. Lost weight like crazy!! The only problem is sticking to it and being determined. Would you mind adding me as a friend to show me the way and help out?
  • chaosrock
    chaosrock Posts: 13 Member
    Not to mention humanity for hundreds of thousands of years lived just fine on low-carb diets. High carb diets are unnatural and the reason why everyone is sick and fat. Lots of "science" (read: studies rife with selective bias) promote high carb diets. But that's mostly because the organizations heading up the studies include the FDA, which have a stake in commodities that are predominately starchy vegetables (which are high in carbs). Any salesman will tell you that you "need" their product.
    The FDA has a stake in the starchy vegetable commodities? Look, I think the government is a mess where food is concerned, too many conflicts of interest for them to be of any use to nutrition discussions, but the "starchy vegetable lobby" is NOT at the root of the problem.

    They're not *the* root of the problem, but they're a main contributor to the obesity levels in the US. Telling people that they need 300g of carbs is not helping anyone. While you can eat carbs and be healthy, most of us don't. I am choosing to eliminate carbs from my diet entirely (save for about 20-30g per day) and in a month I've already seen vast results. 32 lbs down. That's with minimal exercise.

    The FDA has been lying to us for decades. Fat isn't bad. Cholesterol isn't bad. Carbs *are* bad, in excess. Well, everything is bad in excess, but what they recommend we eat is an excess of carbs.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Short answer: I move more and eat less.

    Longer answer: I admitted that I'm lazy by nature, but no longer give in to it. Kind of like the first step to recovery is admitting I had a problem. So instead of sitting around watching tv, reading, etc. I make sure to be active each day. I do watch tv, read - but whenever possible I combine that with being active. (And sometimes I forego the TV altogether!) And I choose not to be lazy about food either. I plan out what I'm having, weigh my portions and know what I need to have each day to be successful. For almost 7 months, that was eating (most days, there were exceptions occasionally) 1400-1600 calories per day. Have lost almost 40 pounds so far - but now I'm aiming for a smaller deficit as I get closer to my end goal.
    Hi All,

    This is my first time on a forum and really looking to shed 25 lbs and trying to see if anyone has any tips on how I can lose weight healthy. Also, it would be great to know some exercises that would help to flatten tummy and tighten legs.

    Thank you.

  • chaosrock
    chaosrock Posts: 13 Member
    Also to be honest the way low carb shoppers go on about it like it's "diet Jesus" I am half tempted to believe the brain needs carbs theory.

    My biggest thing about something as strict as Paleo or Keto is that for most people it's not maintainable long-term. For individual's that are overweight, part of the challenge is getting into health habits that are maintainable for life and not just the short-term. Generally speaking, most people are not going to maintain a low-carb diet for life; some people obviously can but those are not the norm. Finding balance that works for you is key.

    Every lifestyle change is maintainable if you have any willpower. The clincher is willpower, not the diet you choose. I know many people who have eaten paleo/keto for many years. What is different between them and someone who isn't able to maintain those diets? Willpower.

    How did humanity follow a paleo/keto diet for hundreds of thousands of years? We ate that way thousands of times longer than we have high-carb. High carb has made us all fat. I'm thinking *that* is the diet that isn't sustainable.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Also to be honest the way low carb shoppers go on about it like it's "diet Jesus" I am half tempted to believe the brain needs carbs theory.

    My biggest thing about something as strict as Paleo or Keto is that for most people it's not maintainable long-term. For individual's that are overweight, part of the challenge is getting into health habits that are maintainable for life and not just the short-term. Generally speaking, most people are not going to maintain a low-carb diet for life; some people obviously can but those are not the norm. Finding balance that works for you is key.

    Every lifestyle change is maintainable if you have any willpower. The clincher is willpower, not the diet you choose. I know many people who have eaten paleo/keto for many years. What is different between them and someone who isn't able to maintain those diets? Willpower.

    How did humanity follow a paleo/keto diet for hundreds of thousands of years? We ate that way thousands of times longer than we have high-carb. High carb has made us all fat. I'm thinking *that* is the diet that isn't sustainable.

    Paleo man ate fruit, honey, vegetables, grains and tubers they also got about 35% of their energy intake from carbs. Ancestral Human Diet by S. Boyd Eaton.pdf
    "Proponents of the Paleo diet argue that our ancestors’ diets could not have included a lot of grains, legumes, or dairy foods. And they contend that the past 10,000 years of agriculture isn’t enough time to adapt to these “new” foods.

    This argument is compelling but doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.

    To begin with, recent studies in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, using more advanced analytical methods, have discovered that ancient humans may have begun eating grasses and cereals before the Paleolithic era even began — up to three or even four million years ago!

    Further research has revealed granules of grains and cereal grasses on stone stools starting at least 105,000 years ago.

    Meanwhile, grain granules on grinding tools from all over the world suggest that Paleolithic humans made a widespread practice of turning grains into flour as long as 30,000 years ago.

    In other words, the idea that Paleolithic humans never ate grains and cereals appears to be a bit of an exaggeration."

    For your misunderstanding of nutrient oxidation and storage
    1.Carbs are rarely converted to fat and stored as such
    2. When you eat more carbs you burn more carbs and less fat; eat less carbs and you burn less carbs and more fat
    3. Protein is basically never going to be converted to fat and stored as such
    4. When you eat more protein, you burn more protein (and by extension, less carbs and less fat); eat less protein and you burn less protein (and by extension, more carbs and more fat)
    5.Ingested dietary fat is primarily stored, eating more of it doesn’t impact on fat oxidation to a significant degree

    Excess dietary fat is directly stored as fat
    Excess dietary carbs increases carb oxidation, impairing fat oxidation; more of your daily fat intake is stored as fat
    Excess dietary protein increases protein oxidation, impairing fat oxidation; more of your daily fat intake is stored as fat
  • bcanderson123456
    bcanderson123456 Posts: 45 Member
    Also to be honest the way low carb shoppers go on about it like it's "diet Jesus" I am half tempted to believe the brain needs carbs theory.

    My biggest thing about something as strict as Paleo or Keto is that for most people it's not maintainable long-term. For individual's that are overweight, part of the challenge is getting into health habits that are maintainable for life and not just the short-term. Generally speaking, most people are not going to maintain a low-carb diet for life; some people obviously can but those are not the norm. Finding balance that works for you is key.

    Every lifestyle change is maintainable if you have any willpower. The clincher is willpower, not the diet you choose. I know many people who have eaten paleo/keto for many years. What is different between them and someone who isn't able to maintain those diets? Willpower.

    How did humanity follow a paleo/keto diet for hundreds of thousands of years? We ate that way thousands of times longer than we have high-carb. High carb has made us all fat. I'm thinking *that* is the diet that isn't sustainable.

    What makes people "fat" is over eating and being under active. Hey if you like to avoid carbs go for it, but one question do you limit your calories or eat all you want as long as it isn't carb? If you say your calories are reduced then you have no proof that lack of carbs is why you are losing weight. Why does a person need willpower to eat. That in itself is broken, if you have to use "willpower" to avoid foods you are doing it wrong. You should enjoy food not be in a mental battle about what you eat.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Also to be honest the way low carb shoppers go on about it like it's "diet Jesus" I am half tempted to believe the brain needs carbs theory.

    My biggest thing about something as strict as Paleo or Keto is that for most people it's not maintainable long-term. For individual's that are overweight, part of the challenge is getting into health habits that are maintainable for life and not just the short-term. Generally speaking, most people are not going to maintain a low-carb diet for life; some people obviously can but those are not the norm. Finding balance that works for you is key.

    Every lifestyle change is maintainable if you have any willpower. The clincher is willpower, not the diet you choose. I know many people who have eaten paleo/keto for many years. What is different between them and someone who isn't able to maintain those diets? Willpower.

    How did humanity follow a paleo/keto diet for hundreds of thousands of years? We ate that way thousands of times longer than we have high-carb. High carb has made us all fat. I'm thinking *that* is the diet that isn't sustainable.

    ... He isn't listening is he.

    You know what guys I suspect that in about a decade we are going to hear from all these people who went low carb and still did little/no exercise to lose weight going WTF why do I still have "Insert Medical Condition Here".

    This is exactly why I hate low carb. It gives people an excuse to keep sitting on their bums thinking they are being healthy just because they lose weight. I know being overweight or obese is unhealthy. But even now people are already beginning to suspect that being sedentary is even more so.
  • chaosrock
    chaosrock Posts: 13 Member
    Also to be honest the way low carb shoppers go on about it like it's "diet Jesus" I am half tempted to believe the brain needs carbs theory.

    My biggest thing about something as strict as Paleo or Keto is that for most people it's not maintainable long-term. For individual's that are overweight, part of the challenge is getting into health habits that are maintainable for life and not just the short-term. Generally speaking, most people are not going to maintain a low-carb diet for life; some people obviously can but those are not the norm. Finding balance that works for you is key.

    Every lifestyle change is maintainable if you have any willpower. The clincher is willpower, not the diet you choose. I know many people who have eaten paleo/keto for many years. What is different between them and someone who isn't able to maintain those diets? Willpower.

    How did humanity follow a paleo/keto diet for hundreds of thousands of years? We ate that way thousands of times longer than we have high-carb. High carb has made us all fat. I'm thinking *that* is the diet that isn't sustainable.

    What makes people "fat" is over eating and being under active. Hey if you like to avoid carbs go for it, but one question do you limit your calories or eat all you want as long as it isn't carb? If you say your calories are reduced then you have no proof that lack of carbs is why you are losing weight. Why does a person need willpower to eat. That in itself is broken, if you have to use "willpower" to avoid foods you are doing it wrong. You should enjoy food not be in a mental battle about what you eat.

    What makes people fat is partially overeating but also from having a massive amount of glucose and insulin in their blood, which limits fat from being burnt by their muscles and keeps them hungry even though they eat "enough" calories.

    I track my calories through MFP but I don't pay attention to where they're at during the day. My high fat/high protein diet is more satiating than a high carb diet so I get full on fewer calories. I haven't had any trouble staying below my calorie limit.

    I experience no mental battle from eating. I stick to keto-friendly foods and eat until I'm full. Keto is the opposite of a mental battle. It's eating how we're evolved to eat. Not battling a high sugar diet, wasting hours upon hours in the gym burning off the calories you overloaded on with your high carb diet. I walk and play ping pong and I'm losing weight like crazy. Why? Because your body automatically regulates your input and output when you're eating the right foods. Google the video "the calorie myth". It's on youtube. You've got a lot to learn.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    Also to be honest the way low carb shoppers go on about it like it's "diet Jesus" I am half tempted to believe the brain needs carbs theory.

    My biggest thing about something as strict as Paleo or Keto is that for most people it's not maintainable long-term. For individual's that are overweight, part of the challenge is getting into health habits that are maintainable for life and not just the short-term. Generally speaking, most people are not going to maintain a low-carb diet for life; some people obviously can but those are not the norm. Finding balance that works for you is key.

    Every lifestyle change is maintainable if you have any willpower. The clincher is willpower, not the diet you choose. I know many people who have eaten paleo/keto for many years. What is different between them and someone who isn't able to maintain those diets? Willpower.

    How did humanity follow a paleo/keto diet for hundreds of thousands of years? We ate that way thousands of times longer than we have high-carb. High carb has made us all fat. I'm thinking *that* is the diet that isn't sustainable.

    Paleo man ate fruit, honey, vegetables, grains and tubers they also got about 35% of their energy intake from carbs. Ancestral Human Diet by S. Boyd Eaton.pdf
    "Proponents of the Paleo diet argue that our ancestors’ diets could not have included a lot of grains, legumes, or dairy foods. And they contend that the past 10,000 years of agriculture isn’t enough time to adapt to these “new” foods.

    This argument is compelling but doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.

    To begin with, recent studies in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, using more advanced analytical methods, have discovered that ancient humans may have begun eating grasses and cereals before the Paleolithic era even began — up to three or even four million years ago!

    Further research has revealed granules of grains and cereal grasses on stone stools starting at least 105,000 years ago.

    Meanwhile, grain granules on grinding tools from all over the world suggest that Paleolithic humans made a widespread practice of turning grains into flour as long as 30,000 years ago.

    In other words, the idea that Paleolithic humans never ate grains and cereals appears to be a bit of an exaggeration."

    For your misunderstanding of nutrient oxidation and storage
    1.Carbs are rarely converted to fat and stored as such
    2. When you eat more carbs you burn more carbs and less fat; eat less carbs and you burn less carbs and more fat
    3. Protein is basically never going to be converted to fat and stored as such
    4. When you eat more protein, you burn more protein (and by extension, less carbs and less fat); eat less protein and you burn less protein (and by extension, more carbs and more fat)
    5.Ingested dietary fat is primarily stored, eating more of it doesn’t impact on fat oxidation to a significant degree

    Excess dietary fat is directly stored as fat
    Excess dietary carbs increases carb oxidation, impairing fat oxidation; more of your daily fat intake is stored as fat
    Excess dietary protein increases protein oxidation, impairing fat oxidation; more of your daily fat intake is stored as fat

    He is the only other person in this thread that really knows what he's talking about. Our ancestors ate plenty of grains and "carb" sources.

    One of the main issues is in refined sugars. The American diet consumes way too much crap and that's the real issue here. Cut the crap and find a balance that works for you. If Keto works for you and you can follow it 90% of the time, awesome, ****ing own it. If Paleo is your huckleberry, do it. Whatever it is, just make sure it's right for you and you do it because it works for you and not because of some friggin' random YouTube video or MFP poster.
  • stellaelise
    Eat less/better than you have been and exercise. There's no way around it although I wish there were!
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member

    Eat less calories than you need to maintain your weight.

    You can eat the foods you like as you just make sure it is at a deficit.

    Totally disproven nonsense. Read "A Calorie Is Not A Calorie" by Gary Taubes. Do a little Google research.
    This is why people spread misinformation, get themselves in trouble and still don't understand basic nutrient storage and oxidation and still don't understand insulin.
    Oh, and here is an actual obesity researcher debunking Taubes theory
  • bcanderson123456
    bcanderson123456 Posts: 45 Member
    Also to be honest the way low carb shoppers go on about it like it's "diet Jesus" I am half tempted to believe the brain needs carbs theory.

    My biggest thing about something as strict as Paleo or Keto is that for most people it's not maintainable long-term. For individual's that are overweight, part of the challenge is getting into health habits that are maintainable for life and not just the short-term. Generally speaking, most people are not going to maintain a low-carb diet for life; some people obviously can but those are not the norm. Finding balance that works for you is key.

    Every lifestyle change is maintainable if you have any willpower. The clincher is willpower, not the diet you choose. I know many people who have eaten paleo/keto for many years. What is different between them and someone who isn't able to maintain those diets? Willpower.

    How did humanity follow a paleo/keto diet for hundreds of thousands of years? We ate that way thousands of times longer than we have high-carb. High carb has made us all fat. I'm thinking *that* is the diet that isn't sustainable.

    What makes people "fat" is over eating and being under active. Hey if you like to avoid carbs go for it, but one question do you limit your calories or eat all you want as long as it isn't carb? If you say your calories are reduced then you have no proof that lack of carbs is why you are losing weight. Why does a person need willpower to eat. That in itself is broken, if you have to use "willpower" to avoid foods you are doing it wrong. You should enjoy food not be in a mental battle about what you eat.

    What makes people fat is partially overeating but also from having a massive amount of glucose and insulin in their blood, which limits fat from being burnt by their muscles and keeps them hungry even though they eat "enough" calories.

    I track my calories through MFP but I don't pay attention to where they're at during the day. My high fat/high protein diet is more satiating than a high carb diet so I get full on fewer calories. I haven't had any trouble staying below my calorie limit.

    I experience no mental battle from eating. I stick to keto-friendly foods and eat until I'm full. Keto is the opposite of a mental battle. It's eating how we're evolved to eat. Not battling a high sugar diet, wasting hours upon hours in the gym burning off the calories you overloaded on with your high carb diet. I walk and play ping pong and I'm losing weight like crazy. Why? Because your body automatically regulates your input and output when you're eating the right foods. Google the video "the calorie myth". It's on youtube. You've got a lot to learn.

    Odd that you originally said it takes willpower and then you claim you don't have any mental battles. Do you even know what the word willpower means? Thank you for telling me I have a lot to learn, this coming from someone that cites you tube for their wealth of scientific evidence. I have lost 72 lbs eating food I enjoy and never feel hunger and I don't even go to the gym to burn off all those high carbs. Maybe my earlier comment about needing a certain level of carbs to maintain proper brain function is being proven by your lack of same with the way you respond. You are losing weight like crazy because you are in a huge calorie deficit. Maybe you have a lot to learn.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator

    Every lifestyle change is maintainable if you have any willpower. The clincher is willpower, not the diet you choose. I know many people who have eaten paleo/keto for many years. What is different between them and someone who isn't able to maintain those diets? Willpower.

    How did humanity follow a paleo/keto diet for hundreds of thousands of years? We ate that way thousands of times longer than we have high-carb. High carb has made us all fat. I'm thinking *that* is the diet that isn't sustainable.

    That highlighted couldn't be further from the truth. Not everyone can sustain every diet. Personally, I cannot sustain low carb diets. My body loves carbs and last time I dropped my carbs to less than 200gs, my workouts suffered a lot. In fact, my lifts dropped dramatically. So while it may work for you, it will not work for everyone. And I am sorry, my workouts and my energy levels overrule your misinformation.

    I do believe low carb diets are beneficial to certain people such as my wife who has PCOS and POTS... and potentially Chrons.. She has to be low carb and gluten free.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I cut out 95% of junk carbs and 95% of refined sugar. I lost 20 lbs. in four months and will never go back to my prior diet. And I did not spend a single minute counting calories.

    I really don't care if the reduced carbs and sugar caused my weight loss, or the increase in proteins and fats resulted in me eating fewer calories.

    Based on my experience and the experience of many others, I would highly recommend giving up junk carbs and refined sugar when you are trying to lose weight. A donut is not diet food. Fruit yogurt is not diet food. Eight ounces of orange juice is not diet food.

    Thats cool it worked for you, but that doesn't make it science and it doesn't mean its for everyone. Carbs are not inherently junk, they do not inherently make you gain weight or fat. And if having a donut every so often helps you from binging weekly or daily, then it can be beneficial to your success.

    It's great you can cut out foods, but when I did that (went paleo for 6 months once the wife had to go low carb and gluten free), i discovered I would binge. You can say that is lack of will power, but I call that a bad plan.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    BTW, as I am sure you are aware.. it's extremely well known that people lose large amounts of weight the first few weeks when going low carb (less carbs = less glycogen/water stored). So if you eliminate the first month, then you can actually look at how much below your TDEE you are consuming.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member

    Eat less calories than you need to maintain your weight.

    You can eat the foods you like as you just make sure it is at a deficit.

    Totally disproven nonsense. Read "A Calorie Is Not A Calorie" by Gary Taubes. Do a little Google research.

    So if you really want to lose weight, why in the world would you eat sugar-laden, carb-laden donuts? A little common sense tells you that you are better off eating 400 calories of grilled chicken or grilled fish than 400 calories of donuts or a 400-calorie bag of nacho chips.

    I'm not anti-donut or anti-nacho chip. Once you reach your goal weight, enjoy. Just weight yourself everyday. If you put on a few pounds, no more donuts and nacho chips until you get back to your goal weight.

    Do a little google research?

    Everyone do you want to start laughing hysterically first or shall I take the lead?

    Guess what cupcake googling something does not make you an authority. Nor does it make the crackpot who's webpage you google'd one.