Frustrated !!! Working out, eating right, gaining weight



  • fatbastardslim1980
    June 26th- Cookies for Dinner July 13th- No Breakfast
    27-29 June and 4, 19 July- No Food Log July 18th- No Dinner
    June 6th- No Lunch (Beer/Drink after workout) July 20th- No Breakfast
    June 7th- Breakfast Only July 24th- No Dinner
    June 12th- Beer/Drink after workout July 26th- Breakfast Only
    June 14th- No Lunch July 5th- Beer/Drink for Lunch and Dinner after workout
    June 21st -Dinner Only
    June 22nd- No Lunch
    June 23rd- No Dinner
    June 30- No Dinner

    Water intake is low and food is not being accounted for or meals are being skipped.
  • TheNewMe99
    TheNewMe99 Posts: 24
    I am frustrated right now !!!
    I have been doing circuit weight training for 6 weeks now and have been getting results with definition....
    BUT my metabolism has not kicked in, I have only lost 3 inches overall and my clothes are still tight.

    - I have added 20-40 minute cardio workouts in addition to my weight training routine in the mornings.
    - I also do hiking, mtn biking and road biking in my spare time and on my "resting" days from weight training.
    - I chart all my food and activity with myfitnesspal which I have set at 1200 calories / day and often meet that intake.
    - I have gained 10 lbs since starting 6 weeks ago.........and I keep on gaining !!!!

    I am soo frustrated right now !!

    When is my metabolism going to kick in ??

    If anyone knows my frustration and can tell me what is going on.....I would love the support as this is really getting me down. :-(

    Thanks for anyone who responds
    Rebel Red

    Things to think about ... are you pre-menopausal, insulin resistance or diabetic? You may not be losing but gaining muscle at the same time.
    Have you had your thyroid checked? I understand as I am having the same issues. I am increasing my protein and decreasing carbs.
    No white sugar or flour so no bread at all.
  • littleweavers
    June 26th- Cookies for Dinner July 13th- No Breakfast
    27-29 June and 4, 19 July- No Food Log July 18th- No Dinner
    June 6th- No Lunch (Beer/Drink after workout) July 20th- No Breakfast
    June 7th- Breakfast Only July 24th- No Dinner
    June 12th- Beer/Drink after workout July 26th- Breakfast Only
    June 14th- No Lunch July 5th- Beer/Drink for Lunch and Dinner after workout
    June 21st -Dinner Only
    June 22nd- No Lunch
    June 23rd- No Dinner
    June 30- No Dinner

    Water intake is low and food is not being accounted for or meals are being skipped.

    I noticed this as well, lots of missed meals, and choosing 'generic' listings. It's best to choose the exact brand, or break down the ingredients if it's something like a gyro.
  • LSinVA
    LSinVA Posts: 60 Member
    Diary looks incomplete. My guess is that meals are not being logged and you're guessing. If you really are only eating 300 cal on some days, I think common sense would dictate that it's not enough.

    I don't think anyone can help though because the logging seems completely inaccurate. Sometimes we have to make guesses by breaking down something we don't have a calorie count for but I'm not seeing that. Entire days are not logged... How do you really know what you're eating?

    So you're either a) eating a lot more than you are thinking or b) not logging your exercise correctly. 10 lbs seems like a lot to gain in that short of a period.
  • Cheisend
    Cheisend Posts: 1
    Hi, you need to do interval training to get your heart rate up and get your metabolism moving. Try doing 6 different exercises as many as you can do for 30 secs on 30 secs rest and then repeat 3 reps and move on to the next exercises for e.g. push ups or sit ups 30 secs on 30 secs rest 3xs. Try it it works! Your heart rate needs to be at 120-age x .9 . Good luck!
  • marticio1
    marticio1 Posts: 8
    Thank you all for your input.......
    Although 95% of my entries are complete with all meals, what I actually ate and activity posted ( all done thru myfitnesspal) , I am sure there are some of you that are not 100% all the time.

    If people bothered to read the previous posts and replies leading up to certain exchanges, things would be a lot more "understanding" with respect to what a person is going thru.

    There is such a thing as constructive criticism.....and many of you seemed to be judgmental right off the bat saying that I am lying to myself about my entries. Why lie about entries ??? Who's purpose does that ones !
    If you can't be honest and truthful with yourself......then why bother ??

    To the few that were respectful and advised that I was eating too few calories with the level of activity, I thank you as I have since adjusted my calorie intake to 1400 and lost 1.5 lbs in one day. Apparently my body was in starvation mode and taking in more calories has made my metabolism switch gears.

    If people were more understanding, compassionate and empathetic the world would be a better place.
  • ryanwood935
    ryanwood935 Posts: 245 Member
    Thank you all for your input.......
    Although 95% of my entries are complete with all meals, what I actually ate and activity posted ( all done thru myfitnesspal) , I am sure there are some of you that are not 100% all the time.

    If people bothered to read the previous posts and replies leading up to certain exchanges, things would be a lot more "understanding" with respect to what a person is going thru.

    There is such a thing as constructive criticism.....and many of you seemed to be judgmental right off the bat saying that I am lying to myself about my entries. Why lie about entries ??? Who's purpose does that ones !
    If you can't be honest and truthful with yourself......then why bother ??

    To the few that were respectful and advised that I was eating too few calories with the level of activity, I thank you as I have since adjusted my calorie intake to 1400 and lost 1.5 lbs in one day. Apparently my body was in starvation mode and taking in more calories has made my metabolism switch gears.

    If people were more understanding, compassionate and empathetic the world would be a better place.

    I don't think anyone comes in here intending to be a jerk. When we say make sure you are tracking your calories properly, please don't take it as an attack against you or your character. This gets brought up because a LOT of people guess calories, and sometimes it can be significantly off. They aren't trying to cheat themselves or us here at MFP. People come here for advice and this just happens to be a very common mistake.

    Also keep in mind that your weight will fluctuate day to day. It would be almost impossible to lose 1.5 pounds of actual mass in a single day. A lot of that was water. If some comes back, don't be disappointing. Losing weight is a slow and not always linear process.

    I'll also add that when I am cutting, I like to add in about one day a week where I eat at my maintenance calories. Helps me keep my sanity and in theory keeps my body from adapting to a lesser calorie intake. Some studies show this helps keep weight loss on track better than a constant diet, some studies don't back this up. For me, I just like to stuff my face sometimes, and it beats a cheat day where I wreck my work for the whole week!