Looking for motivated friends only

latoyaaaa Posts: 71 Member
Looking to be more motivated by having motivated friends on here

Would prefer people to add me who have a lot to lose, have an open diary and will cheer me on when I've had a good day and motivate me when I haven't

I'm on here a lot and will always motivate others as much as I can


  • annko65
    annko65 Posts: 18 Member

    My name is Anna and I desperately need motivation!
  • AmigaDona
    AmigaDona Posts: 13 Member
    unfortunately, I stopped my diet and exercising for a long time and I have gained lots of weights so I need to find someone to motivate me. I don't know what happen to me when it comes to eat, I can't stop myself then I become so depressed and eat more and more depressed etc you know, I need to back as I was in the past :(
    you can add me and I really need someone to help me and to motivate me. I am so depressed and feel lost in the path of diet.
  • latoyaaaa
    latoyaaaa Posts: 71 Member
    I'm keen to motivate others and to have people motivate me in return

    Forget yesterday and focus on today it's all that counts
    I try to take it one day at a time
    You can't eat perfect but each day try and make little decisions that are better for your body
    That's what I'm doing and I feel good
  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi! I would be happy to cheer you on and encourage you. Feel free to add me!
  • latoyaaaa
    latoyaaaa Posts: 71 Member
    Added :)
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'd be happy to have more encouraging friends! I'm losing weight after baby no.3 (she's 12 weeks old). Despite exercising all pregnancy I still gained :( so now find myself with around 30lbs to lose. I haven't actually weighed myself, that's just a guess. It might be slightly less.

    I'm aiming to get back into my UK size 10/12 (US 6/8) clothes.

    I'm working out 5 days a week and keeping active with my kids all the time. My diary is open, and I've logged in every day for over 2 years now! I did have a small break from logging my food when I was overdue, and then until my baby was 3 weeks old.
  • latoyaaaa
    latoyaaaa Posts: 71 Member
    Added :)
  • berrygirl2013
    berrygirl2013 Posts: 264 Member

    I had a great year last year and lost 22lbs and felt amazing. I wasn't doing too bad a job of keeping it off till about May when stress over exams and graduation tooks its toll, and now I've gained back nearly all of that weight. So here I am once again ready to start improving my health, fitness and life in general. I'd be more than happy to support you on your journey as well. Let's motivate each other! Feel free to add me! :)

  • arogers0541
    arogers0541 Posts: 98 Member
    I will send a request also. I am in the same boat. I am looking for motivation and to motivate others. I have have tried this so many times on my own, and this time I am determined it will be different because I will have people to hold me accountable.
  • lisa_darlene9
    lisa_darlene9 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi, I am starting back on here today,,AGAIN,,so I am with you on the motivation wagon. Please feel free to add me, and if anyone else on here would like to add me that would be awesome. Support from others dealing with the same struggles and obstacles is very helpful and encouraging. I am determined that this is my do'over an I will make it work.
    We can all get to the healthy people we are meant to be, I am not tying to get skinny ( that has never been my goal) I just want to be fit and happy with the me I know I can be. It's time for my outside to match my inside.
    We can all do this :)
  • Bellabooksa
    Bellabooksa Posts: 25 Member
    Hi, I've been doing Insanity workout DVD's and just finished month 1. I have about 45-50 lbs I'd like to lose and a month ago I started eating healthy and clean. My diary is open and I log daily. Anyone, please feel free to add me, we all need motivation and support! Good luck with your new journey :)
  • sylvianne9413
    sylvianne9413 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey! I am always motivated to lose weight and am in need of friends for support! I don't have a huge number to lose but its going to still take a lot more work to get to my goal. I am also good at keeping up with MFP everyday. Feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • chrome_princess
    chrome_princess Posts: 129 Member
    I'm in, I've been on MFP off and on for years ... and once the motivation wanes, my desire to continue wanes.

    I've got new motivation now - a bunch of health issues I'd like to resolve naturally, I have a trainer, and I'm logging again with a definite food plan.

    You motivate me, I'll motivate you. I hope. :) If not, I can at least send a couple likes your way.
    (I sound like an advertisement for a self-help seminar or something. Doh.)
  • rosanna88_
    rosanna88_ Posts: 32 Member
    I'm with you, having someone to kick your butt really helps
  • latoyaaaa
    latoyaaaa Posts: 71 Member
    Hi, I am starting back on here today,,AGAIN,,so I am with you on the motivation wagon. Please feel free to add me, and if anyone else on here would like to add me that would be awesome. Support from others dealing with the same struggles and obstacles is very helpful and encouraging. I am determined that this is my do'over an I will make it work.
    We can all get to the healthy people we are meant to be, I am not tying to get skinny ( that has never been my goal) I just want to be fit and happy with the me I know I can be. It's time for my outside to match my inside.
    We can all do this :)

    :) I don't specifically want to be skinny and tiny either
    I want to be healthy and fit, but wouldn't mind if some of the weight comes off haha
  • latoyaaaa
    latoyaaaa Posts: 71 Member
    Adding yous all now!
    Hopefully I can motivate every single one even
    No matter what you post I will try to comment and give feedback :)
  • ChampCrucial
    ChampCrucial Posts: 120 Member
    Highly motivated, log is consistent, and I throw likes, comments, and plenty of advice if asked. If you want , then lets get it!!!
  • mammakat0830
    mammakat0830 Posts: 117 Member
    You can add me, love to motivate and be motivated...
  • OhCora
    OhCora Posts: 72 Member
    I have lost a lot, and have a lot to still lose. I exercise a minimum of 5 hours a week. I am doing the Badass Dash this coming weekend. How's that? ;-)
  • ashleeyynicolex
    ashleeyynicolex Posts: 15 Member
    My name is Ashley... looking to lose 25 pounds.

    Please feel free to add me. I am looking for support!