HELP Dangerous situation ahead!!!

uh oh I need help I need help. I am at the office and I have an appointment today at 1. Usually during these lunch appointments I get them a huge lunch and desert and ofcourse I never ever eat in front of them. problem is after they leave my office is empty, so i am going to be alone with all the food and no one to keep me honest. AM I STRONG ENOUGH TO RESIST? I also have to say that I will be very stressed after the meeting because everything will be late for them. everything and all my deliveries will be late, so it will be a very bad appointment. I need help and motivation. Love you guys and thank you in advance.


  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    As soon as they leave, get rid of the food. Take the temptation away!!!! You are stronger than that!!!
    Don't give into an emotional binge just because of a bad meeting and the bad food is there. Thing about how you will feel later tonight if you do.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
  • Kella22
    Kella22 Posts: 18
    Just convince them to eat it all!! No really though grab a huge glass of ice water and drink that before you eat anything hopefully you'll be full enough to not splurge! And remember you look awesome and have lost a lot of weight and its all because of your amazing self control!! And if you have to eat any of it put it on the smallest plate possible so you trick yourself into thinking its a feast! Good Luck!! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • AnnaLeigh85
    AnnaLeigh85 Posts: 16 Member
    You can do it! Maybe grab something on the healthier side, well minus the dessert of course. Is there anywhere else in the office you can stick the food after they leave so others can pick at it? If it were me, even though it is a complete waste, I would just throw it away. That way the temptation isn't there.

    But no matter what, just remember YOU can do it. I believe that you are stronger then any craving.
  • alisons7598
    alisons7598 Posts: 162 Member
    You can do it! I know you can beat the food! Sweetestthing=1 temptation and food=0. Have faith that you have learned and won't give in because we do!
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    You can do it girl! I'm not sure what motivational speech I can give you to not eat the food up in private, but maybe if you did eat in front of your staff/clients instead of waiting until they are gone it will help curb that desire later after they leave. Also maybe you can start ordering a healthier lunch option for them. If you don't tell them they won't know. They just might enjoy the change. I'm rooting for you lady!
  • xXAlana21Xx
    xXAlana21Xx Posts: 183 Member
    try getting stuff that is secretly healthy. get stuff that tastes good but at the same time wont hold you back

    also urge them to take some with them for later- the less food in the office when they leave the better
  • trueandgenuine
    You can do it. Just believe in yourself. I am very sure that you have worked extremely hard to get where u are right now. Eating out of stress will only make u feel worst afterward. Go I with a positive mindset and knowing you will not induldge into the sinful temptations around you. I'll be praying for ya. I have faith that you will overcome. Best wishes.
  • DancingDreamer
    after they're gone why not throw the food away if you dont want it? it may seem like a waste but honestly if you're trying not to eat it there's no reason to keep it around. you can do this!
  • karen415
    start drinking tons and tons of water, fill your self up as much as possible! then takesome water and add soap to it and pur it on the food!!!!! lol except for the fruit and veggies!!!
  • doramouse
    doramouse Posts: 160
    Don't do it! You will be so happy if you don't.
    Right when they leave - either throw it away for give it to your office mates.
    If you are hungry - go get some soup at the local grocery - that is my "treat" when I am hungry and don't have anything with me.
    Get a fizzy water or something to drink
    Stay strong. Don't ruin your hard work
  • gebnpb
    gebnpb Posts: 166
    Send stuff back with them!! Tell them all to take a plate. You can do it!!!:wink:
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    Maybe you should actually eat WITH them so that you don't feel the urge to overindulge when there are witnesses.

    Then, if there aren't other people in the office that you can give the food to...THROW IT AWAY! :happy:

    Good luck!
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    Another option to throwing away all that good food is give it to the homeless! I'm not sure what kind of area you live in but I bet if you call the local shelter or a non profit organization they will be willing to come get the left overs. I hate to see food go to waste when we have so many that can benefit from it.
  • brainiac123
    Dont think about it it will only make you want it more!! Just think to yourself is that few minutes of eating worth all the guilt? or do something to take your mind off it you could even exercise, it'll make you feel loads better!! x x
  • sweetestthing
    THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! With all your help all the food is gone and brownies are in the garbage with sewing machine oil on them so I dont get any funny ideas!!! I can't believe how helpful everyone is. I am very greatful.
  • sweetestthing
    I really wanted to, but if I waited another second I would have eaten them. I will definately give something else away. I felt really bad but it was for my health I had to stick to it. Thank you for all the encouragement.
  • deandp371
    What's the clientele like? Maybe they'd prefer something lighter for lunch and no dessert? Just a thought!
  • tdixon00
    Great job being so strong! Throwing away food is so hard for me, that must have taken a lot of willpower!