stretch marks

got some around my arm pit area, stomach, etc. what causes them an is there a way to rid of them or at least make them less visible?


  • BRA_S
    BRA_S Posts: 111 Member
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,933 Member
    Prolonged over stretching of skin causes them. They are essentially scars, so you can't get rid of them.

    A.C.E. Certified Group Fitness and Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Stretch marks are tears in the connective tissue. Unfortunately, there is no way to get rid of stretch marks.
  • peachmagic
    peachmagic Posts: 57 Member
    You may not be able to get rid of them totally but you can decrease their appearance by using cocoa butter. I'm specifically using palmers cocoa butter skin therapy oil. It's my first time using this kind and I've only been using it for a few days so no big difference yet but it does get great reviews and in my opinion it smells really good!

    (Also ignore people saying you can't get rid of them. I have personal experience reducing the look of scars with cocoa butter. It can be done.)
  • AvonBell
    AvonBell Posts: 107 Member
    Stretch marks happen due to rapid stretching of the skin. It can happen to people who gain weight, gain muscle, pregnant women, and girl and boys going through puberty. You can't make them vanish but they'll fade over time.

    There are some treatments you can try to fade them a bit. If it's a new stretch mark a tretinoin cream may help. You can also try laser therapy. Mostly though, just give it time.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,933 Member
    (Also ignore people saying you can't get rid of them. I have personal experience reducing the look of scars with cocoa butter. It can be done.)
    But you didn't get rid of them right? We told him the can't get rid of them. Why would ignoring the truth be bad?

    A.C.E. Certified Group Fitness and Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    I've had great results with Cocoa Butter. Saw a difference in colour almost right away. But they are scars, so you'll never get rid of them. But think of it this way:

    These are your battle scars, what you're left with after your fight with losing weight.

    And scars are just tattoos with better stories!
  • Whiskybelly
    Whiskybelly Posts: 197 Member
    Cocoa Butter can help, but I've found that Bio-Oil has worked wonders for me. The marks are still there, but not nearly as noticeable as they once were - to the point where you only really see them in the right(wrong) light. The only thing you need to look out for, though, is that it can stain your clothing if you use too much.
  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    Cocoa Butter can help, but I've found that Bio-Oil has worked wonders for me. The marks are still there, but not nearly as noticeable as they once were - to the point where you only really see them in the right(wrong) light. The only thing you need to look out for, though, is that it can stain your clothing if you use too much.
  • workout_ninja
    workout_ninja Posts: 524 Member
    /it is like everyone else says, you cant get rid of them. However, I didnt gain a single stretch mark during pregnancy because i moisturised, moisturised, moisturised. So yeah, you can fade the ones you have, but to prevent, slap on some moisturiser - it really doesnt matter what kind you use. Im poor, so I used Nivea - does the exact same job as all those fancy cocoa butters - and it smells better too!!
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Cocoa Butter can help, but I've found that Bio-Oil has worked wonders for me. The marks are still there, but not nearly as noticeable as they once were - to the point where you only really see them in the right(wrong) light. The only thing you need to look out for, though, is that it can stain your clothing if you use too much.

    This happens naturally over time anyway though. Not saying people should avoid cocoa butter or Bio-Oil if they like it, just questioning whether it has the effect that folks are attributing to it.
  • Whiskybelly
    Whiskybelly Posts: 197 Member
    Cocoa Butter can help, but I've found that Bio-Oil has worked wonders for me. The marks are still there, but not nearly as noticeable as they once were - to the point where you only really see them in the right(wrong) light. The only thing you need to look out for, though, is that it can stain your clothing if you use too much.

    This happens naturally over time anyway though. Not saying people should avoid cocoa butter or Bio-Oil if they like it, just questioning whether it has the effect that folks are attributing to it.

    It helped to reduce the look of marks that I had for almost a decade. You're absolutely right, it isn't a miracle cure, but that doesn't mean that it's not worth using. Put it this way; I'd rather pay the £15 for another bottle and have the reduced marks than keep the money and spend it on something else.
  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    If you've got stretch marks.. you have got stretch marks. Period.
    Once the initial redness fades you are left with fine silvery scars. There is no magical way to get rid of them other than having the skin surgically removed. Personally I think that's a tad drastic. I have seen good results on surgical scars with Bio Oil. It's worth a try.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Like others have said, they are from the skin being stretched out for an extended period of time and they are permanent. but the redness will eventually fade to the point that they are not as noticeable. I have LOTS of them and don't really notices them unless I pull the skin where they are and then they are more visible...... Best of Luck
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    They do fade over time, I don't look at them as a negative and just like my other scars they are a part of who I am. Some from my pregnancies, others from gaining all my weight. I can't get rid of the scar on my chin from a stupid high school activity but I look at it and have the memory, and I feel the same with my stretch marks.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I've had them since I was a pre-teen and grew 8" taller in less than a year. :-(

    I have them on my hips, calves, the backs of my arms and breasts. They do fade, but (unfortunately) they never go away.

    Personally, mine are not tiger stripes or battle scars. I didn't get them from having a baby or gaining weight. I just grew, and that was 100% out of my control. I've had rude people point them out to me - like 'Did you know you have stretch marks on the backs of your legs?' and 'Wow - you're pretty confident to wear sleeveless with those stretch marks!'

    What I do - ignore them and live my life - do what I want, wear what I want, and ignore anyone who has a problem with it.
  • I gave you the abridged version in my previous comment because I did not feel like delving into the science of stretch marks, but since you have been told to ignore me, get ready for some MFing science. (Insert Jesse Pinkman quote here.)

    I am a pre-med student, so please do not think I am just blowing smoke up your skirt. Unless there are any dermatologists on this post who will contradict me, I daresay this will be the most accurate and informative reply to your question. K? Leggo. And you better read this. I'll know if you don't.

    Stretch marks are largely genetic. This is not to be confused with hereditarity; just because your mother (for example) did not experience stretch marks does not mean she passed the "anti-stretch mark" gene to you. My mother has 0 stretch marks and 3 children, while I have 1 child and my midsection resembles an Atlas road map. Collagen and elastin are the proteins responsible for allowing the skin to stretch. However, when the skin stretches faster than collagen and elastin can be produced (during body-building, pregnancy, weight gain, etc.), the connective tissue begins to tear, still allowing the skin to stretch further, thus creating the deep tissue scars we know and see as stretch marks. The production of the collagen and elastin proteins is determined by genetics and can be effected by hormones.

    THERE IS NO MAGIC "STRETCH MARK REMOVAL" POTION, nor is there a legitimate surgery (although some people would argue that a Tummy Tuck is a viable option, but that is neither here nor there). Educate yourself/ves in basic dermatology before you advertise a false product, like Bio-Oil, Palmer's, Strivectin, etc. The truth is that stretch marks occur in the connective tissue beneath the dermis. There is NO APPLICATION be it cream, lotion, oil, pill, or wrap that has the capacity to penetrate the dermal layers and repair the SCARS we see as "stretch marks." Cellular regeneration (the exfoliation/sloughing off of dead skin cells, and the "turning over" of new skin cells) combined with contracted blood vessels helps your stretch marks evolve from the initial purple-to-red color to flesh toned. This happens naturally and gradually. Unfortunately, people confuse this natural process with the effectiveness of moisturizing, "stretch-mark reducing" products. These products are obsolete, as there is no need to "help" the process. You cannot speed it along, no matter how many expensive products you purchase and apply to your skin. As an alternative, try focusing on building muscle in your arms. The skin will stretch around your expanding muscle(s), giving the stretch marks a less concentrated appearance. Plus, no one will care about your stretch marks if they are sitting atop a ripping bicep! Don't fret, my friend. Girls aren't as shallow as you probably think we are. :)

    Good luck!
  • peachmagic
    peachmagic Posts: 57 Member
    (Also ignore people saying you can't get rid of them. I have personal experience reducing the look of scars with cocoa butter. It can be done.)
    But you didn't get rid of them right? We told him the can't get rid of them. Why would ignoring the truth be bad?

    A.C.E. Certified Group Fitness and Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I actually did, but I know it is not always possible. It depends a lot on how long they've been there. When I was 14 I developed big purple stretch marks on my breasts, and used cocoa butter to get rid of them. They completely disappeared.
  • cheesevixen_staci
    cheesevixen_staci Posts: 153 Member
    I use a rather cheap version of cocoa butter (like Dollar General), and my stretch marks have gotten less visible. I agree nothing will take it away, but with weight loss and keeping the skin hydrated I don't believe they will be as noticeable as they are now. A lot of it is the fact my belly is so big and it makes them look bigger. The butter just helped with the discoloration mainly, and the weight loss is turning them from ditches to cracks. Best way I can explain it.