Breakfast help!!!



  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    That's really good that you have changed your view of breakfast things being for 'breakfast'

    Why do we have certain food for breakfast anyway!?!! It seems that maybe I should be having eggs for breakfast!! With crumpets??! I LOVE crumpets!! I usually eat boiled/poached egg with crumpets for my dinner though :s
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    I eat a LOT of eggs.

    I also love breakfast casseroles, as you can make them ahead and divide them into individual servings for grab and go. There are tons of great recipes online and you can add whatever ingredients you like; protein and veggies are my go-tos.

    I also love muffins, I found a great recipe for oatmeal flaxseed muffins on a blog called ueberfit this past weekend.

    I don't always eat "just" breakfast food for breakfast. Sometimes I will have some turkey franks and cottage cheese, whatever strikes my fancy that day.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • p90Xgalfitness
    p90Xgalfitness Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I use the recipes from this website for my breakfast, lunch and dinner. It helps me avoid the guesswork and plan my weekly shopping as well. Made my life very easy :) The link below list a lot of breakfast recipes. I usually make the ones with eggs. Recipes

    Hope it is helpful :)
  • johnandkymberley
    johnandkymberley Posts: 62 Member
    That's brill!! Thanks :)

    Ok so my new ideas are: anything with eggs!!! Greek yoghurt, berries, some kind of seed muffin and perhaps a crumpets here and there. I'll start out with the yoghurt first though with my grapes and move on to the muffin!! If I start to put on weight though I'm down to the grapes again!!
    Thanks everyone

  • ishiqa36
    ishiqa36 Posts: 37 Member
    I usually eat 1/2 cup egg whites, 1/2 avocado, some pan fried deli meats, whatever veggie seems yummy and in season (fresh tomatoes, sauteed spinach, mushrooms, etc) and green tea with a slice of lemon. Not including the veggie (because it varies) its about 10 carbs, 25g protein, and 302 calories. Sometimes I will put some honey in my tea if I'm feeling a little lethargic from low carb.

    Also, you could try low carb flax meal bread. There are a lot of recipes on the net for it. It's basically flax meal, eggs, a little oil, and baking powder. You could use fat free cream cheese for a spread instead of butter to keep it lower in calories. I used to make it a lot.
  • tbrume
    tbrume Posts: 1 Member
    I'm trying something new. Last night I scrambled 6 eggs added chopped onion, green peppers, mushrooms, crumbled turkey sausage and a small pinch of shredded cheese and poured them into 6 muffin tin pan and baked at 350 for 25 minutes. This morning i grabbed two and heated in the microwave and they hit the spot and I have breakfast for two more days.
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    Eggs are a very very versatile food and it seems you have many free ones at your fingertips. You can do so much with them, and they hold fairly well. I have two small children, work full time+, so I understand rushed meals. Boiled eggs are quick, and very filling. I won't spam you with links, but on days when I'm more hungry, I use my Hamilton Beach breakfast sandwich maker. You don't need sprays or oils. English muffin (or bagel thin), egg, cheese if you can afford the calories, and even veggies or pre-cooked meats. You pile it on and walk away and its all done in four minutes. Sometimes I make omelettes (1:1 ratio of whole egg and egg white) for dinner and will double them up so I can have leftovers for breakfast. Also, Pinterest is your friend. There are some great recipes there for make-ahead light egg dishes in cupcake pans. If you're not opposed to fillers, Jimmy Dean turkey sausage is great and very filling, and actually is quite tolerable if needed to be microwaved rather than pan-fried. When I feel like something different, I'll have an english muffin with sunflower butter or this stuff I picked up from Trader Joe's called "Better N Peanut Butter". Not the same as regular pb, but not bad either. First ingredient is still peanuts.
  • ve132
    ve132 Posts: 2
    Since I have to get up so early ( 4:30) and am not hungry then, I have a Quest bar for breakfast during my first break at work. The quality of the protein is excellent and there's a lot of it (20 grams). My favorite flavors are cinnamon roll and coconut cashew. They have about170 calories and are dense and chewy. Granted, they don't look very appealing but they taste fantastic!
  • optimaltouch
    optimaltouch Posts: 31 Member
  • I have 2 hard-boiled eggs for breakfast - they're delicious, low-calorie, low-carb, and filling too! No salt or anything - just the eggs.
  • ishiqa36
    ishiqa36 Posts: 37 Member
    Personally eggs and bacon won't fit into my routine and working life (mon-fri). It never has and never will. Fact.

    I was/am fine eating my bag of grapes every morning but I have realised, thanks to the people on here that I could be eating more and benefitting from it too. Hence just needing a little but of guidance, Thankyou to all the people who have been helpful :)

    If you'd like something sweet and your stomach is okay with it, how about quest bars for breakfast (maybe some iced coffee too). That's what I eat when im rushing. I now only eat them when i'm really rushing because it's pricey, but worth it imo.
  • Hey! I'm not sure if this breakfast option has already been posted by someone else but I recently discovered an awesome raw oats breakfast (and would highly recommend it!). So not only does it keep you feeling full for the longest but it's also super simple and quick to make (since you're making it in advance). Basically you take 1/4 -1/2 cup of raw oats (instant or not, doesn't really matter I think) and put it into a Mason jar with all your favorite fixings (as in fruits and spices). Then add an equal amount of milk or water (or both if you want) for the oaks to soak in. After that, you just store it in the fridge overnight and in the morning you'll have a kick *kitten* breakfast all made up for you to eat :D Here are a couple of ways I've made it....

    Option 1: 1/4 cup oats, 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk, 1/2 tsp vanilla extract, 1/2 cup blueberries (and if you must use sugar, I'd suggest going for honey or brown)

    Option 2: 1/4 cup oats, 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk, dash of cinnamon, 1/2 banana, 1/2 tsp brown sugar

    Option 3: 1/4 cup oats, 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk, 1/2 cup strawberries, dash of nutmeg

    In this case, I've gone for 1/4 cup but you can definitely have 1/2 cup and still lose weight! I started out eating 1/2 cup but then found myself feeling full after consuming only half of the mixture. Anyway all the best of luck to you!
  • bsteves06
    bsteves06 Posts: 66 Member
    How about mini meat muffins? You can google lots of receipes, they have low carb ones, paleo ones. It's basically ground meat, and egg, some grated veggies, salsa, if you want..cheese, and some flax to hold them together and you bake them in muffin cups/
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    Your calorie intake looks a little low so you should have some room to play with your breakfast. I usually opt for an apple or banana and yogurt. You could also try some granola or something with 2% milk. Hard boiled eggs are a great thing to make ahead of time and easy to grab on your way out. Maybe some slices of cheese and tomato slices with black pepper as well. You can definitely afford some more calories to get up to that 1200 recommended minimum. Fruit is a good way to do that, toast and peanut butter and honey (yum!).
  • katieca123
    katieca123 Posts: 70 Member
    Not sure of the nutritional info off the top of my head, but here are two of my favorite breakfast sandwiches:

    Egg, cheddar cheese, tomato, sriracha sauce on an english muffin
    Egg, tomato, and avocado on an english muffin

    Also, have you tried overnight oats? It's a great way to reap the nutritional benefits of oatmeal and it has a lot of flavor. You'd have to look up the exact recipe, but it only requires yogurt, milk, oats, and whatever mix ins you desire.

    Also, eggs baked inside of an avocado is really good for you too.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Left overs from supper ( protein, veg)

    I do that a lot, for simplicity's sake, and b/c I dislike overly eggy-tasting food.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Egg Frittatas are so yummy. You can have leftovers for any meal,or use just for breakfast.Here is one with lots of ideas.
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    Egg Muffin Tin (Egg White/Egg Mixture Ground Turkey, Sage, Onions, Mushrooms)

    - I take a big bowl and mix 2/3rds Egg White to Eggs and then add cooked Ground Turkey, Sausage, Peppers, Onions, Mushrooms, Cheese, Bacon (or Turkey for less calories). Anything you can think of then I pour that mixture into Large Muffin Tins (I went and bought one that you can make 12 at a time). Throw that in the oven till eggs are cooked and done. It's extremely easy to portion and I typically will eat 2 a day. It's been a while since I've made them but they're high in protein and low in calories.

    Overnight Oatmeal (tons of flavor options we both pick one and try them out)
    - Saw a website that had a ton of these I just can't find it quickly right now. A Google/MFP search should find them.
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    I need calories now to maintain tho i have had more or less the same breakfasts over the past near 2yrs just the serving size has changed.,.

    fav. I sometimes have green tea instead of the protein shakes but the 1st shake always come in by the first meal break

    either 4 wheetbix and 250ml of light milk + 35g Whey Protein powder shake (600ml)
    Oats - 90g + 150ml of Light milk and some fruit + 35g Whey Protein powder shake (600ml)

    Egg Frittatta
    microwave bowl sprayed with light oil
    2 Jumbo Eggs + 1 Jumbo egg white, 30-40g of Mushrooms, 30g of Capsicum chopped, 80-100ml of light milk all mixed together and in the microwave on high for 3 and a half minutes, and hey presto
    then add 1-2 slices of multigrain bread + 35g Whey Protein powder shake (600ml)
    spraying the oil stops it sticking so you can turn it out onto a plate. also add tomato in sometimes tho that makes it more watery.
  • mgleason01
    mgleason01 Posts: 78 Member
    Egg white scramble with spinach, peppers, mushroom and onion + canadian bacon + strawberries and/or blackberries. If you want to add some creaminess and flavor to your eggs, add a wedge of laughing cow swiss cheese.