LGBT, Pagan, Gamers, Geeks?

Just looking for some more friends to support and be supported by and I would love to meet some people I can relate to. So anyone LGBT, Pagan, or loves things like video gaming, roleplaying and art/music? Books? Loose-leaf tea? Geeky folks?


  • scarletrayne19
    scarletrayne19 Posts: 35 Member
    I don't identify as LGBT but both my parents do and my step-brother also, so yeah.

    Videogames? Mega check.
    Roleplaying? Check.
    Music? Super-duper check.
    Geek? Check.
    Loose-leaf tea? Too messy for me, I prefer mine in a bag :P

    Btw ... nice hair :)
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    video time. I'd rather read
    Reading...absolutely a ton of reading
    loose leaf tea-sometimes. It takes more prep and I can't always at work
    geek? Sure if that's what you wanna go with.
    pagan...nah I think all religions are equally silly, but thats just me.
  • siratlas
    siratlas Posts: 239 Member
    LGBT & pagan here :)

    I love art/music
    Books, oh how I love reading ...there's nothing quite like the smell of a book.
    Horror movies, indie films, documentaries
    Shows I can geek out over

    I don't really do roleplaying...well, except for the bdsm kind and I don't think that's quite what was meant lol.

    Feel free to add me if you think I'd be the kind of person you'd like supporting you on your journey~
  • arshness
    arshness Posts: 60
    Too messy? Not if you use a proper gravity steeper :) Besides it tastes so much better. Tea loving is a good thing regardless. Tea is just one of my passions. I'm on Steepster. :)

    @Scarlet my hair is always this color. (Has been for over 7 years). I like to say I'm a natural bluenette :)

    @Shadow I don't care if you don't care about religion. I just tire of being constantly bombarded by religions I don't agree with, hence preferring pagans as friends. Tho, even some pagans can be the bombardy type. It's just less common than I find in other faiths. I have Christian friends too... just it's harder to find good ones. Tho I've been told a lot of that has to do with living in the South. Ugh. >_<

    And @Siratlas Nothing's wrong with BDSM <3 I did mean like... pen and paper tho haha. :)

    And I realized I didn't say it before. I'm a lesbian, together with my life-mate for over 14 years now. And I love good stories any way I get them. Books, movies, shows, roleplaying, video games... guess you could sum that up to "I love good stories". :)
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Trans/genderqueer, panromantic asexual, gamer geek... who used to practice wicca but hasn't in many years (but still finds it and paganism extremely interesting) and always open for new friends. :)
  • PaperKranes
    PaperKranes Posts: 9 Member
    I'm queer and pagan. I love tea in most all forms, and read a lot. :) Unfortunately, I'm as out of the gaming world as my grandparents... But feel free to add me!
  • judipatootie
    judipatootie Posts: 51 Member
    what is LGBT?
  • MisspelledMe
    MisspelledMe Posts: 33 Member
    Atheist (but okay with other people's beliefs as long as they're nice to me)
    Also living in the South
    Closest thing I do to gaming is Plants vs Zombies or Bejeweled
    Geekishly-inclined but not nearly qualified enough to be a full-blown geek (alas)
    Sporadic writer and artist (thank you, crazybrain)
    Love to read but don't read stories that aren't fanfiction nearly enough (could spend weeks blissfully wandering through a bookstore or library, though *____*)
    Love tea. Haven't had a chance to try very much loose-leaf stuff, though
    Would spend all of my money on music if I could (and if I had any)

    Love your bluenette hair, by the way. Blue's my favorite color. :3

    Always enjoy meeting new friends.
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    I'm a 'straight ally', if you don't mind the term. Generally considered a bit of an oddball. I was Wiccan for a long time, but these days I'm agnostic. LOVE gaming, and general geekery; I also love art (my hobby is photography), many types of music and reading (fantasy or horror preferrably, but not exclusively.) I also like to write. I hate tea but I log honestly every day, happy to have new buddies. :-)
  • Sugartoes44
    Gamer chick here! Add me :)
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    what is LGBT?

    Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender :smile:
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    I'm straight and married, but I love a great story as well. I play PC RPG's as well as Xbox based ones. I also play D&D with my husband and some friends. I'm always reading or listening to an audiobook while I'm working out.

    I consider myself Christian, but run with the belief that God is Love and to exclude a group of people for being different is NOT love and therefore NOT part of God's plan.

    Feel free to add :smile: Oh and I like peppermint tea..
  • 1nsomniac13
    1nsomniac13 Posts: 133 Member
    I'm straight and married, but have zero issues with the LGBT community (plus the wife and I swing, so we buck the societal norm, in any case).

    Non-religious (doesn't really fit into my lifestyle, you know?)

    Video Games - Been a gamer for thirty years
    RPGs - Been a GameMaster for Shadowrun, 7th Sea, CthulhuTech and All Flesh Must Be Eaten for 15 years.
    Art - Life without music would be horrible.... (wish I could play an instrument). Write fiction of all sorts.

    Geek - Card-carrying geek and damn proud of it. :)
  • danger_kitteh
    danger_kitteh Posts: 301 Member
    Videogames? Yup, but I never seem to finish them. Maybe today I'll work on Ni no Kuni.
    Roleplaying? Does in the bedroom count?
    Music? OH yes. I'll listen to just about anything and love new music suggestions.
    Geek? Barely concealed geeky fangirl over here.
    Loose-leaf tea? I love tea - but nothing flowery or overly fruity based. blech. Major coffee drinker too
    Books? I love to read but lately haven't had much patience or concentration to sit and read.
    Religion? I can take it or leave it.
    Orientation? Mostly straight and married.
  • xixshaiyaxix
    xixshaiyaxix Posts: 83 Member
    Hello ^-^ I am Pagan and a bit of a geek (book fiend). I love video games- mmorpg and anything that is fun. I love music- all types (from new age to metal)- my favorite band is Tool. I am "straight", and married also, but I have no problem with LGBT. Nice to meet you. <(^-^)>*hugs*
  • icck
    icck Posts: 197 Member
    LGBT? Check.

    Pagan? Check. I run my local moot and am very involved in the community.

    Video games? Check. I love RPGs.

    Roleplay? Sort of.

    Art/music? Check. Anything!

    Books? Check. Fantasy and science fiction, and classics, and fanfiction, and and and, I love reading.

    Loose-leaf tea? Sort of. I'm not picky with tea, but I do enjoy it loose-leaf occasionally.

    Geeky? Check.
  • adlace
    adlace Posts: 375 Member
    +1 for good stories! Can't find one I like? I'll pen my own. And considering that story is about a lot of things mentioned here-- thumbs up in support and solidarity :happy:
  • arshness
    arshness Posts: 60
    Hello everyone! Good to meet a bunch of like-minded folks.
    (Including those who are straight but allies or Christian but not haters. I am not excluding because I'm a hater. I am just tried of haters.)
    It's amazing how alone you can feel somewhere that seems full of "normal" people until you speak out and ask and then find that there's way more kindred spirits about than you thought. It's a thing I'm experiencing a lot of right now because my local community is small and super Christian and backwards (read: intolerant) and I'm setting up a pagan temple in the area, so I constantly find myself in this situation of being the weird one who stands up and asks "So anyone else weird here?" Haha. :)

    Glad to meet you all!
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    I'm bisexual, love to play Pathfinder (working on getting a DM at the moment). I'm not big on video games (I'd rather be outside or reading sciency stuff). I love to read sci-fi or fantasy books and watch sci-fi/fantasy movies. I've had a lot of success on MFP (50lbs! Whoo!!!) Feel free to add me. I'm not around much because I work all day and go to school all night. I'm out of my apartment from 8am-11pm every M-F and I tend to avoid sitting on the computer on my off days. I end up feeling like I accomplished nothing. And I'm rambling again. . . Potential friends make me nervous. People make me nervous. I'm a mess. :cry:
  • cHaRlIe0411
    cHaRlIe0411 Posts: 137 Member
    I'm a big video game fan! In fact, I study in video game creation in university. Big fan of Legend of Zelda!

    I also LOVE reading, and am a writer myself. Love video game/ instrumental music!