Hello! :)

Hello everybody!!
I am proud to announce that I am confident enough to join this WEBSITE!! AND to tell you all my story.
I always had a weight problem, ever since I was a little girl. I was the chubby one out of the group through out elementary until now.
I was staying at a good 200, in 2008. My dad dies in 2009, and my weight rises.. because my mother (also had weight problems) bought out McDonalds every day, for every meal. She couldn't cook because of the loss of my dad. I gained up to 350, and in 2010, my mother dies. I am 14 then. My sister comes and takes over.. and since my sister couldn't hold a car for long, I walked everywhere. I lost over 125 pounds in over 3 years of being with her. She moves out last January, and my weight went up about 25 pounds, eating out of depression, stress, and just boredom. Nobody to stop me.. so why not stay at it?
I moved to Pennsylvania about 2 months later, and my aunt tries to take me to the gym, and it worked but I didn't lose.
After I graduated high school, my family tried putting me on the Atkins' Diet and it worked for about a week and then I GOT sick of eating EGGS everyday.. so I stopped it.
AND NOW WE ARE HERE TODAY, I started Advocare, July 28th, 2014. Please make sure you have a lot of water and a STRONG bladder while doing this diet. :)
I am now 18, 255.8 pounds, and I don't care but my family does, so I'm doing this diet for their sake <3.

Anyway, here's my story, what's yours?


  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi! I would be happy to cheer you on! Feel free to add me!
  • leiggilybuff
    leiggilybuff Posts: 3 Member
    You can do this!! Add me so I can cheer you on!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I would suggest just using the little money you have only for real foods and not buying any type of weight loss products. You do not need them. It makes me sad to see someone struggling to waste money on things that aren't needed.

    Just use this free website, log your calories correctly and move a little if you can. ALL FOR FREE! Best of luck. So sorry you lost your loved ones. The people on this site will be there for you, make lots of friends to help you on your way. DON'T get sucked into weight loss gymics!
    xALEXANDROx Posts: 3,416 Member
    Add me for motivation and support
  • lindsayomalley
    lindsayomalley Posts: 32 Member
    That is so wonderful. Not only will you feel better about yourself but you will feel better, in general. Feel free to add me! And by the way, although you say you are doing this for your family, do it for yourself, too. You will be happier and healthier!!
  • Tinalooser
    Tinalooser Posts: 6 Member
  • brittaneysmith
    I have a similar story and have lost 71 pounds since Feb 2014 so feel free to add me for motivation and support!!
  • DJBootyBean
    DJBootyBean Posts: 13 Member
    Wow! What a story! Good luck to you! Feel free to add me for additional support/weird stories that might make you giggle.