Running Advice?

I am happy to report that I have just begun week 8 of Couch to 5k and completed day one - 28 minutes of solid running - with no issue. Eight weeks ago, I could never have accomplished this milestone. I see no reason why the final week of running - 30 solid minutes - will be an issue. This is a huge personal success and I am extremely proud of myself. I can't say that enough.


(There's always a but, isn't there?)

BUT... I have some issues. I need MFP's advice, please.

During this process, I have been singularly focused on run times rather than distance. The app I'm using on my iPhone doesn't specify distance, just duration. So when I say I can run for 28 minutes solid, I mean it. I don't stop and I don't walk.

However, my actual pace is... well... slow. It's not a run so much as a jog. (I hate to admit that.) In order to complete the 28 minutes, I am running at slow jog to very slow jog to very, very slow jog. I can "run" 1.77 miles in 28 minutes, making my average pace about 15 minutes/mile.

I was really hoping to sign up for a 5k in September (about 3-4 weeks after I finish the C25k program) but I am concerned that I'm too slow. :/ It would probably take me the better part of an hour at this point, and that seems pretty sad for a 5k time.

Is this another issue of just needing to be patient? Will I just naturally get faster as I run more?

Does anyone have any suggestions about how to increase speed? I have had SO MUCH success with using a training app. Is there another one out there that can help me use interval training (like maybe short sprints between jogs) to increase my speed?

Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.


  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Yes, you are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing and focusing on completing the time.

    Yes, new runners get faster simply by running more. Another way to increase your speed (even though it won't feel like it!) is to find a route with hills to do once a week. You'll feel like you're trudging up them, and you will be, but after a few weeks you'll find your overall speed increases.

    And yes, go ahead and enter your 5K no matter how slowly you think you run!

    I'm sure there are apps that allow you to program intervals, but you don't need those yet.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Yep, be patient. It's common, I would say way more common than not, to finish C25k not being able to run 5k within 30 minutes.

    If you think that it will bother you to have a longer 5k time, you can often check last year's race results online for different races. That way you could pick a race where there are more people in your time range. The first 5k I ran had a ton of slower people (like me.) The second one, I had a big improvement to my time (still in the 35 minute range) and I was the 5th to last runner. Different races draw different participants but there are so many 5ks that you can usually find one that fits you well. I will say, though, that every 5k I've been to has been really good support-wise. The people who finish earlier and their family and friends are good cheerleaders for the later finishers.
  • Dedulaney
    Dedulaney Posts: 31 Member
    5Ks are great because it's getting you in the positive environment and lets you run with others in various levels of fitness. It's not about just gauging yourself or against others but about completing something as best you can with others wanting the same goal. It can be a great motivator, both after racing and training for the next. After my first 5K, I knew where I wanted to improve and immediately looked for the next race so that I gave myself a timeline to train towards. So go for it! It may seem slow but the endurance and cardiovascular improvement will come. Just hafta have the patience and keep pushing.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    At this point in the game, the more you run the faster you will get. It really is that simple.

    Focus on the program with the running times. Keep on going with it. Once you get to that last week I would just keep repeating it up until race week and your times WILL come down just simply by putting the miles in.


    It will keep you motivated. On race day.....dont start out too fast or it could doom you! Y
  • Marlitharn
    Marlitharn Posts: 36 Member
    My fastest 5k time so far is 54 minutes and I was by no means the last. Turtles might flip me the bird while passing me on the right, but I don't care 'cause I get a t-shirt. And every time I'm just a little faster. Go for it!
  • TAsunder
    TAsunder Posts: 423 Member
    Pretty standard. I think I was running for 45 minutes straight and only then hitting a 5k after c25k. I noticed that I could walk as fast as I could run at that time. I was disheartened until I realized that before c25k I could still walk that fast, but couldn't run for more than 30 seconds, and now I could run 45 minutes.
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    If you're really looking to up your speed, after c25k is over, maybe consider setting up small competitions for yourself.
    I'm new to running as well, and when I run long distances, I basically end up holding running form, but I'm running so slow that I mind as well be walking. So lately, I've decided to run shorter distances, but attempt to do them faster.
    Again, new to running, but an example:
    I headed out last Friday and did 1.2k; that's not a particularly long distance, and I completed it in 8 minutes, but that means that I was doing closer to a 12min mile pace, where when I run longer, I get into things that resemble more like the 15-18 minute mile. I did the same run yesterday, but shaved 12 seconds off my time, and that was a great feeling, because it meant I was running faster and pushing myself harder.
    I'm planning to start setting a goal at the beginning of each week to try to get slightly faster, and then, once I hit my time goal, increase the distance (say to 1.6k, which would be a mile) and repeat.
  • klsbenzel
    klsbenzel Posts: 1 Member
    Stick with it!! Don't give up. You will get faster. I am sure there are apps out there that will program intervals for you to follow. Even a simple one minute fast, one minute recovery segment will work, or add a fartlek session to a run once per week -- it doesn't have to be structured.

    I'm with everyone else in encouraging you to sign up for the race. When that day comes, definitely don't start off too fast, but you might also be surprised what kind of energy and motivation fellow runners and race day adrenaline can provide!

    You're making huge gains. Again, stick with it!
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    I'm just here to say that I'm a slow runner too. I'm down to about a 12-13 minute mile now, but started around 17. I'm still considered quite slow in my "group", but that's ok with me. At least I'm doing more that the people on their couches watching tv, right?! :laugh: Now that you have the stamina to jog for 28 minutes, just keep doing it. You'll find that your speed will increase naturally as you continue.

    And way to go on completing the program! :flowerforyou:
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    My fastest 5k time so far is 54 minutes and I was by no means the last. Turtles might flip me the bird while passing me on the right, but I don't care 'cause I get a t-shirt. And every time I'm just a little faster. Go for it!

    ^^ This! OMG This. And, I just literally laughed out loud in my office!

    OP - sign up for the race. You can RUN - and don't discredit yourself by saying you only jog - a 5K. It's mind over matter. At this point, you can run 28 minutes so there is no reason you can't run 30 minutes, or 35 minutes. AND, to be quite honest, even if you choose to walk portions of the race, there is no shame in being last! There will be others that walk the whole thing and there will be people that finish in 17 minutes. Worry about YOU, and you alone!

    I would worry MUCH less about your speed, and start working on your distance, or just running further time wise which will equal further distance.

    Tell yourself you are going to run an extra minute each time you go out. It is ONLY a mintue, right? Anyone can run an extra minute. Or, just start running further -- pick a stopping point you have never made it to before -- the neighbor's mailbox, the stop sign at the end of the road, or an extra lap at the track. Small gains each time out with get you there in no time.

    I preach, preach, preach to all my running friends that there are no SHOULDS in running. What you do is what you do. It's so uniquely you and it's all great!
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I'm new to running as well, and when I run long distances, I basically end up holding running form, but I'm running so slow that I mind as well be walking. So lately, I've decided to run shorter distances, but attempt to do them faster.

    For a newbie runner most speed gains come from adding distance, Rather than focusing on adding metres to a very short distance, focus on adding time to a longer distance, and the speed comes with that.

    Many people who finish C25K can't complete the dsitance in 30 minutes, but by adding to the 5K distance, perhaps as much as going onto a 10K programme, the time for the 5Km comes down.

    From a personal perspective, my 5Km time reduced by several minutes when I trained to 10Km. I started at about 34 minutes for 5Km, and got down to 27 minutes by the time I was running 10Km. Now that I'm on a half marathon programme I'm down to 24 minutes. I now rarely run less than 10Km, but the speed is improving steadily.

    I'd also note that speedwork; intervals, tempos and Fartlek runs don't really deliver much benefit until the aerobic base is built by running longer distances.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Believe it or not, you're not going to get faster by running faster. You'll get faster by building slow, easy miles. Add more time on your feet and you'll get rewarded in the long run.
  • wapan
    wapan Posts: 219 Member
    During the race, you will run faster. It just happens with the adrenaline and the excitement and the crowds. However, to increase your speed in the meantime:
    1. Run with faster people. You'll find that you'll challenge yourself more.
    2. Run using the 10 to 1 cycle. 10 minutes of faster running with a 1 minute walking break.
    3. Intervals of any kind. I generally use a 2 min slow - 1 min fast but I've seen 3 min slow, 30 secs REALLY FAST.
    4. Hills as a previous poster mentioned are also amazing.

    - remember to ice your muscles after running. speed training can be hard on the muscles.
  • CarlaMomOf4
    CarlaMomOf4 Posts: 138 Member
    Agree with all the other posters. Keep pushing on and it will get better and better! SIGN UP!!! You won't regret it. It's an amazing experience!! :happy:
  • Regan45
    Regan45 Posts: 191 Member
    I'm new to running also. I started in late May. The first time I ran three miles it took me 48 minutes. My daughter has been training me by doing intervals, hills and long distances. My first 5K time was 31:55. I was so excited! We started by running three days a week and now four. Rest days are very important.
    Definitely do the 5K! It will keep you excited about running and wanting to better yourself. Enjoy!
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    Also if you are trying to increase your 5k speed on your training runs run farther I would say keep just ruinning (jogging) till you can go for 60 minutes non stop by them im am sure your 5k speed will be around 30 minutes.
  • alexapatel
    alexapatel Posts: 87 Member
    I ran my first 5K last year in 40 minutes. This year I did a 5K in 37 minutes. I am by no means fast and by no means last! I have found that running with a bunch of people in a 5K is the only way I really improve my speed. When I run on my own and do a 5k, I don't see much improvement. The atmosphere of everyone there running and trying to kick butt will definitely help. Go do your 5K and give it your all! You will improve over time!
  • fan_of_fit
    fan_of_fit Posts: 17 Member
    I am happy to report that I have just begun week 8 of Couch to 5k and completed day one - 28 minutes of solid running - with no issue. Eight weeks ago, I could never have accomplished this milestone. I see no reason why the final week of running - 30 solid minutes - will be an issue. This is a huge personal success and I am extremely proud of myself. I can't say that enough.


    (There's always a but, isn't there?)

    BUT... I have some issues. I need MFP's advice, please.

    During this process, I have been singularly focused on run times rather than distance. The app I'm using on my iPhone doesn't specify distance, just duration. So when I say I can run for 28 minutes solid, I mean it. I don't stop and I don't walk.

    However, my actual pace is... well... slow. It's not a run so much as a jog. (I hate to admit that.) In order to complete the 28 minutes, I am running at slow jog to very slow jog to very, very slow jog. I can "run" 1.77 miles in 28 minutes, making my average pace about 15 minutes/mile.

    I was really hoping to sign up for a 5k in September (about 3-4 weeks after I finish the C25k program) but I am concerned that I'm too slow. :/ It would probably take me the better part of an hour at this point, and that seems pretty sad for a 5k time.

    Is this another issue of just needing to be patient? Will I just naturally get faster as I run more?

    Does anyone have any suggestions about how to increase speed? I have had SO MUCH success with using a training app. Is there another one out there that can help me use interval training (like maybe short sprints between jogs) to increase my speed?

    Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    focus on completing the 5k first. Then take it mile by mile to work up your speed buy running single miles at a time, rather than trying to run 3 miles at a quicker speed. just remember that you're still moving faster than those sitting on the couch :)
  • newhealthykim
    newhealthykim Posts: 192 Member
    I did my first 5K on July 13 without the couch25K app. My goal was to finish. I had already been walking 2.4 miles in 40 minutes, so I was pretty confident I could finish in 1 hour and 15 minutes (last finisher of the previous year). I'm in Texas, so I knew it would be hot, but I wanted to do it. I trained very little. I did my first 3.1 miles 3 days before the race, but I completed it. The day of the race I was nervous about screwing something up, but they had a walker group. I knew I was going to walk most of it. My time ended up being 52:22 minutes. I loved it! I got so addicted, I couldn't wait for my next one. I'm signed up for another on Aug. 30, and another one on Sept. 21 after my couch25K is completed. I'm so dedicated to the idea of being a runner that no one will stop me. I am writing all this to tell you that you won't be laughed at. You won't be mocked. You won't be slowing everyone down. It sounds intimidating, but there were a lot of people slower than me. There were some people that looked heavier than me. In the end, it so worth it, and I'm so eager for my next 5K and the one after. I'm completely and totally addicted.
  • getrealgirl
    getrealgirl Posts: 201 Member
    Congratulations! I am beginning week 3 and you have inspired me to keep on pushing. I too am S-L-O-W, but I just keep going. Let us know how it goes for you!