Caffeine chew opinions

Hey folks,

I'm currently training for my first half marathon and have being doing some reading on training plans and nutrition. A couple of articles I've come across have recommended taking a caffeine chew (or gel with caffeine added) to give you a boost halfway. I do tend to lag on the latter part of longer runs and already use energy gels (without caffeine).

I have noticed a difference with the gels but have felt hungry on long runs and like the idea of texture rather than just gloop. Does anyone use caffeine chews? Do they really make a difference?


  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    On my long runs, I like Honey Stinger chews that have caffeine. They have lemon lime and cherry cola flavors that have caffeine. I think the caffeine does give you a nice boost. I know that GU also has caffeinated gels, in case you prefer to gel as you run instead of chew.
  • Pectinbean
    Pectinbean Posts: 62 Member
    That's great, thanks! I'll check them out.
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    Gu Chomps. Peach tea has 40mg caffeine, cranberry has 20mg. I usually go with the peach tea. Sports Beans are also available with caffeine, but I prefer the chewy texture of Chomps.