Helllllllo everyone!

I lost about 40 lbs 4 and a half years ago when I was single. I was in the best shape of my life. Then 5 months later I met my boyfriend and lost my job. So I was unemployed and in love for 8 months straight. I ATE EVERYTHING I COULD. haha. He took me out to eat whenever. We then moved in together after a year and my man LOVES to cook and eat sweets although he is in incredible shape. Thusly i gained the 40lbs back plus an additional 20 lbs. NO BEUNO. I am about an inch taller than my boyfriend and with all this extra weight I look massive next to him (in my mind). My knees hurt, im 26! I went to Bonnaroo this year (4 day music festival in Tennessee) and almost died because I was so out of shape!

So now 18 days from my 27th birthday im ready to get it together again. Im not engaged yet but i don't want to be out of shape and uncomfortable when I am. Who wants to starve themselves to be fit for a wedding on top of the stress weddings bring?! NOT I! I also want children and its dangerous and just way harder to do when you are overweight and out of shape. I lost a friend this year from complications during the birth of her twins. Cant help but think if she was more in shape... healthier...

So I would definitely appreciate support and plan on supporting any AND EVERYONE on this journey. Its my second time and I know this will be difficult but I AM READY!


  • ohaston
    ohaston Posts: 218 Member
    Girl, I know about being in love .. I followed the same course as you did ... (been married for a little of a year) and My husband loves to cook (exotic foods too, well not exotic but definitely gourmet) ... and like magic, I BLEW UP!!!!
    Welcome aboard, Love the natural locs and you're welcome to send me a friend request.

    ALSO, Im so sorry to hear about your friend ... Thats sooo soo sad .. My actually about to be a "STEP" grandmother (omg, I cant believe I just said that, YUK) ... My husband's son is about to have twins ... Lord, be with them !
  • shanlivestrong
    shanlivestrong Posts: 27 Member
    I've gained 40lbs since meeting my boyfriend 5 years ago. He's very tall and slim and I feel so big next to him and unattractive. He loves his fast food. He loves meaty, cheesy, greasy food and everything dipped in ranch and I would be right there beside him doing the same thing. He doesn't gain a single lb and I've gained 40! It's been extremely hard this past month watching him come in the house 2-3 times a week with Italian Cheese Bread while I munch on my turkey burgers and fruit bars.
    I've definitely learned to put myself first during this journey because for so long I ignored what my body needed in order to spend more time with him. I know now that though he's very important in my life, I need to treat myself as the most important. It's not selfish, it's what I have to do in order to be around for the ones I love the way I want to. I want to lose 100lbs by June 2015 and so far I'm down 10.8! I can use all the support/motivation I can get...
    I also want to start blogging/vlogging/instagraming my journey; I just don't know where to start.
  • msbran77
    msbran77 Posts: 63 Member
    You can add me
  • pnkpassion
    pnkpassion Posts: 64 Member
    I have the same thing in common with all of you! Husband has an amazing metabolism and here I am gaining weight from looking at food wrong! I am 2 inches shorter than him but feel much taller and bigger. My initial goal is to lose 60lbs, I was my healthiest in my life 60lbs ago..lol my how quickly time flies. My ultimate goal however is to lose about 100lbs and to be able to wear what the hell I want.

    Add me for additional support!
  • shellecollins
    shellecollins Posts: 89 Member
    My journey to self love has been a lonely and a very very long one! My partners have always been fit and active- me thinking it'd rub off on me, which didn't. Being the biggest person I know, no one understands why I feel the way I feel, or the motivation I lack. I'm in desperate need of some "friends" to help me on my walk to a better life!
  • pnkpassion
    pnkpassion Posts: 64 Member
    Hi Shelle!!! You got this, believe in yourself!
  • mysmileighs
    mysmileighs Posts: 103 Member
    My story is almost exactly parallel to yours! I was 20 pounds away from goal when I met my boyfriend last year and we've both gained a significant amount of weight, just from being happy and going out to eat, etc. We're also living together, and he's an excellent cook as well! :)

    We're both trying to get back on track so we can be healthier, and I agree with you, I don't want to be overweight shopping for a wedding dress!

    We got this! Feel free to add me! :flowerforyou: