4 day workout split options??

Hi, I am just looking for a suggestion on how to split my workouts. Currently, I'm training for a tough mudder and am weight training 4 days a week to build strength and running 3-4 days a week to build cardio endurance. I have been doing the same split for a few months now and am super bored. Two days a week I do Chest, Shoulders, and Tris and I alternate that with two days of legs and back. What splits work for you guys?


  • PDT816
    PDT816 Posts: 6
    Last time I mixed things up I found this page. Seemed to offer some pretty good advice for my personal goals.

  • TimTomakin
    TimTomakin Posts: 23 Member
    I really like my upper/lower split.

    Monday - Upper body
    Tuesday - Lower body
    Wednesday - Rest
    Thursday - Upper body
    Friday - Lower body
    Sat/Sun - Rest

    One upper day I do all compound lifts and the second upper day I do isolation lifts. Both leg days I go as heavy as possible until failure. I can handle 2 exercises per body part per workout but 1 exercise per body part is plenty.
  • shirleygirl1013
    shirleygirl1013 Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks. I will check this out. i know that every once in awhile we should mix it up. I dont want to plateau.
  • shirleygirl1013
    shirleygirl1013 Posts: 55 Member
    What compund lifts do you do on upper body day? I'm thinking bench press, incline press, shoulder press, any other ones you recommend?
  • Rckabllykttn
    Rckabllykttn Posts: 3 Member
    I really like my upper/lower split.

    Monday - Upper body
    Tuesday - Lower body
    Wednesday - Rest
    Thursday - Upper body
    Friday - Lower body
    Sat/Sun - Rest

    One upper day I do all compound lifts and the second upper day I do isolation lifts. Both leg days I go as heavy as possible until failure. I can handle 2 exercises per body part per workout but 1 exercise per body part is plenty.

    I do pretty much the same split, but do cardio on Wednesday instead of a full rest.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    This is hands down my favorite routine so far:

  • I'm not one for 4 day splits. I have the belief that you can get everything you need done in 3 days of weight lifting only doing compound exercises. I use Bill Starr 5x5 and recommend a 5x5 program to anyone. It is really hard not to get bored with a 5x5 because you are constantly progressing each week. Every week the workout gets heavier and becomes more challenging.

    I really only recommend splits to people who are into body building. To get stronger I suggest 5x5
  • TimTomakin
    TimTomakin Posts: 23 Member
    I do pretty much the same split, but do cardio on Wednesday instead of a full rest.

    I wish I could fit in cardio on Wednesdays but after my leg day all my energy goes towards lifting myself off the toilet lol
  • shirleygirl1013
    shirleygirl1013 Posts: 55 Member
    I tried to do 5x5 but I had problems bc first I am at planet fitness and they don't have benches and racks just smith machines and second I dont have a workout buddy or anyone to help. I can always switch and get a trainer but I am weighing my options now.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    I tried to do 5x5 but I had problems bc first I am at planet fitness and they don't have benches and racks just smith machines and second I dont have a workout buddy or anyone to help. I can always switch and get a trainer but I am weighing my options now.

    If your gym only has a smith or bench, I'd get a new gym
    Because squats and deadlifts are amazing and I <3 them.
    You can only progress so far with goblet squats before the weight is too heavy for you to hold but not heavy enough for you legs.
  • TimTomakin
    TimTomakin Posts: 23 Member
    What compund lifts do you do on upper body day? I'm thinking bench press, incline press, shoulder press, any other ones you recommend?

    Here's my exact compound upper body day to give you some ideas.

    Chest - Flat bench press and incline bench press (barbell one week, dumbbells the next week)
    Back - Bent over barbell row and lat pull down
    Shoulders - Seated dumbbell press and side laterals
    Tricep - Close grip flat bench press and tricep push downs with rope
    Biceps - Standing barbell curl and barbell preacher curl

    Like I said, one exercise per muscle is plenty.
  • I loath Planet Fitness for many reasons. like 603reader said get a new gym that has actual squat racks. You can only progress so far with dumbbells.
  • shirleygirl1013
    shirleygirl1013 Posts: 55 Member
    What do you do on the other lower body day? I might try this one out this week. This looks like something that could work for me.
  • shirleygirl1013
    shirleygirl1013 Posts: 55 Member
    I know, and I use the smith machine and it is just not the same. Weird positioning for squats.
  • patrickblo13
    patrickblo13 Posts: 831 Member
    I do a 4 day split. Basically I am focusing on one of the main compound lifts each day then adding in assistance type work:

    Monday: Squat
    Tuesday: OHP/Row
    Wednesday: Rest
    Thursday: Deadlifts
    Friday: Bench
  • TimTomakin
    TimTomakin Posts: 23 Member
    What do you do on the other lower body day? I might try this one out this week. This looks like something that could work for me.

    My lower body routine:

    Leg extension machine
    Straight Leg Deadlifts
    Leg curl machine
    Leg press
    Standing calf raises

    You don't have to follow my routine exactly to get an efficient workout, this is just what I'm able to do and still recover in time for the next workout.
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    I am currently doing a 4 day split.

    Mon - Back (deadlift, BB rows + accessory work)
    Tue - Chest (Bench, dips + accessory work)
    Wed - Conditioning
    Thu - Shoulders (OHP + BB exercise)
    Fr - Legs (Squats + Accessory work)
    Sat & Sun - Rest or conditioning
  • shirleygirl1013
    shirleygirl1013 Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the suggestions. I am going to mix it up this week. I will keep focusing on compound movements.
  • Upstate_Dunadan
    Upstate_Dunadan Posts: 435 Member
    Here's my 4 day split -

    Day 1 - Upper body (Push exercises) - chest, triceps, and shoulders
    Day 2 - Lower body & Pull exercises - legs, back, biceps
    Day 3 - Cardio
    Day 4 - Upper body (Push exercises) - chest, triceps, and shoulders
    Day 5 - Lower body & Pull exercises - legs, back, biceps
    Day 6 - Cardio
    Day 7 - Cardio

    The nice thing about splitting the push/pull exercises is that you don't wind up working same muscles on back to back days. For example working chest one day and shoulders the next (or vice verca) hits your deltas twice in a row since you can't work your chest and not hit them, like you obviously do on shoulder days. Same with back and biceps. You'll hit your biceps when you do back, and if you do the two on separate days, you're hitting them more frequently than you might really intend.

    I work some HIIT that into each workout by super-setting an exercise with jump rope, and working true cardio on the off days.

    To your other question, current lower body exercises -

    Lower body 1

    Front squat
    Straight leg deadlift
    Seated calf raises

    Lower body 2

    Back squat
    Walking dumbbell lunge
    Standing calf raise

    Check out the thread below on this topic -
