went back to junk and lost?

I was not losing weight for a week or two, so here lately I've been going back to some of the junk foods and eating them occasionally.
Last week I've done no major exercise ex pushups, running, or sit-ups. I did this to maybe change what my body has been getting used to. I noticed when I did this these last couple of days I've noticed I lost weight instead of gained. Can someone explain how this is? I have no clue why I would lose when I was eating "junk" food. I was drinking water too if that makes a difference. please and thanks! :tongue:


  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Sounds like a caloric deficit caused your weight loss.

  • rileyleigh
    rileyleigh Posts: 106 Member
    How much of the "junk" foods were you eating? I often have foods that could be considered to be junk, such as pizza, or chinese food, or fast food. My body tends to follow the trend you are stating. I usually eat "good" all week long, and then i will have pizza or something on friday, go slightly over my calorie goals, and weigh less saturday morning than any other day.

    Weightloss isn't linear, and it doesn't always do what you would expect it to. You could lose 0 pounds for 2 weeks, then lose 6 in one week without changing anything at all.

    If you like to eat the "junk" food, then eat it. Just don't eat too much of it that it takes you above your calorie goals.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Because losing weight really doesn't have much to do with whether or not you eat junk food or not...that matters for nutrition and your overall health...but weight control is about energy (calorie) balance.

    If you lost weight it is because you put yourself in an energy deficit.

    I eat largely nutritious, wholesome foods...but I have junk pretty much every day and I drink beer and shots of bourbon, etc...none of that ever hindered my losses nor has any of that prevented me from maintaining my weight...because my energy consumption stays in line with my weight control goals and activity level.
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    When you start exercising you will often hold extra water weight for awhile. It is possible that ceasing to exercise or reducing the amount of exercise has caused your body to release that weight. Hate to be the possible bearer of bad news, but it's happened to me before.
  • I've been drinking water does that affect that at all?
  • mochocki
    mochocki Posts: 5 Member
    I was on a strict diet to lose about 50 pounds before my wedding 4 years ago. I got to the point where my dress couldn't be altered down more, so I started eating cheese curds from Culvers a lot to be sure the dress wasn't too small. I still lost weight. I did no exercise. It just happens sometimes. You've changed things up and your body doesn't quite know what to do. It's what people do when they hit a plateau in both weight loss and working out - change things up to shock the body. BUT I recommend STOPPING now, because I got a mindset that said, "Ok, I can eat anything" and I ended up finding those 50 pounds+ again.

    Best of luck!
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    I've been drinking water does that affect that at all?

    Not as far as I've been able to tell when it comes to exercise water weight. But it's still good to drink enough water. If you 'lose' weight through dehydration, it's definitely a bad thing.
  • I was on a strict diet to lose about 50 pounds before my wedding 4 years ago. I got to the point where my dress couldn't be altered down more, so I started eating cheese curds from Culvers a lot to be sure the dress wasn't too small. I still lost weight. I did no exercise. It just happens sometimes. You've changed things up and your body doesn't quite know what to do. It's what people do when they hit a plateau in both weight loss and working out - change things up to shock the body. BUT I recommend STOPPING now, because I got a mindset that said, "Ok, I can eat anything" and I ended up finding those 50 pounds+ again.

    Best of luck!

    Thanks :)
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    For weight loss, what you eat doesn't matter, it's how much.