Any gastric bypass patients on here



  • 5555price
    5555price Posts: 18 Member
    I don't think everyone has to do a 6 month diet, each doctor is different. My doctor asked me to do a 4 week diet before my surgery. I had already lost 20 lbs since my first appointment with him. The one he suggested was way too much, close to $1000 for all the food and supplies. I found a similar meal replacement plan on the Bariatric Advantage website and it was about $150. I was able to lose about 25 lbs in that month in order to shrink my liver for the surgery. My surgery was April 28th 2014 and I have lost 40 lbs since then and a total of 88 lbs since my first visit to the doctor.
  • Hi! I'm so glad I found your thread! I had gastric bypass in 2001 and lost 131 lbs; I didn't like the way I looked at all. :( As long as I had clothes on it wasn't bad...
    Then about two years after my surgery I was really hungry for a snickers bar; I bought a bag of the bite sized ones and prepared myself for the "dumping syndrome" and it NEVER happened. I ate 3 or 4 or the small ones. I cried! I had chosen the gastric bypass because I knew I could never eat sugar again or I'd gain weight. Long story short, I did.....
    Then life happened and I'm an emotional eater and eat I did. :(
    I'm preparing to do the 5 Day Pouch Test and this week I've been eating some soups that I normally wouldn't eat and snacks that people have suggested. I'm surprised that I already notice some tightness in my pouch. :)
  • lynnierose9
    lynnierose9 Posts: 34 Member
    totally normal we all do.
  • osbornrja
    osbornrja Posts: 1
    Hello- I am glad that I found this thread. I am having my gastric sleeve done on 7/21 and I am both nervous and excited at the same time. I start my 2 week pre-surgery liquids today. I have enjoyed reading everyones experiences. Just like most I am worried about not getting enough protein in and the possiblity of hair loss. I am also worried about how I will feel after the surgery.

    I had to do a 12 week documented weight loss program for my surgery to be approved by my insurance. It has been quit the journey these last 12 weeks and I am anxious to see what the future brings.
  • liscurti
    liscurti Posts: 1
    I will try to get a picture on here soon so I can meet people! I had my surgery 12/09. I lost 130 pounds almost effortlessly in the first two years. In the past two years I have gained 25 pounds. I have read on here that you lose the benefit of malabsorption. All of a sudden it seemed like I could eat whatever I wanted. I went back to my old habits. I have tried weight watchers, but I need something that addresses the food addiction. I have signed up to attend Cor Retreat. Has anyone heard of it or attended? It is five days and is supposed to get to the bottom of the food addiction. I have looked at the website, and read the testimonials, but I would love to talk to someone who has attended. I am going to try the 5 day pouch test to get the sugar out of my system, and shrink my stomach. If anyone wants someone for an accountability partner, I would love to have that, both for exercise and food!
  • kristlynngirl
    kristlynngirl Posts: 121 Member
    I had gastric bypass 13 months ago. I wore a size 22/24 and weighed 270 lbs the day of my surgery. Now I wear a 12/14 and weigh around 175 lbs (I have been bouncing between 170-178 for the past 4 months but still losing inches). Hardest journey ever, best decision ever.
  • JMSemones
    JMSemones Posts: 7 Member
    I am in the process of the 6 months of Dr. Supervised diet and exercise that is required by my insurance in order to have Gastric Bypass Surgery. It is going by pretty fast....almost 4 months gone....two more to go and then I will have that hurdle out of the way. My insurance doesn't require a specific amount of weight to lose, just to show compliance and the ability to follow Doctor's orders. So with that said....I too am looking for friends with similar issues to join me in this journey to a better self and life. Feel free to send me a message and a friend request if you are interested. :flowerforyou: :glasses: :smile:
  • Hello I was just wanting to hear some information on the Gastric Bypass. Is it dangerous? I am 20 years only I am 5"4 and weigh 250ibs. I had my little girl November 2013 and I am hurting bad. My ankles hurt and my back bad. I am thinking about getting the gastric bypass or the sleeve can you guys tell me some info on it. I want to be a healthy mommy. I haven't been able to loose weight with exercise and diet. I don't want to risk getting it if there is a high risk of illness because I don't want to be away from my baby girl. Please can you tell me about yours
  • TurnerErica17
    TurnerErica17 Posts: 28 Member
    hello I am new to this but I had gastric bypass on 5/8/13 and have lost 160lbs so far. I need so help getting going again. Let chat!
  • TurnerErica17
    TurnerErica17 Posts: 28 Member
    That's because you were not that big to began with. I have lost 160lbs but I started at 413lbs. you can't compare yourself to other rny people cuz everyone is different.
  • TurnerErica17
    TurnerErica17 Posts: 28 Member
    you have not lost a lot of weight because you did not start out that heavy. I am surprised any Dr. would do gastric bypass on someone that's only 190lbs to start with. You can't compare yourself with everyone because everybody is different
  • I had my RNY on June 12th, 2014, and boy did I regret doing it for the first two weeks. I was an emotional/boredom eater, so when I got food taken away from me and I saw my family, friends and boyfriend getting to eat like a normal person I was frustrated. I am still in stage 3 of the diet(pureed/soft foods) for another week, but have tried a bit more than I maybe should have.

    I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and Hypothyroidism. I can't take anything for the PCOS, as all the meds they have made me sick. With these two conditions, it was hard for me to lose weight. I also got put on the Depo shot, which was the worst decision I made(within a year I went from a size 18 pant to a size 24, and that was the biggest weight jump I ever made). My doctor eventually mentioned WLS and I put some thought into it for a few months before I went to the seminar. I know several people who have had RNY, and my cousin was one of them. She went with me to the seminar.

    And of course she didn't think I was ready for it. She even got into my boyfriends face, at our mutual cousins wedding, saying that if he really loved me that he would get the surgery done with me, etc. My father also didn't approve, but he has never known how PCOS and Hypothyroidism affected me and my weight journey. (He was diagnosed as a diabetic within the last 1 1/2 yrs and figured if he could lose weight on his own, I could too). My cousin 'supports' me(she asks how I'm doing, etc. but not sure if I trust talking to her about it much yet after the wedding situation), and my father is finally supportive, since my mother sat him down and explained everything.

    Not everyone knows I had the procedure done, but quite a few close family/friends do know - I was so worried about everyone thinking I was going to take the 'easy way out'. I know not everyone will agree with me for having it done, but it was what was best for me and my health. If I eat to fast/too much, or eat something too dry, it gets caught in my chest and I have to dry heave until it comes back out. Other than that, I haven't had any complications, and I am down 25-30 lbs since surgery.
  • erin8389
    erin8389 Posts: 16 Member
    i had weight loss surgery on the 10th of july if anyone one wants to add me :D
  • kbmaury
    kbmaury Posts: 3 Member
    I had lap band 2 yrs ago with no sucess. I'm preparing for gastric bypass soon. My 16 yr old daughter doesn't want me to have it. We knew someone who died from complications to gastric bypass. I think I really want surgery but am so afraid of not being able to eat anything. How much can I expect to eat (heakthy)after several years post surgery? One cup and will I be ok? That's my fear. I reach for food but what if i can't eat. What did you all do? Help!
  • Hello,

    I had gastric bypass on 7.7.12. My start weight was 257, my current weight is 181 and I am up 20 lbs from 161 which was my lowest. I will say that I do not regret getting surgery, but I will agree that everyone is different. My surgery story is somewhat long, so I will try to tell it quick. There are so many positives, but for me it was negative the first 6 months. I went through tremendous amount of hair loss, an emotional roller coaster, had a collapsed lung week two of surgery, and became nutritionally deficient. After the 6 month mark, it was pretty much smooth sailing-a little too smooth. My surgeon says the weight came off quicker than expected, hence the rapid change in my energy & hair loss. As a result, my body is struggling to maintain the loss, and again slow and steady has proved to be the ultimate way to go but I still am glad I did it. Now I am back here, only because I will NOT allow myself to return to the 200's. The surgery was a very big price to pay for me on a personal level, only to regain what I lost. I do still dump at this point, and there are many foods I cannot have. I was recently diagnosed with reactive hypoglycemia, which they never told me was a common problem to get after surgery. Now I am hungry constantly, and have to test my blood sugars all day. The onset came quick approx after I was a year out. When I called nutrition, I was put in right away for an appt about two weeks ago. I was handed the stage 5 diet to go back too, and also a handout in "reactive hypoglycemia in gastric bypass patients." Well it happens so frequently it's now a handout :). Regardless, I am happier in my clothes now than I was prior to surgery, but I will be even happier if I lose more! Good luck!
  • Hello, my name is Sue, November 18 will be 6 years since I had RNY. My highest weight was 350, I got down to 146. And maintained that for 4 years. I ended up having bad labs come back and the doctor sent me to a blood specialist, he said I need iron infusions for 10 weeks. So with that they gave me steroids and that started me on the gain wagon. Since the steroids I have reverted to bad habits and so I have gained back a little over 60 pounds. I know it was not a bad surgery, it was me I did it to my self also with the help of my very very skinny husband. He knows things I can not say no to and he brings them home. I know I should have said no but my will power was so low. Anyway, as far as the surgery working or problems, I do dump when I have too much sugar, I also do get foods stuck, I think that is from not chewing it real good. I also have been diagnosed with periphal neuropathy in my feet and legs, so exercise is a challenge. Then also I had total knee replacement on my left knee and it is so bad it makes it hard to walk, I can hardly bend it or make it straight. But I do go for a walk almost everyday using my walker, so I do get some exercise in. So what I have decided is to put my foot down as much as possible to get this gained weight under control. Instead of having dessert after dinner, which consisted of cookies, or cake, or donuts, I am now having a protein smoothie. I take whey protein strawberry flavor, a banana, some strawberries, diet juice, and ice. It is so good and it has been working so far. The one bad thing is my birthday is coming up on the 11th, I know I will have a cake and my husband is taking me out to dinner to a buffet, it will be a challenge but I will do my best and not beat myself up over it. Anyway I would like to make some friends here and hopefully we can support one another.
  • Instigator_Adam
    Instigator_Adam Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Adam and I had RNY Gastric Bypass surgery on April 1st 2010, hard date to forget because the April Fools' Day jokes were plentiful. Before the 15% weight loss required by my insurance company I weighed in at 534 pounds. Today, four years later, I weigh 223 pounds and am still losing. I stalled out for several months after my 2 year mark because I didn't put in the effort to keep losing (maintaining my calories and exercise), but I didn't gain a significant amount of weight back. Losing the weight was easy at first of course, liquid to semi solid diets consisting of a few sips will do that, but things got harder as time passed. Its very slow going these days with a lot of exercise and watching my food intake like a hawk, but in the end I feel amazing. If I never reach my goal of 200 pounds I'm still very happy with what I've achieved so far, but I will never stop working on myself physically or mentally.
  • Adam, I wanted to congratulate you on how far you have come. That is awesome. Just keep up what you have been doing, we have to follow the plan and use our tool. I know if we do that we will reach our goals. Like you I do feel so much better and I am still lighter than I was in high school and that makes me happy. Good luck.
  • 178lbs
    178lbs Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Adam
    I'm Phil
    I also had the bypass - October 2011. At heaviest, i was 314 lbs. i now weigh about 205lbs. Generally, I feel much better, although my relationship with food is still a problem.
    My eating habits have slipped quite a bit just lately and weight has started to creep back on - that is why I am back on here, starting to remotivate myself. I am actually on vacation in Spain at the moment but am gearing up for a fresh start when I return home.
    I hope to make contact with others with similar situations to give and receive support. :)
  • I just wanted to check in with everyone and see how everyone is doing? Monday is my 11 months, I hit goal last month and am THRILLED!

    I amount of energy I have, the craving for physical activity, the planning/discipline for my diet it almost feels surreal. I worry every day that I will "screw" this up somehow so I have resigned to the idea I have to use my tool and work day to day!

    I am forever grateful for this choice, as scary as it was to make it ended up being the choice to LIVE :)