Need some snack ideas

bradp1979 Posts: 154 Member
So at Costco, I found these teriyaki roasted seaweed snacks that are only 25 calories per little pack. Since I love to sit there and just snack on things, this seemed like a great option.... the problem? To my unrefined palette, they are disgusting. I can't handle the taste of seaweed. I have tried. I muscled and grimaced through about 4 of these little 25-calorie packs, and I just can't do it. Have any of you out there found something comparable? Salty and savory but light and only ~25 calories for enough of a serving that I can nosh for more than a bite or two?

Before someone suggests air-popped popcorn, I have tried that, but I looooovvvvveeeeee popcorn smothered in butter and salt. Whenever I try to eat it without, it just seems plain and boring, and I always come mighty close to saying "F*&^ it, I'm doing the butter and salt."

Celery is a good low-cal snack, but without ranch or peanut butter, it doesn't cover the salty and savory angle.

So again, any ideas? I was thinking kale chips, but they all seem to be around 150 calories per serving.


  • __Bad_Leroy
    __Bad_Leroy Posts: 242
    I get the Calbee Snap Pea Crisps from Costco. They're fantactic.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I too tried the roasted seaweed snacks. It was awful!! I spit it out so fast and I could not get that taste out of my mouth. Here is a warning to others...BEWARE THEY ARE DISGUSTING!!! My snacks are mixed nuts, Skinny Cow Ice cream Truffles and animal crackers.
  • bradp1979
    bradp1979 Posts: 154 Member
  • leahraskie
    leahraskie Posts: 260 Member
    Seaweed chips aren't good, neither is nori really. You can have your salted popcorn still, I think a cup is about 75 calories. When I want to add butter to something I use Molly McButter, it's a shaker type of seasoning. I put it on broccoli, super tasty. But honestly, real butter or even margarine isn't that bad for you. It's got a high fat content and sometimes cholesterol but calorie wise if it makes your snack tasty go for it. Just portion it out correctly.

    I've been snacking on cool whip mixed with yogurt then frozen lately, it's kind of like ice cream. I guess. The whole container is only 570 calories and I break that up into like 4-5 days worth.
  • coreman1
    coreman1 Posts: 1
    Snyders pretzel sticks are a good low calorie snack. 28 pretzel sticks to a serving and only 110 calories. Dip in Nutella, even better. Edamame sprinkled with some Lawry's season salt is good too. :tongue:
  • fastfoodietofitcutie
    fastfoodietofitcutie Posts: 523 Member
    I love Kind bars. Yes, they are high in calories, 180-200, but they give you the salty sweet, are all natural ingredients and taste like you are eating a candy bar.

    Laughing cow cheese wedges are good. Low in calories and you can eat them with any kind of veggies or crackers if you want.

    Cocoa roasted almonds come in 100 calorie packs and can be filling.
  • Adaniel65
    Adaniel65 Posts: 105 Member
    Snyders pretzel sticks are a good low calorie snack. 28 pretzel sticks to a serving and only 110 calories. Dip in Nutella, even better.

    This but for me... dipped in spicy brown mustard
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    Sugar free jello and fat free cool whip is about the only thing I can come up with for that few calories, besides raw veggies. If you'll go for more calories, beef jerky gives you salty and chewy, lots of protein and few carbs.

    I second Molly McButter, it's great on baked potatoes, veggies and such. You can also add a kick to your popcorn with garlic salt and various spices. Wasabi peas are good if you like a bit of zing.
  • Mgypsygirl
    Mgypsygirl Posts: 37 Member
    Here are my top salty snacks;
    1. Skinny pop cheddar popcorn, I'm telling you it's good!
    2. Dry roasted edamame
    3. Pumpkin seeds
    4. Soy crisps
    Other snack ideas
    5. Celery with salsa or hummus
    6. Pomegranate (cuz it's crunchy and tart)
    7. Laughing cow light(someone else suggested) I like to spread on Sarah lee 45 calorie wheat. If you do light cheddar it's like a fake grilled cheese!
    8. Yes I eat low salt, low sugar peanut butter, on a spoon, a little high calorie but fills me up so I stop snacking.
    Good luck!
  • bradp1979
    bradp1979 Posts: 154 Member
    These are great suggestions. I'll definitely give Molly McButter a try. Usually, when I want to snack it's later in the evening, and I've used up most of my calories for the day. So I need something that's 100 calories or less, but will allow me to snack on it for a while. It doesn't have to be filling, just take care of the munchies...non-drug-related munchies, just TV watching munchies. :laugh:
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    If you don't like seaweed, why would you buy it? I love kelp snacks. I used to get them from Korean markets as a kid. There are plenty of other foods to snack on. Popcorn, veggies (like carrot chips) with bean dip/tzatziki, berries are super snack-able. Crunchy roasted and seasoned chickpea bites- recipes are online for variations. Yogurt, cottage cheese, hard boiled egg and a piece of fruit, light tuna salad served in endive boats.

    I don't know why 100 seems to be the magic number. You could bump it up for something a little more filling and lower intake in small degrees elsewhere for a more filling snack. I can eat a whole can a light progresso soup and get full for <160 and still have enough calories remaining for a later meal.
  • baileyan06
    baileyan06 Posts: 12 Member
    I have 3 go-to snacks that never seem to fail me.

    Celery or sliced cucumbers with hummus (garlic or spicy hummus is my favorite)
    Cottage cheese with strawberries, peaches, or pineapple
    Apples with peanut butter and honey. YUM.
  • PrissyPisces
    PrissyPisces Posts: 117 Member
    I'm sorry. I've cut it down to 1200-1500 calories a day, mainly hitting the 1200 range. I am NOT torturing myself by eating nasty azz snacks! Here's what's in my house at the moment

    1.) Blueberries (40 cals for like....1/2 a cup!) :drinker:
    2.) Low fat string cheese (200 sodium, but under 100 cals)
    3.) Chocolate, caramel & pretzel fiber one bars (careful, these things will send you to the toilet for some #2 action) Only 90 cals and 5 sugars! :laugh:
    4.) grapes
    5.) natural almonds (160 cals, but worth it!)
    6.) Sweet Freedom No sugar Added Ice Cream bars (100 cals)
    7.) Dole dark chocolate covered bananas (not in my house atm, but nice! Feels like you're eating ice cream. Keep frozen)
    I know you want things you can snack on for a while, so you can also try the salty caramel rice cakes (not at all bland), and maybe getting some plain popcorn WITH some of that popcorn seasoning stuff. Know what I'm talking about? Never tried it, but I've heard about it from friends.
  • pds06
    pds06 Posts: 299 Member
    If you like salsa it has almost no calories. Get the fresh in the salad aisle. Get tortilla chips or cucumbers and scoop away, if you use cucumbers you can eat a ton. I love popcorn. I eat jollytime 100 cal bags. Sometimes I'll eat 2. It is light but still has taste and it has so much fiber I figure I'm only renting it. Lol
    If you like guacamole, Wholly quacamole makes single serve cups 4-6 packs. In the salad aisle. The spicy one is great. I dip cut veggies or tortilla chips. Or do the same with Sabarro's supremely spicy hummus. Never thought I'd like it But once your mouth starts burning you don't really mind it. The only thing with chips is, count out a serving, it's easy to go over. Tuna pouch, 80 calories. Add a little mayo on low cal bread or again dip veggies. 1 Eggs and some egg whites with salsa or tsp of bacon bits great w/1 piece of bread. Granola bars kashi dark chocolate and coconut frozen. They suck if you don't freeze.:drinker:
  • WestonFirm
    A California law firm is investigating whether the claims regarding the healthfulness of Healthy Pop Popcorn are accurate. If you have information or would like more information please contact Greg Weston at

  • megan116xo
    megan116xo Posts: 40 Member
    I like Banana with PB2 FROZEN
    greek yogurt
    rice cakes
    smart ones desserts: i like the cookie dough ice cream sundae (140 Calories!)