Looking for MFP friends with kids who still workout

Wondering if there are any other parents out there who have struggled with staying fit after having kids? My wife and I used to go to the gym together all the time, 3-5 times a week, but since having kids our routine was changed up big time. We have two little girls, one is 3.5 yrs old and the other 1.5 yr old. Now my wife goes to the gym after I get home from work and I workout in the basement at night when the kids are asleep.

Just looking for MFP friends who might be in the same boat!


  • chadwick175
    chadwick175 Posts: 34 Member
    I feel your pain and live it every day!
  • minimalistmom
    I have 3 little ones, homeschool, and run a side business with my husband, so I know how it goes. I squeeze what I can in. Feel free to add me.
  • s1lv3rFox
    s1lv3rFox Posts: 35 Member
    two kids and exercise regularly. Add Me for inspiration.
  • sweetnsassy1491
    sweetnsassy1491 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm a single mom to three little boys. Lucky for me, the gym is less than a 2 minute walk from my office. My lunch hour (who am I kidding,lol, more like an hour and a half to two hours) is spent at the gym.
  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    Never been a gym person but I am trying to lose weight (as is the hubbs) and with kids it has been challenging to make the exercise schedule work out well for anyone's sanity.
  • catshively
    I'm with you - I have two daughters (one almost 5 and the other 14 months) and I had just gotten back to working out from the first for about a year when I got pregnant with the second. Now the hubs and I are trying to carve out time for the gym in a very busy schedule!
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    I've sort of fluctuated over the last few years, between being in pretty decent shape to getting a little flabby. Good to hear that all of you are still finding the time to exercise and take care of yourselves, etc.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I have a quiverful. The key for me is to not waste time by staying up late at night. I aim for 9:30pm head-on-pillow. Cultivate an early bedtime, get stuff ready before bed, then I don't mind waking early and heading to the gym! I wake without an alarm at 4am. I get an early workout, and I love it!
  • PennyHartz
    PennyHartz Posts: 49 Member
    Yep, my husband and I have two kids and we've gotten into a groove with our workouts. My husband is a morning person but doesn't like the gym, so he goes into our basement and uses the treadmill and weights. I either run outside while he's showering/ getting ready for work, or I take the kids to the gym with me (free child care).
  • charmarbobar
    charmarbobar Posts: 251 Member
    2 kids here too....an almost 5 year old daughter and an almost 3 year old son. Most of my workouts come after the kids go to bed (8pm ish) or early morning on the weekends. Usually in the form of a jog outdoors, kettlebell inside or some Jillian Michaels. The kettlebell has been a godsend as it takes up little room and is quiet to do while the kids are sleeping.
  • AFettes21
    AFettes21 Posts: 81 Member
    I'm right there with you! It's definitely been more difficulty since having children. I have a 3 year old and 5 month old. Unfortunately, the 5 month old is crabby so that makes it even harder! Feel free to add me if you would like. I find that the more people I have for motivation, the better! :)
  • Toria718
    Toria718 Posts: 396 Member
    i have a 7 year old and a 7 week old, my "gym" is 2 minutes away ( my friends house, they have a weight bench and such) I have to go after work seeing as how my husband works 3rd shift...lol and of course my little girl is fussy while I am there so what should be a 45 minute workout extends quite a bit, i get home and its bath time for the kids and a shower for me, I wake up early to get my food ready for the next day. i try to get alot done at night but sometimes i just crash.
  • MitchmDee
    MitchmDee Posts: 93 Member
    Two kids here, ages 6 and 4. My wife works out at our friends gym in their apartment building and I usually hit the gym early in the morning, come home, get breakfast ready for everyone and then head to work.

    It can be a challenge.
  • thinkbean
    thinkbean Posts: 25 Member
    Add me! Three kids, full time teacher, plus I do writing and marketing on the side. Vegetarian/veganish as well.
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    Thanks everyone! Great to hear all the encouraging stories of how you all still manage to fit in time for working out, eating healthy, taking care of yourselves, etc. It's not impossible, but it's definitely a lot more challenging to stay in shape after having kids and having next to nothing in terms of free time. Great to see all of you not giving in and accepting being overweight as part of the deal with being a parent.

    My routine used to be working out in the basement after work, but it just doesn't seem to work very well anymore now that the kids are a little older. Seems that working out at night once they hit the sack works well for me. I'm more of a night owl than a morning person, so I enjoy working out later at night.

    I'm thinking of trying to take a jog outside at night as well, just around a few of our blocks nearby, maybe about 1 mile or so. If I could start doing that a few times a week that would help quite a bit too.

    I'm also a member at a gym near my work, and I used to go there on lunch 3 times a week, but I just got burned out on that as it seemed I was always rushed. Driving there, changing, working out, then having to shower, change back, then drive back, then hurry up and eat my lunch. It's doable but just not ideal. I might try to start going again once or twice a week just to add on to whatever I do at home at night.

    Very motivating to hear all of your stories, thank you!
  • Whiskey2206
    Whiskey2206 Posts: 189 Member
    Mother of two here. I totally understand what you're going through. I used to workout whenever I pleased and I used to work in landscaping so I was in shape whether I wanted to be or not. When I had my son it wasn't too bad because I worked out when he napped...he napped alot, about 3 1/2 hours twice a day. Now that I just had another one it's more difficult because when she naps...I still have to attend to him and she doesn't nap as well as he did. I don't have much to lose but I still find it difficult. I walk with the two of them almost everyday, I take her to the gym where I can push the stroller (actually jog) around the track, I also work out in the basement at night. I'm very concious of what I eat and what I eat...they eat. I juice veggies and fruit every morning and my baby drinks the same radish, apple and carrot juice that i drink. I prepare meals for myself ahead of time so they're ready when I have to eat and go. Usually 4 days worth of meals are ready for me at any given time. I prepare them at night when I have NO distractions.
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    Mother of two here. I totally understand what you're going through. I used to workout whenever I pleased and I used to work in landscaping so I was in shape whether I wanted to be or not. When I had my son it wasn't too bad because I worked out when he napped...he napped alot, about 3 1/2 hours twice a day. Now that I just had another one it's more difficult because when she naps...I still have to attend to him and she doesn't nap as well as he did. I don't have much to lose but I still find it difficult. I walk with the two of them almost everyday, I take her to the gym where I can push the stroller (actually jog) around the track, I also work out in the basement at night. I'm very concious of what I eat and what I eat...they eat. I juice veggies and fruit every morning and my baby drinks the same radish, apple and carrot juice that i drink. I prepare meals for myself ahead of time so they're ready when I have to eat and go. Usually 4 days worth of meals are ready for me at any given time. I prepare them at night when I have NO distractions.

    Yep, that's how my wife and I were, we'd go together to the gym whenever we felt like it. Those days are long gone once you have kids haha!

    Meal planning is the way to go. I was doing that for a while and then just got off track. I'll have to start doing that again as it helps you avoid making bad food decisions in a bind when you're hungry.

    Doing stuff at night before bed is the way to go as well. I make my lunch for work at night so I can just throw it together and take it with me. Too difficult to do much else with both kids up and running around.

    It's just like most things in life, where there's a will there's a way. You just have to be willing to bend your schedule quite a bit to fit stuff like that in otherwise you can always easily come up with an excuse to be lazy and overweight.
  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    Any other parents out there who still find time to workout and eat healthy? What's your story and how do you keep a routine going?
  • Derp_Diggler
    Derp_Diggler Posts: 1,456 Member
    We joined the YMCA when our kids were 5 and 3. They have child care and kids activities most days and evenings, so we would bring the kids with us. It was a nice break from being a parent, even if for only an hour or so. See if any gyms in your area offer this.

    As for eating healthy I would always make extra food so that we some leftovers in the event of a hectic day. In particular I found that making extra sides helped, because then all I had to do was make the main (some form of protein usually) and you still had a well rounded meal on the table. But try to plan ahead on your day off, and make use of any spare time you may have. It's not necessarily easy, but it can be done, and it does get easier.
  • Stanlee202
    Stanlee202 Posts: 47 Member
    When my kids were little I would walk everywhere and pull them behind me in a wagon. Then, when they'd nap I'd rotate through some workout DVDs (I was stay at home mom until they were 6 & 4). Now that they're older (10 & 8) we take a walk together after dinner and ride our bikes a few times a week. When I have off or work a later shift I will go run for 20-30 minutes.