25yrs old 50+ lbs to lose pcos/ttc/Army Wife

Hello! Im not new to the weight loss journey however this time the motivation is high! A few years back I loss close to 30 lbs! My modivation was starting a family.Sadly we moved yet again and I started a new job as an insurance coordinator for a dental office. Im at a desk all day and not very active. Im a stress eater! The stress from work and my husband's PTSD from multiple deployments got the best of me and im now the heaviest I have ever been at 248.8lbs we have talked about starting a family for years now however with pcos its not the easiest. My husband has made a deal with me! Once I reach my 1st goal of 200lbs he has agreed to go through all the testing to see exactly what we need to do to finally start our family! I'm so motivated this time im not giving up! Add me as a friend and let's support each other!


  • LunaDoll08
    LunaDoll08 Posts: 9 Member
    girl you can do this! Im in it 10000% with you.
  • lillypad13
    lillypad13 Posts: 35 Member
    We are all in this together, I am looking forward to seeing your success!!
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    You can do this....I'll cheer you on. Feel free to add me!
  • erin8389
    erin8389 Posts: 16 Member
    You can do this :D