New Fitbit one user.

I just bought a fitbit one on Thursday. I am logging all my food on MFP as well as my exercise. I am also logging exercise on Fit bit. They are off a bit. For example I walked/jogged 2.74 miles today. MFP stated I burned 362 calories and the fitbit stated 465. Wasn't sure which is accurate. Fitbit stated very active. I used the timer when I exercised to keep accurate minutes. So I added the two and average it and that is what I used for my calories burned. Any suggestions?


  • roenutrition
    roenutrition Posts: 26 Member
    Also wondering what the benefits are to syncing my fitbit to MFP? Appreciate any advice and or help.
  • Joanne_happygramma
    Joanne_happygramma Posts: 207 Member
    I personally have my fitbit synced to MFP so that I don't have to do any manual entries for exercise. I know fitbit states that we can put in our time for cardio. I find that the burn the fitbit tells MFP is adequate. My opinion is that if I can over estimate on food and under estimate on calorie burn then I am heading in a better direction for losing weight. I personally don't need to count for every exercise calorie burn. Calories eaten for sure, I slacked off the last couple of months and gained 4 pounds.
    We all do things differently and what works for me might not work for you, but I love how my fitbit compels me to do more every day.

  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    Fitbit is going to credit you for movement ALL day long. Steps here and there will add up, not just a dedicated workout. So your Fitbit adjustment will often be higher than what you would input manually for a workout. I do think it is a very good practice to use the timer on the Fitbit to see exactly what the Fitbit estimate is for your workout (and thus get an idea of the "extra" calories you get throughout the day. I do like to keep my own estimates and compare them to my Fitbit adjustment here on MFP.

    I do love the sync between Fitbit and MFP. I've set myself to sedentary here on MFP (even though I'm very active) ... it's a nice reminder for me to see what my calorie allowance would be if I didn't exercise, and then see it grow as I workout during the day. That being said ... I try not to eat back all my calories. They are still just estimates and I like to leave a bit of a buffer. I do think my Fitbit overestimates a bit for some exercises (underestimates some too ... comparing it with my HRM which I wear for workouts as well).

    One of the best things about the sync, is that your food calories transfer to Fitbit ... when you click on your profile picture, you'll see a 30-day graph of intake vs burn. Before I joined MFP, I'd never have the "intake" line, now I do and I really try to keep those lines from touching or crossing!