EA Sports Active 2

oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
Is anyone else using this program? My husband surprised me with the PS3 version last week to add to my routine of running and yoga. I love it so far. My butt hurts so bad today from all the squatting calf raises and lunges I did yesterday. I started the 3-week cardio kickstart on medium last week, and I'm doing my Week 2 Workout 2 today after work. I'm going to start the 9-week program on hard once I finish this one.

Anyone else tried this program?


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Yup, i've been doing it here and there, i enjoy it :))
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    I been wanting to try it but have not gotten it yet.
  • staceyb_2003
    staceyb_2003 Posts: 396 Member
    i've got the 1st one on wii its a good burn :-)
  • emma3582
    I have it and it is bloody BRILLIANT!!

    I am doing the 9 week program and now into week 3 and can really feel it working. I love it because you can see the cals you are burning so gives me motivation to work a bit harder!

    I am starting to become an addict though as even on my rest days i am doing a work out, i am sure that will change soon! he he

    Good luck with yours.

    Emma x
  • Shamrock40
    I have it, too. It was my Christmas present from hubby. I LOVE it!! The first week, it wasn't my butt that was sore but my quads! Holy cow, my legs were like jelly when I would walk up and down the stairs. I just started my 3rd week with it. I've been doing customized workouts - some days mostly cardio, some days legs and full body. That's a cool feature that I like.
  • BrettA76
    I have EA Sports Active (More Workouts) for the Wii and I love it. I even stopped going to the gym.

    I am doing the 6 week challenge and I am in my third week. I recommend this for anyone on which ever console you have. I plan to buy EA Sports Active 2 for my Xbox i received this past Christmas Holiday.
  • emma3582