Going to movies. Support needed!

Hi! Well, it's summer time, and I'm ready to hit again... no, not gym, cinema! I luv to indulge myself with sweets (chewing while watching, yap, that's meee!) I know that I simply can not have black coffee (which I love too) and nothing else, so what should I do? I tried to eat less to spare cals for this particular night out, didn't work since I still managed to munch popcorn AND sweets. Eating more during the day also didn't help; apparently I see sweets as a bonus, and I subconsciously don't count it as food, so no matter how much healthy food I eat during the day, I still crave sth sweet. Mind you, I deal w/ myself quite efficiently throughout my "normal" day, but when it comes to movies and all those people chewing around... Well, I just can't make it. For the last days I try to create max calorie deficiency just to make sure that movies' day won't do a lot of harm to my overall plan. I am really at a loss. Has anyone else experienced craving sth at a very specific time? I believe it's like a habit I have to drop.

On the other hand, I don't go often there, perhaps I should allow myself to chew popcorn from time to time? I mean, just popcorn, since it is healthier nutrition-wise than, say, chocolate bars (thinking about Dumle Snacks bar which is btw only 190 cals.) I stick to 1200 cal diet.


  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    Indulging once in a while is okay, a small popcorn and water would be okay.
  • rayfu75
    rayfu75 Posts: 209 Member
    I will take my own snacks to munch. Ziplock of trail mix or almonds or cashews etc. Usually works for me also if I take my own "sweets" like some dark chocolate.
  • Tal_Kyrte
    Tal_Kyrte Posts: 38 Member
    Take your own snacks. Even if you still want to indulge, anything you bring from home is probably 1/10 the calories. I'm a big snacker too, and something I like is stove popcorn. You can make a huge bowl for less than 100 calories, and it gives you something to munch. The popcorn itself isn't bad for you (at least not particularly.) It's all the added butter and salt. Movie theatre popcorn is drenched in both, so even if you want to indulge, avoid it unless you're planning on consuming 1000+ calories.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    I love paying a fortune to go to the flix and listening to folks slupring and munching all through the film .. what a pleasure :-(
  • AGirrl
    AGirrl Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you! Well, almonds have less cals than cashews, so I can grab a handful w/ me. Trail mix usually are loaded w/ cals, I prefer a mix of my own :D Oh, dark chocolate sounds good, I'll give it a try! 100g bar of dark chocolate is around 550cals, so yeah, it's acceptable. 20 almonds is about 130cals, so altogether it's 680.
    something I like is stove popcorn.

    Unfortunately I don't have a stove; nevertheless, bringing sth w/ me is the only option if I want to stick to my calorie deficit.
    folks slupring and munching all through the film .. what a pleasure :-(

    Hey, that's very motivational NOT to become one of them. In fact, I have a great chance to be proud of myself to be above the crowd :D
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I know that I simply can not have black coffee (which I love too) and nothing else,

    you CAN, you're just choosing not to...
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I usually have a small popcorn, but if I go after lunch I'm not hungry so I skip it. You might find, after you lose some weight, that you have changed your approach to movies and food combo.
  • in_lieu_of
    in_lieu_of Posts: 33 Member
    This summer with kids has entailed a lot of movies (no time during school year). Our go-to: Raw string beans, add hummus if you'd like, almonds and cheese. Even if I eat beforehand, there's something about a movie that makes me munch-y, so I gotta have something.
  • AGirrl
    AGirrl Posts: 29 Member
    Perhaps I should indeed reconsider my motivation behind going to the movies. I go there to enjoy a movie; food has (and should) nothing to do w/ it. So, whenever I think about food I should think that food in the movies is a marketing trick to force consumers to spend more $. And I for sure am unwilling to be a victim of vicious marketing campaign, right? Ahem. Well, perhaps I should stick to my fav black coffee. After all, I sure feel worse arter I grab sth sweet, and movies SHOULD make me feel better.

    Sometimes I think why I can't be this skinny girl stuffing her face w/ delicious things sitting just next to me... *Sigh* Well, my dream is to become skinny girl... And everyday is a struggle.
  • Lozibeth
    Lozibeth Posts: 47 Member
    I go to the cinema often and always take my own snacks mostly because it's healthier and a quarter of the price..I'm already paying a fortune for the movie ticket!

    I usually grab one or two of these and fit them into my calorie budget for the day:

    - snack bag of popcorn (lots of options in supermarkets these days that are 1/4 cals of theatre popcorn)
    - fruit...I usually get the little fruit salad packs that come with a plastic fork or grapes/blueberries
    - cheese string/babybel
    - handful of nuts or dried fruit
    - wasabi peas
    - funsized chocolate bar or a few squares of dark choc
    - drink: water, diet soda or iced coffee.

    Of course it's perfectly fine to have some theatre popcorn every once in a while if you really love it, just make it an occasional treat.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    I do agree. Movies are tough. I love popcorn and movie popcorn packs a bang.

    I wish I knew the answer cause I have to have a popcorn, it is just part of the experience for me.

    Make it fit in your budget, or agree to make it up the next day. Like you do everyday essentially. Did you really think you would eat your allowance EVERY DAY, and never go over? Course not, you knew life would get in the way occasionally and you would have to do your best to limit the damage or make up for it.

    Have fun and enjoy
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Just bring enough money for the movie ticket.