Goal weights for 5ft 4 in ladies :)

Just really curious to know where you guys would like to be, what you would see as ideal etc.
My goal weight at the moment is 120 lbs, about 8 and a half stone. I am currently about 9 and a half stone :( I decided this due to various online calculators, and by taking my small frame and active lifestyle into account. I love to run really long distance, so the less weight I'm carrying, the better. However, I don't want to get too skinny and lose muscle mass, and I don't think I really could do that and enjoy life either. I'm all about the balance!
Also! As a side note, what diets/methods are you employing to get there?


  • Patrice120
    Patrice120 Posts: 23 Member
    My goal weight is 120. My lowest ever was 123 and I was not too skinny at all. I used to want to get to 115 but am trying to be realistic.
  • zombie130
    zombie130 Posts: 37
    5'4.5 here:) my goal weight is 130 for starters. once i get there ill see if i can get lower. if i can then the lighter the better but dont want to go below 17% body fat. the goal is to stay strong and healthy for riding! i also have a small frame. my diet is what i will be eating for the rest of my life so i eat what i want while making healthy choices(except for the occasional slice of cheesecake haha) but i make it work. i eat multigrain breads and veggies and lots of fruit, mostly turkey and fish but a burger every now and then along with avocado, nuts and olive oil, the basic healthy choices really.
  • cursivepulse
    cursivepulse Posts: 22 Member
    120 for me. I've been 125-130 in the past and think that is a great weight, but i always still had a little pudge. I plan on increasing calories and putting on muscles when I reach 120.
  • xopizzo
    xopizzo Posts: 6
    I am 5'4 and my goal weight (for now) is 150 lbs. I am currently 395 so 150 is on the higher end of my goal because I have so much to lose in order to get there. When I get down to that size… I will see what I have to work with!

    Good luck ladies :)
  • diannacya
    diannacya Posts: 3 Member
    140. I was there pre pregnancy and felt like that was perfect for me. Now I got 55 pounds to lose. :(
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    125 for me. I'm not too concerned about the weight though, since I know as I build muscle that'll weigh more than the fat. I'll judge my progress based more on measurements and looks :)
  • WW_Jude_V2
    WW_Jude_V2 Posts: 209 Member
    My goal weight is about 135. I have to be a little cautious about going too low at my age (55 next month) as my face starts to look somewhat gaunt.

    I'm at 132-ish right now and into week two of maintenance mode.
  • koaliebear195
    koaliebear195 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm 5'3" but my ultimate goal is around 122. Maybe lower, but I wanna be strong and lean so possibly around 130. I have a range, so I'll see when I get there I guess! Goal right now is 165 lbs by the end of the summer :)
  • vmlabute
    vmlabute Posts: 311 Member
    I'm 5'3" (close enough, right??) and my goal is 125. I have a muscular build and have been a heavy weight lifter so 125 is very ideal and fit for me :) I'm currently 135 because of stress and poor food choices but now I'm eating clean and working out 2 hrs/5 days/week. I also run quite a bit and don't like running with that extra 10lbs
  • serafinelaveaux
    serafinelaveaux Posts: 45 Member
    When I was 150 I was in a size 9-11. I think the smallest I ever was at this height was 130 and size 6-8. I'd be thrilled to see 150 again and that's my goal. But when I reach it, who knows, may try to take off another 20.
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    120lbs or 25" waist
  • Gwennie9476
    Gwennie9476 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm 5' 3 1/2" and my goal weight is 180. I am at 286 right now. Started at 320. I will never be within "normal",but I will be really happy with myself at that weight.
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    5'5" here, and my goal is 115. I have a small frame and working on vanity/aesthetic goals, i.e. The elusive visible abs.
  • hastingsmassage
    hastingsmassage Posts: 162 Member
    I am 180 lbs now and I do feel ok, I think 170 lbs would be nice but I am not in the hurry.
  • iheartinsanity
    iheartinsanity Posts: 205 Member
    5'4 with a large body frame, and the healthy weight charts have always said between 136-151. I've always been at the higher end because of strength training, and I run a lot to keep the body fat low as I can. My "goal" is 135, but I know I have to go to some really drastic measures to get there. So for me, I'd be happy at 140. It's right in the middle (low middle) of the healthy range. Keep in mine if you lift...eventually down the line you'll have to accept the bigger # on the scale, but the smaller waist and more fit body that comes with it. :)
  • Ffiffifab
    Ffiffifab Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5"4 and currently around 207 lbs. I have quite a curvy bottom and big boobs and a tendency to gain weight easily so it's a challenge for me to lose weight at all. Aiming at reaching 168 lbs for now as it was my lowest weight a couple of years ago. I can only dream about losing more weight than that but I have to be realistic haha
  • tucky3203
    tucky3203 Posts: 57 Member
    My goal weight is 150#. I have always been a bigger girl and even when very active growing through my teen years I had difficulty with keeping my weight below 160#. I do not think I will ever be in "normal" weight zone, but onederland would be amazing to achieve. I started at 265 and am down to 254.5 so we will see where we go from here. Best of Luck :wink:
  • DaboGirlNB
    DaboGirlNB Posts: 17 Member
    5'4 with a large body frame, and the healthy weight charts have always said between 136-151. I've always been at the higher end because of strength training, and I run a lot to keep the body fat low as I can. My "goal" is 135, but I know I have to go to some really drastic measures to get there. So for me, I'd be happy at 140. It's right in the middle (low middle) of the healthy range. Keep in mine if you lift...eventually down the line you'll have to accept the bigger # on the scale, but the smaller waist and more fit body that comes with it. :)

    Same! With running & strength training, currently at 140, with hope of trying to get to 135.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    my goal weight is currently 145, as i hope to add a lot of muscle. things may change when i hit that weight, but that's what i'm shooting for right now.
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    I'm 5'4 and I am at my goal of 135. I have stayed here for a few months now. I do not want to get any smaller for my body type. The past 3 weeks I have been exercising to tone up, not lose anymore weight. I wear between a size 2-4 (US).