
jessista Posts: 10
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Hi everyone: I'm on my second full day of a 1200 calorie diet and I can't get over the near-constant hunger. Is there a way to be less hungry without going too far over my limit? Should I raise my limit? Also, I am on medication that has increased appetite as a side effect. HELP!!


  • bjmk19047
    bjmk19047 Posts: 123
    Drink water to fill you up some. :smile:
  • Simonscat
    Simonscat Posts: 249
    If you are hungry...up your calories!
    Your body is telling you that 1200 is not enough.
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    try adding bulk foods, salads, carrots, any vegetables, they add bulk and will help fill you up.
  • TeddyCharlton
    TeddyCharlton Posts: 46 Member
    Me too, this is my first day. Going to get some music on.
  • harys
    harys Posts: 10
    water and veggies. Also, look at what sort of Fat you're eating. Fat will help things stay with you...good fats and within reason.
    Water is key though.
  • LanakilaGirl
    LanakilaGirl Posts: 41 Member
    I personally, am not a fan of the 1200 calories. I don't think it's enough for anyone, but that's just me. . .
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Lots of protein and fiber rich foods in the morning and for lunch! Late afternoon and night is the worst! I like Good Earth caffeine free tea in Original Sweet & Spicy. It is the only one that works for me - so, so flavorful and ZERO calories!
  • You can also drink black coffee and or tea. Anything warm helps me!
  • LOTS OF VEGGIES!!! Most are super low cal! I also eat whole grain breads rather than white. . .Drink 2 glasses of h2o before you eat, and that will REALLY curb your appetite. . .Stay away from carb. rich choices. You can do this. . .I'm on the 1200 cal plan too, and it's tough. Sometimes I'm over a little. . .It's okay. No worries!!!
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    1200 calorie diets take some getting used to. I personally like them but a lot of people are like militantly against them. Just depends on what works for you.

    My advice would be no liquid calories, lots of veggies and protein and on days that you burn a substantial amount of calories you should feel free to eat more than 1200. If I burn over 500 calories, then I at an extra 100 or 200 if I'm hungry. Also snacking often on 1200 cals is really important, spacing of meals and snacks so youre always having a little bit of something might help too.
  • adkmountainguy
    adkmountainguy Posts: 50 Member
    I agree with the "eat more" sentiment. If you were eating 2000 or more calories per day, dropping down to 1200 is a significant change. Or, if you don't want to drastically increase your calories, try eating more protein, ideally lean meat like grilled chicken.
  • Protein, fiber and water! Lots of it! You can fill up on stuff with protein and fiber. It was really hard for me the first week or two, but then I just got used to it. And I learned to eat foods that fill me more for the same or less calories. If this doesn't work, 1200 might just not be enough for you.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    eat foods with more protein and drink water. if you are really hungry and are not eating for other reasons (emotions, boredom, etc) then eat some more, your body may be telling you to eat more. Also, when I exercise I tend to lose my hunger pains (and you CAN eat more) so maybe go get some exercise in!

    Good luck
  • Can you eat any more calories? Are you eating your exercise cals? I find the best way to stave off hunger is lots of fiber and water to absorb it all. Nuts, beans, insoluble fiber from grains...
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    Up your calories to 1500. Once you adjust, if you want to go down you can. It's a big adjustment from eating the number you were at to cut it down to 1200. Your body may need to gradually decrease to avoid feeling hungry and adjust.
    Also, I agree with the posts about making good choices for your foods. Plus, don't forget to have 1 "high calorie" day where you go over. It helps to avoid the beloved plateau. You can do it!
  • if you are exercising, you need to be eating those calories back. 1200 NET means you should have 1200 calories even after you subtract out what you've burned in your workout.

    im going to the gym shortly, so even though i only have ~200 calories left for the day and i havent yet eaten dinner, im still enjoying a packet of oatmeal before leaving. this will give me fresh carbs for the workout, and ill still be able to eat a 500 calorie dinner without endangering my 1200 NET for the day. :)

    go eat! just not a snickers! lol
  • queen220
    queen220 Posts: 8 Member
    If you are exercising, it allows you more calories. You just enter your exercises each day and it figures in how many more calories you can have.
  • flyinmomof3
    flyinmomof3 Posts: 44 Member
    I agree 1200 is low. I know fiber rich foods and protein helps, but if you are active at all, this could be through exercise, working on your feet, grocery shopping and errands, house cleaning, or really anything at all...1200 isn't enough. 1200 is your bare minimum to function and if you eat that little bit of food and sit on the couch day after day you will still loose weight, because it's really not enough.
  • emysirlaki
    emysirlaki Posts: 14 Member
    Keep yourself busy. Find things that won't make you think of food or cravings. Either reading a book, taking a shower, working out, taking a short nap, playing a game. Drink enough water. Make sure you don't skip meals. But whenever I feel hungry I always eat a cucumber since it's very low in calories and fills you up.
  • I use Quaker white cheddar rice cakes for a filler food! They taste awesome like white cheddar popcorn and are only 45 calories per cake! for sweet cravings I eat apples the have as much stimulate in them as a cup of coffee and are good for you too! I am a sugar free red bull drinker so my energy is great for 10 calories for 8.4 oz can and only 30 calories for a 20oz can after i work out! Be sure to get sugar free the regular is just too sweet. Hope this helps! -Jay
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