Protein shakes....

jancie84 Posts: 83 Member
Anyone use this Shaklee protein shakes/meal replacement bars....? Success with it?

I've been drinking the protein shakes most mornings and they keep me full until lunch typically. I just bought a "plan" where I also get meal replacement bars, snack bars, and green tea.

I've lost about 11 lbs since starting to take Phentermine and also watching my calories!




  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member

    Que? Como? Quien eres?
  • panthergirl59
    panthergirl59 Posts: 5 Member
    I've never heard of them. I'm not a fan of any plan that uses processed bars and meals as replacements for actual food. I want to learn to eat food for the rest of my life without going back to my old bad habits not just lose weight. I've tried those plans and they are just not good for long term success (just my opinion). Anyway, I do drink the EASAdvantage Carb Control shakes as a snack and after workouts and I really like them. They are only $4.97 for 4 at WalMart and since I don't drink but 1 or 2 a day, they are much more economical for me.
  • fatboyliz
    fatboyliz Posts: 515 Member
    I have a herbalife shake for breakfast most days - better than grabbing a snickers bar like I used to. I don't replace any other meals though. My breakfast shake hasn't made me lose weight, just makes me feel a bit better that I am not eating chocolate for brekkie! I like phd protein powder after the gym, and david kirsch (got given these as a gift, they are way overpriced, personally I would not buy them)
  • ahoier
    ahoier Posts: 312 Member
    Never heard of But I do supplement with various protein work out....and/or in the morning, on the run to work......but yea, I'm on the same boat, those shake/meal programs don't teach you how to eat for life.....they just teach you how to eat for "now" - to lose the weight, they guarantee you will lose.....thats my take on it anyways, cause I've tried the Slim Fast Diet, and yea, it just didn't cut it. Eating real with, and watching portion sizes is the way to go.....but if you're just taking 1 or 2 shakes per day, as a breakfast supplement or post work out, that's fine and dandy.....I'm a fan of post work out protein shakes, hell, I've even taken slim fast post work out when I was using up what I had left.....sure it's only 10g of protein, but better than nothing post work out ;)
  • axw7454
    axw7454 Posts: 32 Member
    I've never heard of them. I'm not a fan of any plan that uses processed bars and meals as replacements for actual food. I want to learn to eat food for the rest of my life without going back to my old bad habits not just lose weight. I've tried those plans and they are just not good for long term success (just my opinion). Anyway, I do drink the EASAdvantage Carb Control shakes as a snack and after workouts and I really like them. They are only $4.97 for 4 at WalMart and since I don't drink but 1 or 2 a day, they are much more economical for me.

    Meal replacements aren't all bad. I used to never eat breakfast, which is bad. Now that I drink shakes it's pretty much like I eat breakfast. If I stop it'll probably be if I start having more time in the mornings to make breakfast.
  • Terri929
    Terri929 Posts: 2 Member
    I agree with the above comment that not all meal replacement shakes are bad. I drink an Herbalife shake every day for breakfast because it is a great way to make a healthy convenient choice. I've lost 50 lbs and have kept it off for over 2 years now. I use Herbalife products as a tool to my healthy, fit lifestyle that includes exercise and clean eating.