Runner Q&A

MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
Hey guys-looking for others who enjoy running...just some fun questions:

1.) What is your preference: pavement, trails or treadmill? Why?
2.) Favorite Season for running? Why?

My answers

1.) Trails. The scenery keeps changing (as opposed to treadmills) and the dirt under my feet is easier on my knees...
2.) Fall...mid fall through early winter. Mostly because the cold air is easier to breathe, my muscles don't tire as easily as when it's hot out, plus I love the colors-particularly here on the East coast where pretty much all the trees change.



  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,013 Member
    Hey guys-looking for others who enjoy running...just some fun questions:

    1.) What is your preference: pavement, trails or treadmill? Why?
    2.) Favorite Season for running? Why?

    My answers

    1.) Trails. The scenery keeps changing (as opposed to treadmills) and the dirt under my feet is easier on my knees...
    2.) Fall...mid fall through early winter. Mostly because the cold air is easier to breathe, my muscles don't tire as easily as when it's hot out, plus I love the colors-particularly here on the East coast where pretty much all the trees change.


    Same answers as you... although when I run outside these days, I have to push a double stroller which isn't quite as fun (although I love my children, of course :) So for now, I run on a treadmill while my children are in childcare ;)
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    1) Anything but treadmill
    2) Anytime but summer. I'd rather run in the cold/rain than in the heat of the summer around here.
  • newjojie
    newjojie Posts: 291 Member
    Pavement and Fall, I love the cooler weather!
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    I enjoy running on pavement as it is a lot easier on the feet

    I most enjoy running early spring or late fall when the temps are around 40. Least favorite time to run is in the summer when the temps are high. I cannot take enough clothes off to stay cool.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I'm lucky to have recreation (paved - multi purpose) paths literally steps from my front door and get to run along the river 3 out of 4 seasons. I'd run in winter too but is' not plowed and the x-country skiers would probably kill me if I screwed up their tracks. We have great trails close by in Gatineau Park but I must confess to being too lazy to drive there when I have great running at my doorstep.

    My least favourite time to run is summer with the heat and humidity, colour me crazy but I love running in winter.
  • Will_Run_for_Food
    Will_Run_for_Food Posts: 561 Member
    1) Can I cheat and say pathways? I live in Ottawa, ON and am lucky enough to live near the Rideau Canal, so the pathway along the canal (a marathon's worth of km) is my favourite running spot.

    2) Summer, but early in the day (i.e. before 10 a.m.). I love getting up and running on a bright, sunny day before it gets too hot. I used to hate sweating, but I have learned to embrace it and I love working up a good sweat now - makes me feel like I got more toxins out of my system. Summer runs help with that!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Hey guys-looking for others who enjoy running...just some fun questions:

    1.) Pavement. I haven't ever run on a trail so I might like that and just not know it. I feel like the treadmill can be a good tool for interval training/HIIT stuff but it's kind of boring for just straight running. I like being outside and seeing the scenery go by.

    2.) Whenever the temps are mid-30s to lower 50s. I tend to run hot doing normal everyday things so when I am running I run super hot. I run in warmer weather but my best runs always happen when it is cooler. I love that cold air.
  • donaldshaw70
    I love running on the single-track roads and the trails around here - I live in a relatively quiet part of Scotland and the scenery from my running courses can be spectacular, even close to home! I love routes where there are lots of ups and downs and lots of corners and changes of direction - keeps the mind off the pain!

    Favourite season - probably has to be summer because in winter, most of my running is in the dark. But nothing beats a cold, crisp, frosty morning for a long Sunday run. So summer overall but Winter for one-off runs.

    Now add these: What's your favourite racing distance, if you race? Who is your favourite world-class runner?

    I love racing 10K's and 5K's, mostly. I hate marathons Mo Farah is my current favourite runner, brilliant on the track.
  • RunninGran
    RunninGran Posts: 38
    Hopefully you will allow me to use the term "runner" loosely. I use to run a few years ago and I had knee trouble/surgery and tried for a little while to get back but running and being over weight sometimes equals knee problems. SO I like to run and I am starting off slowly this time trying to lose the weight as I go so that I can run like I would love to. I am guessing from your username that you are probably a good bit younger than I am so hopefully you will give an old gal a little slack to call myself a runner :wink:
    I love to run outdoors but I also love to run on my treadmill. They are just two different moods. I can put on a pair of ear buds and a good playlist and lose myself on my treadmill. I don't have to worry about traffic or bumps in the sidewalk. I just like the rythm of running it is soothing. But I love to be outdoors too. Running in my neighborhood allows me see neighbors and be a little more social. I travel to Colorado some with work and I always try to get out and hike while I am there because it is so pretty and no humitity and no bugs. It is awesome. When I hike I notice that alot of people run the trails there, maybe if I lived there and could enjoy all that beautiful scenery all the time I might run too but since I don't I always think wow they should slow down and enjoy this view. LOL
    As far as the time of year I live in the south yall so definately the week of spring and the week of fall are my favorites.
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    Trails in the winter. So quiet and peaceful and wonderful wildlife.
  • vitolicious
    1. Pavent so I don't twist my ankle on uneven ground

    2. Summer - the hotter the better for me
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    1.) What is your preference: pavement, trails or treadmill? Why?
    2.) Favorite Season for running? Why?

    My answers

    1.)Pavement. I struggle enough running, I don't need to be trying to dodge uneven ground! Plus I have ankle issues and uneven ground would not be good!
    2.) Pretty much anytime it's in the 40s-50s range and damp. I love running right after it rains or if its misting. I'll run outside down to about 15 degrees (as long as the pavement is dry and not full of ice) and up to about 80 (although I hate the heat!)
  • JenRunTriHappyGirl
    JenRunTriHappyGirl Posts: 521 Member
    1) I love trails..... but I run more on pavement. I hurt my knee on a trail run and now it scares me to run on them..... one bad step and I am done!

    2) I love the spring!
  • sparkerxoxo
    1.) Pavement & (neatly groomed) trails.
    2.) Winter. I live in southeast TX so its 85+ 9 months out of the year. The magical 3 months of winter are AWESOME.
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    My favorite local place to run is on a paved trail along the river near my house. I run all year long and as long as it's not super hot with high humidity, I'm happy. Fall would be my favorite though.
  • Marlitharn
    Marlitharn Posts: 36 Member
    1) Depends on my mood. Treadmill if I want to zone out and stream Netflix while I jog. Pavement if the weather's nice enough and I want to push myself a little harder.

    2) Spring and fall. Winters in mid-MO are cold and slushy and the roads never get cleared, let alone the running paths and sidewalks. Summers are just miserable.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    Pavement. I run a lot on the path at the river and the sidewalks near my house. I run at least 27 miles a week pushing my daughter in the jogger, doing that on trails or gravel paths is a nightmare!

    I prefer running in the winter. It's not as crowded and I'm blazing fast when it's under 20F.
  • Mad4282
    Mad4282 Posts: 171 Member
    Anything other than winter, my asthma is at its worst in the winter months and that makes it near impossible to run!
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    Paved trails really nice when its in the 30ish and snow on the ground and quit and no breeze. Where I run it is also a walking path so the paved trails are usually always plowed and cleaned off. Or in the fall when its in the 50ish. I dont mind treadmill either put on my headphones and just zone out I usually do my interval on the treadmill find it hard to push myself on the trail.
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    1. Pavement for sprints, trails for sustained running.
    2. Favorite running season is summer, because honestly when you're in the south, a 6AM run is delightful in the summer and feels like you're dying in the winter. (Though I'm pretty sure the northerners laugh at our winter temperatures lol)