Why do you like running?



  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    I like it best early in the morning before the sun comes up. I get my thoughts in order, listen to music and watch the city start to wake up. Then at mile three I really start thinking "oh yeah, I am feeling great"

    I can so picture this right now. Sounds awesome
  • Boobietrap1337
    Boobietrap1337 Posts: 195 Member
    Don't freak out, YOU CAN DO IT!! I felt the same way and remember thinking "Um, WTF? There's no way this is right..." but I did it :) And so will you!

    Thanks for the encouragement. I've noticed that running blocks seem to just be in my head. My body can do it, I just need to convince my brain!
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    I don't run (bad knees) but I like the fact you ran 6K just for the challenge, I admire that spirit!
  • MarshallLuke
    MarshallLuke Posts: 177 Member
    This wonderful comic has summed up my reasons for running and why I am so passionate about it. Though I have not done an ultra marathon yet, I plan to one day.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Because it gives me more calories to eat bacon with.

    :laugh: Yep, I came for the bacon. I stayed for the exhilaration and "me" time. Oh, and it's free!
  • sudmom
    sudmom Posts: 202 Member
    When I come home from a stressful day at the office and just go run..leave all my troubles behind. That is when it is the best!
  • marywalsh3718
    marywalsh3718 Posts: 18 Member
    In all honesty I don't like it. I struggle the entire time, every time I go out. However, I like what it does for my legs/butt. And the fact that it gives me more calories so that I can have ice cream at the end of the day. There are other exercises that'll give me more calories, but none of them do what running does for my shape. So...I deal with it. And try to get better....

    Thank you for saying that! I've tried running many times and my lungs struggle to make even a mile... I'm starting a new program to try and run a 5k by next spring - I'm giving myself that much time because running is just HARD for me... my legs can handle to running it's my lungs that can't and I'm hoping they improve. I've had asthma since I was a teenager- but ONLY when I ran - in 6th grade I had a 13 minute mile... I was a cheerleader and could handle the jumping, yelling and building but I can't handle running! This is my first post so I'm excited to join in -- my goal is to make running my go-to activity to get into better shape and manage stress. Thanks to everyone for replying to this post!
  • Behxo
    Behxo Posts: 1,190 Member
    because streaking feels like freedom

    i need a running buddy and you seem perfect.

  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    First off, I'm glad you're learning to love running and that you exceeded your goal, High Five!

    I ran 3-5 miles on average for about fifteen years running. . . .and then I started having IT band issues; that lasted for about six years, and since I have realized my injury was due to muscle imbalance and strengthened my glute muscles and running again, yeah!!!

    Why do I love to run? #1 I love running hills, because not everyone can do it; it's a mental thing you lean forward, dig in and just keep moving your legs, but I've seen it happen in races where there are hills and you can tell who did and didn't train on hills.

    #2 I love the days when you've just ran three miles and you just feel like you can keep going and going.

    #3 Running makes you lean, well I was at my leanest when I was doing long distance running, for me running did something for my body that nothing else could, it leaned me out.

    #4 Running clears my mind; whatever it is I was stewing about gets purged with a good run.

    I am sure I could think of more, but I appreciate what running has done positively for my body over the years and on the flip side if you're not weight training and finding some balance then it can beat your body up, which can be pretty humbling as well.
  • koaliebear195
    koaliebear195 Posts: 31 Member
    This wonderful comic has summed up my reasons for running and why I am so passionate about it. Though I have not done an ultra marathon yet, I plan to one day.

    Hahha that's awesome!
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    This wonderful comic has summed up my reasons for running and why I am so passionate about it. Though I have not done an ultra marathon yet, I plan to one day.
    OMG, I love the Oatmeal and "the Blerch". . .hilarious.

    #5 I forgot this one, running is cheap, well comparatively speaking, a decent pair of shoes will run between $50-100, and you can run anywhere. I always used to carry a change of clothes and shoes in the car in case the need to run struck me.
  • varoadstter
    varoadstter Posts: 4 Member
    Multiple reasons:
    It's challenging and therefore rewarding.
    It's a great to have some "me" time.
    The runner's high.
    I like recording times and seeing improvement.
    The body responds well to running (well, except my left knee unfortunately...)
  • iRun_Butterfly
    iRun_Butterfly Posts: 483 Member
    Because it's something I thought I'd never be able to do. Because each time I reach a new distance I feel exhilarated, didn't matter if it was my first full mile months ago, or when I broke 10K yesterday. That feeling of accomplishment is amazing.
  • Lesleycali
    Lesleycali Posts: 236 Member

    alone time, being surrounded by nature (I mostly trail run), seeing and feeling my body become stronger and faster.

    I love how sometimes, some runs, my mind separates from my body. My body is like, "hey brain, I got this, you can just turn off for awhile and just BE."
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I like the descent calorie burns of little under 100 calories per mile (more food), the time to myself (away from the constant presence of a four year despite how much I love him) and it's getting me ready to compete (I use that term loosely) in my first Ragnar Relay race with my brother who I don't get to see very often.
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    I'm a beginner, my runs are more like slow to modest jogs with a few walking breaks in between however I love it. Running to me symbolizes freedom over my body, and after spending some time pretty much immobile due to how much I used to weigh this feeling is priceless.
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    I run about 50 miles a month in between my gym time. I wouldnt say I LOVE running but, I do love the feeing AFTER I complete a run. Training for my first 1/2 marathon and I know that I will feel so accomplished once I am complete. Kind of the same way I felt after my first 10k. Thats why I run. For the feeling afterwards.... Oh, and the added weight loss doesnt hurt either :)
  • my_2_cents
    my_2_cents Posts: 109 Member
    I don't like running at all...but I do it to earn the horrible things I want to eat lol. My fitbit feeds me for exercise.

    I'm one of the crazy people, I went from no running at all to 7.5k in about 2 weeks. Prior to that, I had been walking about 90 minutes every day or two for a few weeks.

    Instead of starting with small distances, I started with slow pace. My first time running 5k it took over 40 min. Now after doing it a few times I'm under 35 min.

    I just put music on and start Cascarun on my BlackBerry. The voice in my head interupts my music to tell me my pace every 5 minutes and every KM.
  • congruns
    congruns Posts: 127 Member
    I used to think I wasn't going to live beyond 50 years old because of my health, so every time I run, I think to myself I am making death work harder to catch me.