Cravings- suggestions?

I usually do pretty well until 2pm-3pm when I get a craving for something sweet or salty. Does anyone have any suggestions?? This one snack can really devastate my calories and get me off track for the whole rest of the day. If I can find a solution here I would be good to stay on track all day.


  • Eselte
    Eselte Posts: 49
    I have afternoon cravings also. I saw, at the store the other day 100 calorie mini-pretzels dipped in chocolate. I didnt buy them and won't until I'm further on into my journey, as I'm afraid they might trigger a junk-food binge... but if you like those kinds of things, they'd be perfect for a salty/sweet fix. :)
  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    Carrots are pretty good and are quite sweet if they are ripe.
    Berries tend to be good and relatively low calorie, i.e. strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, etc. I have seen lots of people recommend them.
    I love my protein bars cause they basically just taste like rice crispy treats with chocolate on them. <3
    Single serving of some sort of nut could be good for that salt craving (if you are allowed to have them that is).
    Yogurt! People love yogurt... I don't, but people do. *nods*

    It really depends on how many calories you can allocate to it. How much do your current snacks devastate your calories?
  • I have cravings at that time too. Up until Sunday I would stuff my face with anything sweet. I now eat an apple or a banana to help me. If I am still hungry I reach for water. I bought these packet of crystallized lemon by true lemon. I put one packet in a big 4 cup jug and have that at my desk at work. There are certain foods that are trigger foods for me. Once I start I can not stop. Watermelon i is one of them. An apple seems to do the trick for me. I hope this helps.
  • greentart
    greentart Posts: 411 Member
    I normally do a string cheese or a greek yogurt. Sometimes a piece of fruit. Small pretzel bag w/hummus. You could also do some popcorn.
  • NikiG122
    NikiG122 Posts: 1
    My favorite afternoon snack is my 100 calorie pack of almonds! :smile:
  • kwatson28
    kwatson28 Posts: 31
    A banana drizzled with some honey and sprinkled with cinnamon! That should cover your sweet tooth for a while and still be relatively healthy.

    As for salty, have some almonds or a small bag of popcorn.
  • meltedsno
    meltedsno Posts: 208 Member
    DILL PICKLES! does it for me...takes care of the salty and cuts the sweet!
  • nam985
    nam985 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm hooked on honey roasted chickpeas! They are a simple way to satisfy my cravings for something sweet/salty/crunchy all while getting a decent hit of protein and fiber, the recipe I use comes in at ~165 kcal for a half cup serving.

    2 cups cooked chickpeas (rinse well if using canned) patted dry
    1 tbsp honey
    ½ tbsp olive oil
    ¼ tsp cinnamon
    salt to taste

    Spread chickpeas out in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment, bake at 400 F for 30-45 minutes, until golden brown and crisp. Mix other ingredients in a large bowl and add roasted chickpeas, toss to cover and return to baking sheet. Bake for another 10-15 minutes. Cool and store in an airtight container. Makes 4 servings.

    Note: if you are craving something spicy a pinch of cayenne pepper can be subbed for the cinnamon.
  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    I usually do pretty well until 2pm-3pm when I get a craving for something sweet or salty. Does anyone have any suggestions?? This one snack can really devastate my calories and get me off track for the whole rest of the day. If I can find a solution here I would be good to stay on track all day.

    I'll go another route and suggest you take a walk (if possible). I've personally defeated many a craving in this way.

    And bonus... you might just burn enough calories that an actual snack won't crush your calorie totals... win-win! :smile:
  • ewhip17
    ewhip17 Posts: 515 Member
    yeah - I have to eat around 3pm. It's the toughest time of the day for me. If I don't eat something then by 4 I'm sitting at the bottom of the pantry caked in cheezit dust..... so instead I'll try to have an apple, banana, yogurt, grapes or even a protein bar of some sort just depending on what I've had for lunch.
  • melodiarentsen
    melodiarentsen Posts: 20 Member
    Whipped cream (no more than 25 for 2 tbs.). I like to put it on blueberries. It only takes one tablespoon to cover a whole cup of blueberries. That's only 95 calories.

    I also like Grahamfuls from Keebler: Smores, Chocolate Peanut Butter, and Cinnamon-110-120 calories--

    I can't completely deny myself, or I just go for it with greater intensity later. Everything in moderation.
  • lnader2000
    lnader2000 Posts: 6 Member
    You should figure out if you are truly hunger or tired by that time of day.

    Hungry - eat a healthy snack before you get too hungry an crave junk food. Set an alarm on your phone to go off 30 minutes before 3pm and have your snack before you actually feel very hungry. Also having more calories for breakfast and lunch helps curb the afternoon cravings.

    Tired - Take a break. Like a short nap, a stroll around the block, chat to a friend or just simply step away from what you are doing to get a mental break.

    I hope it helps.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    I usually do pretty well until 2pm-3pm when I get a craving for something sweet or salty. Does anyone have any suggestions?? This one snack can really devastate my calories and get me off track for the whole rest of the day. If I can find a solution here I would be good to stay on track all day.

    I keep 100 calorie things of popcorn around. I also eat Fiber One Lemon bars or Cinnamon bars (better than their brownies) 90 cal) Fiber one also makes these 120 cal cookies that are heavenly (double chocolate or oatmeal rasin). Thin addiction has cranberry biscotti that is only 100 cal. Bolthouse makes yogurt based dressings that are under 40 cal for 2 tbs so that with veggies is good if I am legitimately hungry. Mini Icream cones are 5 cal each so I sometime freeze spray whip cream 5 cal into the cups and freeze them for a 10 cal icecream cone. Artic Zero makes Icecream that you can eat an entire pint of for 150 cal. There are lots of options. :-)
  • Rosie-A friend of mine told me that she gets cravings as well around this time and heard that if you drink cucumber water it will curb your cravings. She swears by it. I know it is not the sweet or salty you are looking for but just a suggestion. :-)
  • Rosie108
    Rosie108 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions :wink: I am going to try some of them for sure. I am allergic to bananas, cherries and apples unfortunately they used to be my go to but are now off the table.
  • SimaN2014
    SimaN2014 Posts: 23 Member
    A few things that work for me:

    - low fat plain yoghurt + chocolate powder mix (for cocoa). I create a chocolate pudding of sorts mixing them together, and I can totally adjust the amount of calories to fit in that day (e.g. small amount of yoghurt + small amount of chocolate powder will still be satisfying, but if I have calories to spare, I take a bit more) I weigh these things to get the calories correct. (This is actually my go-to evening snack.)

    - I bought a bag of miniature cookies. They are 26 calories each. I make a cup of tea, and can have 1, 2, 3 or 4 depending on how many calories I can afford to blow on a snack. I pre-log and put the exact number out and the bag away so I'm not tempted to keep eating them. The tea cuts the taste when I'm done with them and avoids me just wanting more and more.

    - a fruit (e.g. nectarine or clementine) and a cup of tea (I find drinking tea / herbal tea really helps a lot)

    - 15-20g of hard cheese

    I also find that the mid-afternoon snack urge is lessened if I up my protein intake and lower my processed carb intake at lunch. Apparently soup keeps one satiated longer than other things too, so you could also look at your lunch and try some adjustments there. Or, if you know you are going to need an extra 100 cals at snack time, eat a little less for breakfast and a little less for lunch and have a good snack.
  • michelle0989
    michelle0989 Posts: 121 Member
    Things I reach for around 2pm for a mid-day snack:

    100 calorie bag of popcorn
    Handful of almonds
    A mix of strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries
    Carrots & Celery (celery with a little peanut butter would satisfy your cravings even more)
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Try to go off of added sugars for about 2 weeks and see if that helps with yoru cravings. It is really hard because added sugar is in most foods (read the labels) but it can be done if you plan carefully and make meals at home. After doing this for two weeks I was able to greatly reduce my afternoon sweet cravings (google "fed up challenge" for more information on quitting sugar).

    I like to bring a couple of whole carrots and a piece of fruit to snack on in the afternoon. Eating whole carrots is more satisfying to me than baby carrots because of the extra crunch factor (plus they are much less expensive).
  • kayva91011
    kayva91011 Posts: 19 Member
    Organic popcorn! :)