Discouraged Member No. 137



  • fat2skinny50
    fat2skinny50 Posts: 104 Member
    My husband loves to share food too when we go to games or any event. What I do is take tiny bits this way he doesn't feel bad and i don't overeat my calories. Beer is alright too, just have 1 or 2 and drink slow. Don't let this slip get you down, just pull yourself up, dust yourself off and attempt to do better next time you are out. Good Luck, I know you have this and I will be reading your success story soon
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    You don't have to cut back on socializing in order to lose weight! It's also no good to cut back on socializing right now while you're trying to lose weight; as soon as you start back up, the lbs will come right back. Find a sustainable solution to attending these events.

    I always try to save up a few calories for booze and enjoy myself if I'm going out or partying. My friends are big on throwing potluck events or going to all you can eat things. I plan to have extra calories on those days and the days leading up, plan for additional exercise, and then log the results and move on. Sometimes I'm up 2-3 lbs after an event. The longest I've held on to party weight is a week or so. Letting one event set you back a week or two is not the end of the world.

    So you had a pizza and then went to a baseball game and ate more. I would look into why you think you ate at the game. Was it because food was there? Did you feel deprived or X type of food? Were you still hungry?
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    So you had a pizza and then went to a baseball game and ate more. I would look into why you think you ate at the game. Was it because food was there? Did you feel deprived or X type of food? Were you still hungry?

    The real story is my intention was to semi-fast yesterday, just one protein shake in the morning and a half one for dinner. I knew I had some bad diet days leading up to yesterday and I always weigh in on Wednesday. So I get home from work and I told myself, I will just eat this greek yogurt for dinner. Then 15 minutes later, I will just have this slice of deli ham and kraft slice of American cheese. Then the pizza went in the oven and I said just one slice. 3 slices later I talk myself into eating a piece of cookie cake. We get to the ball game and I split some nachos with my wife. I have a weak spot for nachos and I know my wife didn't eat much for dinner and was hungry so I didn't want to say no don't get them. An hour later she shows up with a brat to share.

    My god that is like 5,000 calories just for dinner. So much for fasting.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    So you had a pizza and then went to a baseball game and ate more. I would look into why you think you ate at the game. Was it because food was there? Did you feel deprived or X type of food? Were you still hungry?

    The real story is my intention was to semi-fast yesterday, just one protein shake in the morning and a half one for dinner. I knew I had some bad diet days leading up to yesterday and I always weigh in on Wednesday. So I get home from work and I told myself, I will just eat this greek yogurt for dinner. Then 15 minutes later, I will just have this slice of deli ham and kraft slice of American cheese. Then the pizza went in the oven and I said just one slice. 3 slices later I talk myself into eating a piece of cookie cake. We get to the ball game and I split some nachos with my wife. I have a weak spot for nachos and I know my wife didn't eat much for dinner and was hungry so I didn't want to say no don't get them. An hour later she shows up with a brat to share.

    My god that is like 5,000 calories just for dinner. So much for fasting.
    That's just the thing though; you know exactly why you went overboard. You were under-eating and then overate to compensate, plus there was a trigger food (nachos). I can prep for bad eating later in the day or week, but I can never fast/go low after over eating. I log it and move on. You made yourself especially vulnerable to those nachos. Some people can save up calories (re: fasting), some can't. I'd chew off my arm and eat an entire cake if I fasted all day.

    Is there a way for you to squeeze in a portion-controlled nacho treat every day/every few days? That way you don't feel like housing it when you do get your hands on it. I'm that way with nice cheeses. We always have some in the fridge so that I can have it whenever I want. I'm never tempted to eat the whole brick/wheel because I know it's for the full week.
  • lastfarewell
    lastfarewell Posts: 45 Member
    Since you don't eat much in the way of fruit or veg, you are not getting the fiber that would help you feel full longer and make it easier to resist temptation. consider looking into the free app gym-pact.com and using the veggie pact. You set your own goal for the week and if you don't meet it, you are charged $10. If you do meet it, you get a couple of bucks that comes from people who didn't meet their goal. It handles the financial part with either your paypal account or your credit card. It is pretty dang amazing, if you ask me.

    I am horrible about exercise and am using it very successfully.

    Another benefit: Veggies and fruit are easier to track and record. Tracking is crucial to my success.

    Best wishes and hang tough!
  • futuremdnca
    futuremdnca Posts: 5 Member
    Also feeling very discouraged....considering doing something more drastic
    I think my stress is what's keeping me from losing weight, so I'm trying to decrease that but I'm not sleeping as well as I'd like because I'm doing my clinical rotations in the hospital.
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    It did get better...I broke my routine and weighed myself this morning and I lost exactly 5 lbs in 48 hours according to my scale. I think it was a combination of eating bad the evening before weigh in and then having two pretty good diet days (give myself a B+ for diet).