What about 1200 NET?

I hope I'm not beating a dead horse here, but what's the general consensus on 1200 NET cals per day if you're eating all your exercise calories back? MFP has me set at 1200 calories, but I generally eat anywhere from 1500-1900 gross after exercise. I always assumed this was fine, but then I end up second guessing myself when somebody throws out a post about 1200 calories per day and everybody freaks out.

Thanks! :)


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    at this point, it doesnt even resemble a dead horse anymore, its just a pile of pulverized meat and bones

    it depends on how big you are, but whenever someone talks about how much you intake its generally the net amount they refer to, so the people that eat 1200 even after accounting for exercise better be TINY
  • my_2_cents
    my_2_cents Posts: 109 Member
    If MFP's automated system set you at 1200 calories, then that is fine....That sounds to me like you may very well be on a 2lb per week loss schedule, which isn't ideal when you already appear to be close to your goal. I'd suggest reducing your weekly loss goal to 1 lb, maybe even 0.5 lbs, and that will up your calories slightly. You can then follow what everyone seems to suggest which is to only eat back about 50% of your exercise calories. Bottom line is don't obsess about this stuff. The slower you lose the weight, the easier it is to maintain after your loss because you don't change anything really when you go to maintenance.
  • amykhughes
    amykhughes Posts: 25 Member
    I'm set at 1lb per week loss. I am already in my healthy weight range and looking to lose those "last 10 pounds".
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    How much are you losing a week? If you're on target. I wouldn't worry. The issue is with quick weight loss. If you're losing on target at a steady pace. I don't see the big deal.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I'm set at 1lb per week loss. I am already in my healthy weight range and looking to lose those "last 10 pounds".

    Last 10 pounds..........weekly goal should be more like 1/2 pound a week (sorry).

    The reason for the slow loss.....you need to eat enough to support existing lean muscle mass. The good news, MFP guesstimates for exercise are usually "generous".....so you may already be eating enough. If you start to feel run down or tired....eat more.
  • amykhughes
    amykhughes Posts: 25 Member
    How much are you losing a week? If you're on target. I wouldn't worry. The issue is with quick weight loss. If you're losing on target at a steady pace. I don't see the big deal.

    I'm losing an average of .5-1 lb per week or so.

    Thanks for the responses so far!
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    1200 NET is FAR different than 1200 gross, IMHO. I aim to net 1200-1300 on exercise days (which works out to a real 1500-1800 calories). But, yeah, on rest days, 1200 is NOT gonna happen for me. I stick to 1400-1500 (or more, if I need it) on rest days. 1200 is a hangry, murderous mess for me.

    However I look at it, 1200 NET is really quite similar to a TDEE -15-20% for me (I've run the math), which is an adequate balance of weight loss and nutrient intake. Either way I do it, it works out to ~1,600-1650 cal/day average.

    It sounds like you've got similar numbers going on, which sounds correct for you.
  • amykhughes
    amykhughes Posts: 25 Member
    I'm set at 1lb per week loss. I am already in my healthy weight range and looking to lose those "last 10 pounds".

    Last 10 pounds..........weekly goal should be more like 1/2 pound a week (sorry).

    The reason for the slow loss.....you need to eat enough to support existing lean muscle mass. The good news, MFP guesstimates for exercise are usually "generous".....so you may already be eating enough. If you start to feel run down or tired....eat more.

    I suspected that too. Right now I feel great, actually. I'm eating more than I have in the past when attempting to lose weight when I went too extreme which led to horrible cravings and binges. I have not had that issue this time around but I've only been serious again for about 3 weeks so it might be too soon to tell.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    I'm typically one who frowns upon 1200, only because at 5'3.5" I lost a majority of my weight at 1650 net but there's a few factors.

    How are you measuring burns from exercise? If those are inflated, you may be actually doing more than 1200 net inadvertently. Which is okay, just something to think about.
  • amykhughes
    amykhughes Posts: 25 Member
    I'm typically one who frowns upon 1200, only because at 5'3.5" I lost a majority of my weight at 1650 net but there's a few factors.

    How are you measuring burns from exercise? If those are inflated, you may be actually doing more than 1200 net inadvertently. Which is okay, just something to think about.

    I'm going by my Fitbit burn. I realize it may not be 100% accurate (or even 85%), but I decided not to worry about it too much unless my loss stalls out.