Things that suck about being fat



  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Cuz I want a waffle and I want syrup on it, but it'll put me over my calories.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Working on a list for my motivation board: "Things that suck about being fat"

    What pet peeves are you most looking forward to leaving behind?

    I'll start...

    chub rub / chafing I have chub rub and chafing- legs and arms
    compression garments still wear them
    not fitting knee-high boots because my calves are too big still have issues with boots sliding down b/c the calves don't fit
    neck sweat definitely
    getting winded going up 2 flights of stairs EVERY DAY TO WORK I DO
    having breathing problems bending over to tie shoes (or painting/cutting toenails)
    not quite fitting into airplane & stadium seats depends on the seat but yeah- big butts don't fit well comfortably- no matter how plus they are
    being the fat girl engaged to the skinny guy try being the fit one with the over weight one- not much better
    one size all doesn't fit me one size all is one size fits almost no one
    FUPA I look 4 months pregnant all the time b/c of this
    wanting to sit/lie down all the time probably not for the same reasons- but THIS- ALL.THE.TIME - tired is a state of being.
    depression/anxiety related to weight and health this never goes away- it gets better- but you wind up fussing with other things
    the Bad Habit Cycle all mental- not your actual weight
    not feeling sexy happens to everyone
    being the fattest of my friends happens at any size
    my outside doesn't fit my personality
    poor posture it doesn't have to be- skinny people have poor posture too- fix it now
    back problems

    Oh honey- I think ti's a good idea- but wrong direction because I have bad news for you- I've added my comments in bold to your quote

    many of those things can be addressed now- and are well outside of just a size issue. I'm kind of sad to see this list because it's so negative and the reality is many of us deal with these things on our own- in our own way- like I said- I get mad chub rub- and I have body image issues- i'm fabulous- but some days I just look down at my fat thighs (they aren't that fat but they look like it those days) and I just want to cry- all my accomplishments be damned.

    Then I go put on sexy dresses- go to dinner and make my BF crazy over me and forget what I was thinking about.

    I would focus on the positives and working on improving your mental image of yourself NOW. If you wait till you're "skinny" it's going to be hard b/c you'll realize many of the issues are completely separate from your actual weight.

    For me it was important (IS- not was LOL) to focus on positives-
    getting to spend more time with active family members?
    getting to shop more!
    trying new things you couldn't' before!
    being more fit means so much to me- and when I am not fit- and I can't keep up- or am limited- it's a big motivation to look forward to trying new things- rock climbing- kayaking- horse riding hiking stuff like that- it opens a lot of doors and opportunities.

    Anyway- I love the fact you have a motivational board though- so keep that up- but don't forget the positve things to look forward to as well!!!

    A motivational board is a fabulous idea! I agree with JoRocka. Don't forget the positive consequences! Here are some of my things that won't suck when I'm not fat. I'm sure I have lots more, but these jump to mind...

    - Being able to get on any scale and know it will be able to handle your weight, as many have a 300 lb (or less) capicity. (done!)

    - Being able to walk confidently into any store that sells clothes and know they will have your size.

    - Being able to go into any restaurant without asking for a table, because you don't fit comfortably in most booths. (for the most part done, but I still have trouble with the super small booths, but I'm getting there). Even in restaurants where I know I can fit in a booth now, I still automatically ask for a table. Just habit I guess.

    - Being able to get on a ride in a theme park AND being able to sit comfortably in a seat on a plane. (haven't tested either yet, but I'm optimistic)

    - Moving into my senior years without the burden of carrying that extra weight.

    FUPA...ha! Never knew it had a name/acronym. Learn something new everyday!
  • lukewind
    lukewind Posts: 177 Member
    I have quite a large FUPA, its way smaller now and getting smaller as I go, but lets just say in my current state any "activity" is not easily done, not that anyone would be. I sure hope that its goes away when I lose my last 180lbs.

    Its an embarrassing situation and keeps many people from even attempting a relationship with someone, myself included. For women it is more aesthetic, but for men it prevent function.
  • SsetAdnama
    SsetAdnama Posts: 106 Member
    Working on a list for my motivation board: "Things that suck about being fat"

    What pet peeves are you most looking forward to leaving behind?

    I'll start...

    chub rub / chafing I have chub rub and chafing- legs and arms
    compression garments still wear them
    not fitting knee-high boots because my calves are too big still have issues with boots sliding down b/c the calves don't fit
    neck sweat definitely
    getting winded going up 2 flights of stairs EVERY DAY TO WORK I DO
    having breathing problems bending over to tie shoes (or painting/cutting toenails)
    not quite fitting into airplane & stadium seats depends on the seat but yeah- big butts don't fit well comfortably- no matter how plus they are
    being the fat girl engaged to the skinny guy try being the fit one with the over weight one- not much better
    one size all doesn't fit me one size all is one size fits almost no one
    FUPA I look 4 months pregnant all the time b/c of this
    wanting to sit/lie down all the time probably not for the same reasons- but THIS- ALL.THE.TIME - tired is a state of being.
    depression/anxiety related to weight and health this never goes away- it gets better- but you wind up fussing with other things
    the Bad Habit Cycle all mental- not your actual weight
    not feeling sexy happens to everyone
    being the fattest of my friends happens at any size
    my outside doesn't fit my personality
    poor posture it doesn't have to be- skinny people have poor posture too- fix it now
    back problems

    Oh honey- I think ti's a good idea- but wrong direction because I have bad news for you- I've added my comments in bold to your quote

    many of those things can be addressed now- and are well outside of just a size issue. I'm kind of sad to see this list because it's so negative and the reality is many of us deal with these things on our own- in our own way- like I said- I get mad chub rub- and I have body image issues- i'm fabulous- but some days I just look down at my fat thighs (they aren't that fat but they look like it those days) and I just want to cry- all my accomplishments be damned.

    Then I go put on sexy dresses- go to dinner and make my BF crazy over me and forget what I was thinking about.

    I would focus on the positives and working on improving your mental image of yourself NOW. If you wait till you're "skinny" it's going to be hard b/c you'll realize many of the issues are completely separate from your actual weight.

    For me it was important (IS- not was LOL) to focus on positives-
    getting to spend more time with active family members?
    getting to shop more!
    trying new things you couldn't' before!
    being more fit means so much to me- and when I am not fit- and I can't keep up- or am limited- it's a big motivation to look forward to trying new things- rock climbing- kayaking- horse riding hiking stuff like that- it opens a lot of doors and opportunities.

    Anyway- I love the fact you have a motivational board though- so keep that up- but don't forget the positve things to look forward to as well!!!

    So happy to see a positive spin put on my snarky topic! On the face of it, yes, it can appear very negative to some people to create such a list. I see them more as "tipping points" - additional motivation to make the changes I need to make in my life, for my health and for myself. I have far more self-esteem than the post may show, although it has taken a hit in the body-image area. I understand that not all of these are guaranteed to go away when I lose weight - I may never be comfortable in airplane seats and I may never have calves that fit into knee-high boots. I know sexiness is a state of mind - and I feel sexier already now that I'm working out and trying to eat right and taking some damned control over the situation. I'm looking forward to being able to shop where I want to shop, dance all night, and trying new things - like acroyoga! Just because I posted a negative list doesn't mean I don't have dreams of what's positive. Like being healthy! :) I'm very appreciative of most of the people on MFP, who are always ready to try to lift someone else up when they think their head is in the wrong direction.

    As for FUPA - it's a horrible thing. I never even heard of it until I heard two of my coworkers being obnoxious, talking about someone else. I had to look it up, and my stomach turned. Do I have a FUPA? I asked myself. I'd never thought of it before. Oh God! I did! Aack. I didn't like it before it had a name, and then it had a name!
  • SsetAdnama
    SsetAdnama Posts: 106 Member
    As for thigh rub - I love BodyGlide in cream-to-powder formula and pettipants. If you're tired of bike shorts and compression shorts and tights and such, look up pettipants on Amazon. They're slip material made into shorts. Light enough to sleep in, come in a decent range of sizes, not very expensive, aren't restricting, and you don't have your dress crawling up your shorts. My "bloomers" saved my summer.
  • Rockinteacherchick
    Rockinteacherchick Posts: 17 Member
    I haven't seen anyone with quite as much weight to lose as I do. My highest weight was last October, at 485. I am now 453, but have just recently started trying. I think my second job that started in September helped me lose what I have over the past several months. The issues I am looking most forward to leaving behind are mostly health related!

    **No more leg edema (swelling, purple legs, and cellulitis), which is so painful that I cry at night sometimes =(
    ** High Blood pressure, with chest pain (yes, I am on meds!)
    ** Not being able to put any pressure on my knees/shins, which means I cannot get in the floor at all b/c I would be stuck there!
    **No more using a personal hygiene wand, although truth be told it seems to be more sanitary than not using one. I just don;t want to HAVE to use one
    **No more feeling lethargic

    Anyone feel free to add me! We can encourage each other! =)
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    I'm just going to say it.

    Under boob sweat.
  • Raaynn
    Raaynn Posts: 47 Member
    having a closet full of clothes but nothing that fits. my favorite one is the where im in the very back of all family photos, behind everyone else because I think if I hide then it wont look like im so big. it never works but I never stop trying.
  • jcast92
    jcast92 Posts: 144 Member
    Things are a bit better now in comparison to four years ago, but the following still get me:

    - thigh chafing ESPECIALLY when I run!! This prevents me from going on longer runs because it gets so uncomfortable.
    - feeling noticeably fatter after eating when around thinner people
    - trying to hide the fat (when I was fatter, I remember always wearing a sweater, even in spring, because I thought maybe people wouldn't notice how fat I was)
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    I'm just going to say it.

    Under boob sweat.
    And flabby tummy making a slapping noise when doing rigorous jumping type exercises.
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    It doesn't matter how much we weigh as long as we are healthy and we are comfortable with ourselves! Some of us may want to be stick thin while others may feel great having curves. I for one am not paying all too much attn to the scale and shootin for where I would feel comfortable (and sexy btw :wink: ) walking around the house naked. And I promise you, I have no desire to be a Skinny Minny my goal is a Marilyn Monroe voluptuous, curvy body (not during her skinny years) and I'm just about there! Yay!!! :bigsmile:

    So for all of you out there that are trying to lose weight: Find your comfort zone and make your goal to where you are healthy and where you want to be... not where society expects us all to be. You are all Unique & Beautiful, so give a little Love to yourselves & be proud of who you are! :heart:
  • love8383
    love8383 Posts: 169
    worrying about health problems (you might get)
    shopping (ugly plus sized clothes)
    eating in public
    knee pain
  • stormbornkraken
    stormbornkraken Posts: 303 Member
    Back when my belly was wider than my boobs.... and I wasn't pregnant. But I agree, think of the positives.
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    Stepping on the scale at the doctors office (and wearing the lightest cloths possible).

    Mandatory family photos at holidays and wanting to always be in the back row

    Things like skinny pants come back in style and I can't wear them like I used to 20 years ago.

    Buttons on shirts pop or the placket spreads open because my boobs are too big.
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Worn out inner jean thighs
    You have such a pretty face comments
    Being underestimated
    the clothes
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I see all the negatives in a friend of mine who is morbidly obese at 199lb and 5'0". She consistently complains about shortness of breath and that her legs are causing her to be unable to walk any distance. I emphathise with her heart valve problems, but they are masking the reality of her weight issue that would solve at least half of her woes. She sees a whole bunch of doctors, none of whom seem to have addressed her weight.

    I don't mention it either because her response in the past has been very dismissive towards me and I am not her mother. I have other causes to champion. I will be sorry if her weight contributes to a shorter life for her. My choice has been to withdraw my contact and increase my social circle.

    I would never live the way she has chosen to live and I feel for her and I have done what I could, so I don't feel guilty.

    I hope you will start to look at the positive things about becoming a thinner person, rather than concentrate on the negatives of being fat. I noticed recently, after a year of maintaining, that I have lost my saddlebags, I have thigh gap, and I have gone down a size, even though my body weight has stayed the same.
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    Try to catch yourself anytime you say, "I'm too fat to.." Is there a posted weight limit? Are you physically incapable? No? Then stop putting your life on hold! Go out today and seize what you want from life today. :)

    (There will always be an excuse.)

    You are more than that number on your scale. You are an artist, an athlete, an engineer, a hacker, loyal, smart, sensitive, charitable, a sibling, a son or daughter, or a parent. If you're none of those.. get cracking!
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Muffin top, ugh
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    Having sore legs while walking
    Man-boobs (8kg above goal weight and I've still got them)
    Not liking looking in the mirror
    Lost sex drive because of all of the fat induced estrogen in my body
    Sore back in the morning
    A few others I've forgotten (I'm not fat anymore)
  • heidispideymfp
    heidispideymfp Posts: 179 Member
    Struggling to tie my shoe laces
    Back fat
    Flat feet