any women who are 6' tall?

melindapipkin Posts: 66
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
i was wondering what u weigh and what your goal weight is. i am 6' right now i weigh 190 and my goal weight is either 160 or 150


  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    I'm almost 6'1". I currently weight about 190. I haven't quite figured out my goal weight. I say 160, but I think it is going to be more about how I look and feel after I get down to about 170.
  • janski2
    janski2 Posts: 70
    I'm 5 foot 10 inches and I feel real good at 170#. Any lower than that I feel self conscious.
  • pjsma11498
    pjsma11498 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 5' 11 1/2" and I weigh 250. I'm about 75 lbs overweight. Depending on bone size, average weight for a 6 foot tall woman is between 170-190. If you are big boned, you are probably about where you need to be.
  • I'm 6'2" and weigh 250. My goal is 175. I wear a size 18 right now, and would love to be in a 12/10
  • I'm 5'9.
  • Andi_Mo
    Andi_Mo Posts: 243
    I'm just shy :) 5'11.5 and currently 205. Hoping to get to 180. :)
  • I am 5p9.5 and I am currently at 170... I don't feel good and look fit unless at 160 lbs.
  • I'm just shy of 6ft and weigh 265lbs. My goal weight is 180lbs.
  • 1southernchick
    1southernchick Posts: 301 Member
    Depends too on whether you have a large bone structure or not. I'm 5'10" and a good weight for me is 170. Really anything less than that and I start looking boney and anorexic. I'm larged boned and things just start sticking out everywhere. Plus realistically at my age, I think 170 is a good pick. For you at 6'1 maybe 175? Just depends on how you look in your clothes at that weight. I've also found that now that I'm older things have re-distrubuted themselves. So I actually look smaller at a higher weight now. My waist is what's so stubborn!

  • I'm 5'11 and i LOVE that there are so many of us tall girls!!
  • Wow your not heavy!!!
  • 1southernchick
    1southernchick Posts: 301 Member
    Wow your not heavy!!!

    I have to agree with her!
  • pjsma11498
    pjsma11498 Posts: 17 Member
    me too, not heavy at all!
  • I'm 5'11....I LOVE being tall :)
  • RoyaDee
    RoyaDee Posts: 43
    5'10, currently 185, aiming for 140. My good friend is 5'10 adnd 140 (and I love her figure, haha.)
  • MadisonLeavens
    MadisonLeavens Posts: 31 Member
    5'10" here and for me, it's not so much what I will weigh, but what size I want to be. I want to be a size 12. Now, what will I weigh at size 12, I don't know since I've never weighed below 250 pounds in all my adult life.
  • I can relate with the woman who was 5'10" and 170. I'm 178 currently and my goal for now is 170. I was 160 at my lowest and it was tough to maintain as a "fit" person... meaning someone who enjoys working out and muscle definition (and having a normal life) . More than looking at the "weight" though, is to look at your body fat and even more so, how you FEEL. You want that to be in the 19% - 25% to feel the best you've ever felt :) Plus, you want to be in shape enough to climb a flight of stairs without being out of breath. So what it comes down to is Health and Fitness. Use the number as one goal but not your only measurement.
  • I totally hear ya girl!!! I feel best at 170 too! Getting older has been an interesting discovery in how the body changes :)
  • Oops, that last comment was intended for 1southerngirl... I'm new here and just learning how this works... thought it was like facebook and you could comment to each comment :) Sorry.
  • I am 6'01" and currently weigh 207. I have lost 10 pounds so far this month. My goal is to reach 160 by mid May. As an adult, I've been down to 145 pounds, but my bones were showing and I didn't look very healthy.
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