Trouble Starting...

I'm back trying to lose weight...again. I've never managed to get back to my goal weight (pre-baby weight, and my 'baby' just turned four). I stayed steady at 180 (170-175 is where I sit comfortably) for a while, but after some life changes - moved cross country, went through several jobs, broke off an engagement, suffered my first Midwest winter... - I started rapidly gaining weight, and now I'm at 220 and absolutely miserable with how I look.

My biggest struggle is seeing how far I have to go. Even with ZERO mistakes a week ('perfect' balanced diet and effective exercise 4-5x a week), I can't seem to lose more than 2lb a week. And at that rate, that is a stretch of six months before I see a weight I don't feel 'fat' at. I get bogged down and depressed thinking how little of a difference each day is making, especially since it feels like each day is such a struggle, as I constantly feel hungry and sore. I never get 'comfortable' losing weight, it just feels like a long, drawn out punishment.

Aside from just shutting up and pushing through it every day, does anyone have any advice?


  • thesmallestpineapple
    thesmallestpineapple Posts: 21 Member
    It can seem like a chore, I know... but 2lbs a week is good and you need to start embracing this kind of slow steady weight loss that will leave you able to maintain your sexy body when you reach your final goal! Staying positive is really important. Banish the word 'punishment' from your vocabulary right now!

    Why not set some smaller goals since looking at how far you have to go isn't helping. This helps with the positive mental attitude... it all seems easier when you're only 4 or 5lbs until your next target!

    I don't know what you're eating, but why not have a search around on the internet for some more recipies... try new things (logging it all!!) and see if you can find out what works best for you to keep you from feeling too hungry.

    Play around with which meals you eat that are larger than the others, a big meal in the evening doesn't suit me... if I wait that long for my main meal I will struggle not to have a bit of a binge after and go way over even what should be maintenance, if I eat my biggest meal at midday or for breakfast I can usually comfortably stay within the MFP calorie suggestion for the rest of the day.

    It's all about figuring out the routine and foods that work for YOU. It get's easier, honestly it does... but try to enjoy the process of working that out because getting depressed or upset or feeling defeated doesn't help.

    Do you enjoy the exercise that you're doing at the moment? What about going to a few new classes to try out some new sports if you've got the ability to have someone else look after your child. Fall in love with sport and that bit becomes easier too.

    Try not to rule out foods that you might consider to be unhealthy while you're working out what keeps you from being too hungry. I had a couple of weeks where I ate pop-tarts for breakfast, because I found that 400 calories of pop-tart kept me from feeling hungry until it was time for lunch, before that I was eating a lot of snacks while at work that I didn't really find filling. I'm back to a healthier breakfast now (most days) but I don't regret a single one of those pop-tarts.

    You CAN do this, and I know you probably won't believe me at the moment... but you can enjoy it too!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    2 pounds a week is a great rate, so congrats on doing so well!

    Soon enough that will slow to around 1 pound a week, and you'll just need to adjust your expectations.

    Good problem to have.
  • Really, one of the biggest 'aha' moments in your post - which I thank you for, I appreciate you taking the time to reply, especially with that much detail! - was when I'm eating my big meal of the day. I've heard to eat several small meals (which leaves me minorly hungry all day), or to focus on breakfast (I run in the mornings, and a heavy meal after that isn't always appealing). Culturally, dinner is always the big 'family meal'...but my two cats don't care when I eat! Taking the time to put together a filling lunch might really make a difference.

    As for exercising - I'm not in a financial or geographical situation where I can take classes, so there's a lot of 'self-motivation', which as we all know can wear thin. I do enjoy my workouts, although do wish I could have a bit more to work with, I just need to shift my mindset from, "I'm doing this to lose weight" to "I'm doing this because it feels good and it makes me feel good".
  • I could have written your post. I struggle with the amount I have to lose and the time frame it will take to get it all off as well. I did really well awhile back taking weight off but now that I'm mid 40's it seems so much harder than before, and I have added weight since then. I keep thinking that 1 or 2 lbs I've lost is so little in the grand scheme of things. I also have lost the first 5-10 lbs so many times over the last few years that it doesn't seem like a big deal anymore if I drop 5 lbs. I'm thinking maybe switching my bigger meal to earlier in the day maybe a good idea for me too. I do so well during the day...counting calories, eating healthy,etc...but by the time I get home I want to eat everything in sight and usually do. I know alot of it is stress that is causing it, but maybe eating more during the day, will help me be not so hungry when I get home and have some control to do something else besides eat.
  • blc1971
    blc1971 Posts: 170 Member
    It is incredibly difficult to get yourself in the right mindset, but that's what I had to do. When I started this journey in September, 2012, I realized I was miserable and if I didn't make changes, in 6 months I would still be miserable...just older!! LOL!! So if you continue doing what you're doing, you may not be at your ultimate goal in 6 months, but you will at least be a thinner and (more importantly) healthier version of yourself.

    As to feeling "punished", I always felt the same way when dieting in the past. This time I decided I would not diet and no foods are off-limits if they fit into my calorie goals. I still enjoy treats, just in smaller portions and not every day. I try to make healthier choices 85% of the time and I splurge on some old favorites about 15% of the time (or less). As I've made progress, I find myself making the healthier choices because I know they make me feel good. About 2 months ago I decided to splurge on a huge burger and spuds. It was delicious and I ate every bite!! But later my stomach felt terrible. I was miserable for nearly the entire next day and I craved sugar like crazy!! I decided right then I would not go through that again! I limit my portions of those foods that I know don't make me feel my best.

    I hope this helps!! Just know that if I can do this, you (and anyone) can do this!!