Is it bad to have a cookie while I'm on my diet?



  • leobarb
    leobarb Posts: 1
    If you don't treat yourself here and there, you may give up. I had two small cookies 2 days ago.I would suggest a low carb dinner to off set it
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Absolutely NOT!!!!!!!. You mention you are new to diet. Why are you already thinking about cookies? That's how you gained the weight in the first place right? 1 Cookie today then 2 cookies on Friday because you exercised hard. There are all sorts of ideas for healthy deserts on the internet. Instead of eating a cookie, research the net for healthy snacks. :smile:

    She doesn't want a hit of crack, she wants a cookie. Relax.

    Everyone's food obsessions are not the same.
  • WonkaCat
    WonkaCat Posts: 42
    Yes, it is horribly bad for you to have a cookie. Please send all the cookies to me for safe keeping. :happy:

    Enjoy the cookie if it fits into your calorie goals. I eat ice cream pretty much every day and meet my goals and am losing weight gradually as is my plan. I tend to go mental if I try and deprive myself of delicious sweets and then overeat on them.
  • rgordon60
    rgordon60 Posts: 9 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss! To answer your question - it is certainly ok to have a cookie if it is within your calorie count for the day. However, remember to stay focused on your goal. Most importantly, eliminate the word "diet" from your vocabulary and replace it with "lifestyle change". Diets never work. Life style changes are what keep one motivated and successful!

    Enjoy the cookie and good luck!
    Ro in Scottsdale
  • 1911JR
    1911JR Posts: 276
    I'm new to my diet. I'm a week in and doing great. Been short on my calories, lost weight and feel better. Would it be bad if I were to have a cookie from Subway today? My calories would still be short.

    This is one of those, does my butt look big in these pants questions. :noway:

    IF, you feel eating that cookie is bad, YES it`s bad. If your mentally ok with it, eat it, log it, and be done with it. The answer to this one is in your head, it won`t come from someone else.
  • FatJockSing
    FatJockSing Posts: 164 Member
    I am not a cookie fan - but I do LOVE cheese and peanut butter and they fit my lifestyle and they fit my macros!

    Eat what you love - yep you've guessed it - IIFYM!!!!!! :drinker:
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Absolutely NOT!!!!!!!. You mention you are new to diet. Why are you already thinking about cookies? That's how you gained the weight in the first place right? 1 Cookie today then 2 cookies on Friday because you exercised hard. There are all sorts of ideas for healthy deserts on the internet. Instead of eating a cookie, research the net for healthy snacks. :smile:

    She doesn't want a hit of crack, she wants a cookie. Relax.

    Everyone's food obsessions are not the same.

    Agreed with this poster and the others. You need to develop a healthy relationship with food and that means being able to have a cookie if it fits.

    I have a giant 5 lb bag of Trolli Sour gummy worms in my desk drawer right now, seriously it was a bday present from my sweet heart back in April. I'm not even half way through it yet, I portion out 6 worms at a time, which is roughly 60 calories. Not bad for something loaded with sugar. I also have a box of double chunk chips ahoy cookies in my desk drawer (fresh re-seal-able container ftw) two of those are 160.

    If I wasn't allowed to have my favorite foods and treats I wouldn't last long. It's why I haven't succeeded on any diet prior to joining fitness pal. I could keep up the diet for a short time and lose some weight but that can only last so long. Fitness pal is less of a diet and more of a lifestyle choice, you can live and eat like a normal person, just be responsible with tracking and recording.

    Now I eat all of this junk and I'm still losing weight. I'm very big about making sure the food I eat gets as close as possible to hitting my macros, so obviously I can't have 20 cookies and 60 sour worms in one day, I have to practice moderation. win/win
  • joverine
    joverine Posts: 28 Member
    Absolutely NOT!!!!!!!. You mention you are new to diet. Why are you already thinking about cookies? That's how you gained the weight in the first place right? 1 Cookie today then 2 cookies on Friday because you exercised hard. There are all sorts of ideas for healthy deserts on the internet. Instead of eating a cookie, research the net for healthy snacks. :smile:

    Don't follow this!

    If you want the cookie make it fit into your day, yesterday I made these yummy brownies they are filled with Reese's peanut butter cups, Rolo's, cream cheese, and crushed pretzel sticks. I had 2 of the brownies yesterday and they fit into my day without a problem.


    You can eat treats just make sure you are making it a part of a well balanced diet.

    Damn those look good. So ok let's say my wife made these how do i know how many calories they have and if they fit rest of my macros
  • Absolutely NOT!!!!!!!. You mention you are new to diet. Why are you already thinking about cookies? That's how you gained the weight in the first place right? 1 Cookie today then 2 cookies on Friday because you exercised hard. There are all sorts of ideas for healthy deserts on the internet. Instead of eating a cookie, research the net for healthy snacks. :smile:

    Don't follow this!

    If you want the cookie make it fit into your day, yesterday I made these yummy brownies they are filled with Reese's peanut butter cups, Rolo's, cream cheese, and crushed pretzel sticks. I had 2 of the brownies yesterday and they fit into my day without a problem.


    You can eat treats just make sure you are making it a part of a well balanced diet.

    It seems that my response was not received well. First if you are just starting out on your diet it is very important to stick with it. That doesn't mean well i went to the gym and trained for 1 hour burned 230 calories so now I can have a cookie. Depriving yourself of delicious high caloric foods ain't going to be easy. My suggestion is this (worked for me ) loose the wright first then treat yourself to a cookie on what is known as cheat day. Sorry people. No cookie.

    Lifestyle behaviors (such as eating habits and exercise patterns) can dramatically affect an individual's weight. The basic caloric balance equation means that overweight and obesity results from an energy imbalance—eating too many calories and not getting enough physical activity.

    More calories IN than OUT over time = weight gain
    More calories OUT than IN over time = weight loss
    One pound of fat is equal to about 3,500 calories. Thus, if an individual eats 350 extra calories of food every day (equal to a piece of cake or a medium shake), that individual would gain a pound every 10 days.
    Stress influences human eating behavior and can result in overeating, and a preference for energy- and nutrient-dense foods (usually high in sugar and fat). Stress-induced eating may be a major factor in the development of obesity. (Caprio et al., 2008; CDC, 2012d; Pollan, 2009; Torres & Nowson, 2007).
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Absolutely NOT!!!!!!!. You mention you are new to diet. Why are you already thinking about cookies? That's how you gained the weight in the first place right? 1 Cookie today then 2 cookies on Friday because you exercised hard. There are all sorts of ideas for healthy deserts on the internet. Instead of eating a cookie, research the net for healthy snacks. :smile:

    Don't follow this!

    If you want the cookie make it fit into your day, yesterday I made these yummy brownies they are filled with Reese's peanut butter cups, Rolo's, cream cheese, and crushed pretzel sticks. I had 2 of the brownies yesterday and they fit into my day without a problem.


    You can eat treats just make sure you are making it a part of a well balanced diet.

    Damn those look good. So ok let's say my wife made these how do i know how many calories they have and if they fit rest of my macros

    You would log the ingredients in the recipe builder, weigh out the entire pan divide into portions and enter serving into your diary. Mine came out as 1 serving was 243 calories.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    To keep me from totally blowing this thing, I have to keep my sweet tooth happy so I allow myself 3 miniture reeces peanut butter cups a day...that totals 132 calories but well worth it!! Realistically you cannot go the rest of your life without a cookie here or a piece of candy is all about moderation.

    Just a note: 3 Reeses Minis is 55 Cals, not 132.

    ETA: So you should have 7. Not 3.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member

    If you want the cookie make it fit into your day, yesterday I made these yummy brownies they are filled with Reese's peanut butter cups, Rolo's, cream cheese, and crushed pretzel sticks. I had 2 of the brownies yesterday and they fit into my day without a problem.


    You can eat treats just make sure you are making it a part of a well balanced diet.

    Damn those look good. So ok let's say my wife made these how do i know how many calories they have and if they fit rest of my macros

    You would log the ingredients in the recipe builder, weigh out the entire pan divide into portions and enter serving into your diary. Mine came out as 1 serving was 243 calories.

    Or you could enter the recipe in the recipe builder, decide how many servings you want to cut it into (a 13 x 9 pan often makes 12 large, 18 medium, or 24 small servings) and divide the total calories by the number of servings. As long as you measure and cut evenly, there is no reason to weigh.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Cookie Monster would tell you to "Keep Calm and Eat Cookies"

    at least, that is what my tshirt is telling me today :bigsmile:

    Ma'am, I believe you are *quite* mistaken about the cookie monster.

  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    If cookies are wrong, I don't want to be right.

    That goes for ice cream, cake and other delectable goodies too.

    Fit the yummies in your calorie goal, make sure to get a well-balanced day of your macros and have at it.
  • TheFrugalFatass
    TheFrugalFatass Posts: 58 Member
    If you can stop at just one, then by all means yes - eat that cookie!
  • Ok after discussing this issue with researchers, it was their consensus as well eat the cookie that is loaded with carbs, fat and sugar. However doing this so early in your diet might not be the best of choices. Making good choices is up to you and not others. I say again you know that the cookie might not be such a bad decision because otherwise you would not have asked. So it must be fantastic to see so many people telling you to eat the cookie. Less guilt on your part right?. When I said "absolutely not" I said that with peace and love. I know what a struggle it is. I just didn't want to be the person telling you to make a unhealthy choice. Get physically active if you can.

    1) 45 minutes of cardio daily

    2) strength training both upper and lower body on alternate days

    Trust me ( and I don't know of any reason you should) once you get in tune with your body and it's nutritional and physical needs, eating a chocolate chip cookie from subway will taste better.