What to do when you plateau?

I am happy that i lost 21 lbs in 8 weeks but i hated it when you step on the scale and you lose a pound but then you step back on and you gained a pound. That really upsets me, did I lose or didn't I? I feel like its going to be a bad weekend. I feel a plateau coming on. I think its time to trick my body and make it feel like i stopped dieting for a few days. Anyone else have any ideas on how to break a plateau?


  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    Congrats on the loss so far! Sounds like normal fluctuation :) Your weight can flux up or down up to 5 pounds due to water retention/sodium intake, time of the month, time you weigh, etc.

    I recommend either weighing only once per week/every other week, OR utilizing an app to track weight TRENDS, not just numbers. I am around 150 right now but some days its 152 and some its 149, but overall, my weight is trending downward.

    Good luck!
  • RobPA1
    RobPA1 Posts: 48 Member
    Unless you overate by 3500 calories in one day - you didn't gain a pound, it's impossible. 1-4 pound swings are water retention. If I have a day where I go over say 2400 mg of sodium, for sure, the next day I'll be 1-2 pounds heavier on the scale. As long as you are trending downward, you are fine.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Unless you overate by 3500 calories in one day - you didn't gain a pound, it's impossible. 1-4 pound swings are water retention. If I have a day where I go over say 2400 mg of sodium, for sure, the next day I'll be 1-2 pounds heavier on the scale. As long as you are trending downward, you are fine.

    I want to add for me bread always increases the scale on weekly weigh ins.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Cry, whine and stomp my feet. Ok, I'm kidding (sorta). Plateaus are going to happen and the closer you get to your goal the longer they seem to last. I've done a couple things:

    Make sure I'm drinking plenty of water. If I don't get in enough water, I tend to retain some and the scale reflects that and my weight loss stalls.

    Change up my workouts in intensity and/or length.

    Eat at or slightly above maintenance for a day or two and then go back to my usual calorie goal. I usually put on a pound or two after the higher calorie days and then those will drop off typically taking another pound or so with them. I guess this is what people call "calorie cycling" which keeps your body guessing.
  • kwaz29
    kwaz29 Posts: 190 Member
    How long have you been stuck at that same weight, +/- a pound or two? From what it seems like, you've only been at this for 8 weeks, and have lost 21 lbs, so can't have been at the same weight for more than a couple of weeks. You are not in a plateau, just losing more slowly than when you first started. Give it time and stick to what you are doing-the weight will come off.

    What it sounds like you are suggesting, tricking your body by making it think you are not dieting anymore-not sure what you mean by this other than going off your plan for a few days and eating above your calories. I think the only purpose this would serve is to keep you stuck at that same weight or add on some more, not help lose more!
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Thanks for the comments, I haven't been over eating if anything not eating enough. I try to hit 1100 calories a day but some days i don't it make it to 1000 calories. I work out 3 days a week and on those days i don't eat the extra calories i gain from exercising. I know that we all plateau it just is frustrating when you work so hard and at the end of the week the scale isn't showing it. I guess i am not really complaining just felt frustrated. I have also lost 17.5 ins, so i will just move forward and do my best.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    Thanks for the comments, I haven't been over eating if anything not eating enough. I try to hit 1100 calories a day but some days i don't it make it to 1000 calories. I work out 3 days a week and on those days i don't eat the extra calories i gain from exercising. I know that we all plateau it just is frustrating when you work so hard and at the end of the week the scale isn't showing it. I guess i am not really complaining just felt frustrated. I have also lost 17.5 ins, so i will just move forward and do my best.

    Honestly, if you are truly eating only 1000-1100 and not eating back exercise calories, you are probably doing damage to your body because you are not eating ENOUGH. Your body need fuel and energy to function...at that much of a deficit, any weight you're losing is probably a big chunk of lean muscle mass.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Thanks for the comments, I haven't been over eating if anything not eating enough. I try to hit 1100 calories a day but some days i don't it make it to 1000 calories. I work out 3 days a week and on those days i don't eat the extra calories i gain from exercising. I know that we all plateau it just is frustrating when you work so hard and at the end of the week the scale isn't showing it. I guess i am not really complaining just felt frustrated. I have also lost 17.5 ins, so i will just move forward and do my best.

    Honestly, if you are truly eating only 1000-1100 and not eating back exercise calories, you are probably doing damage to your body because you are not eating ENOUGH. Your body need fuel and energy to function...at that much of a deficit, any weight you're losing is probably a big chunk of lean muscle mass.

    Are there any studies that claim the damage in a macro problem or a micro nutrient problem. I would think not hitting micros does more damage than not hitting macros.
  • LakeCountyDiver
    LakeCountyDiver Posts: 50 Member
    Keep at it. Every time I would hit mine at 275lb I would be there for a month and then would "give up". I would fall into old habits and gain the weight back. I now for the 3rd time have to start at 315lb and do it again. Just keep working at it. The more i read I hear it is normal to stall for a month or so.
  • RobPA1
    RobPA1 Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks for the comments, I haven't been over eating if anything not eating enough. I try to hit 1100 calories a day but some days i don't it make it to 1000 calories. I work out 3 days a week and on those days i don't eat the extra calories i gain from exercising. I know that we all plateau it just is frustrating when you work so hard and at the end of the week the scale isn't showing it. I guess i am not really complaining just felt frustrated. I have also lost 17.5 ins, so i will just move forward and do my best.

    Honestly, if you are truly eating only 1000-1100 and not eating back exercise calories, you are probably doing damage to your body because you are not eating ENOUGH. Your body need fuel and energy to function...at that much of a deficit, any weight you're losing is probably a big chunk of lean muscle mass.

    This times 1000% - do some research - your body is holding onto weight because you are not giving it the bare minimum it requires.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    to the original poster - how tall are you., and do you take walks or work out much? 1100 calories per day is pretty low unless you're under 5 feet tall...
  • akittleedivy2
    I really sympathize with anyone frustrated by the fluctuating readouts on the scale.

    Age and past dieting has been a factor for me. When I was in my twenties and thirties, I was vegan, and I could drop five pounds in a couple weeks whenever I wanted to just by walking an extra mile a day. Now middle aged, I am lucky if I can lose a fraction of a pound per week.

    In my forties, with hormonal changes, suddenly the weight came on seemingly out of nowhere. I was eating the same, exercising the same. A naturopath told me to quit being vegan or I was going to become diabetic. I was shocked because I wasn't a junk food vegan at all. But she said I had developed a tendency for insulin resistance from a very long term high carb diet. Calorie cutting became almost impossible. I felt constantly starved and got bad migraines if I did not give in when my stomach growled. So, getting off the carbs got my appetite back under control.

    I lost 60 lbs in a year from very low carb, working at a stand up desk, walking and standing without my heels touching the ground as much as possible to build up my legs and butt, and some temporary help from bio identical hormones.

    The following winter I went back on moderate (healthy) carbs and even though my activity was the same and my caloric intake the same, I gained ten pounds. I really think my metabolism slowed down partly because it was winter and partly because my body was more into making fat than burning anything for energy!

    It seems now in my fifties, trying to drop that last ten, that my carbs must be VERY LOW for me not to stall, and my fat needs to be high enough. I will also stall if I don't eat enough in general. I think my past long term high carb low fat diet changed my metabolism, besides just my age. I don't know the truth about the starvation mode theory, have seen it debunked, but I do think the body can become more stubborn about letting fat reserves go. Carbs seem to prefer making me fat and tired.

    And I've learned for me that hormones have a lot to do with it. For awhile, a naturopath put me on bioidentical hormones. We found that I reacted most positively to testosterone. But, I did not continue with this therapy because of all the extra whiskers popping up, and the grouchiness.
  • Early_Riser
    Early_Riser Posts: 127 Member
    I know people will disagree, but the couple of times I hit a plateau i ate over my calories for 4 or 5 days. . A week later I would lose all the weight, and continue losing. Works for me at least. Just remember to get back on!
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Just want to thank everyone who replied back, honestly i forgot that i posted looking for help. I wanted to report that in 100 days since i started i have lost 47 lbs and its is very hard for me to hit 1200 calorie mark. I am just 1/4" under 5 foot so i am hoping that i will be okay with the calorie intake that i can achieve. i have never been a big eater just didn't eat healthy and could go days on only one meal. My problem was that one meal was take out from McDonalds or an Italian hoagie. I was just not making the right choices. I was told by many that i shut down my metabolism, I can say that i am eating 3 meals a day and trying to get in snacks, also working out 3 day with weights and doing cardo. I guess my metabolism is up and doing what it needs to do. Again thank you to all that replied and i am sorry that i didn't reply sooner.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    When I plateau I change up what I eat to add in more veggies/fruits less carbs/sodium/sugar.

    Then for a workout I do high cardio, sprint intervals increasing speed and distance as much as I can. For example I will run for a minute at 6.0mph then walk for a minute at 3.0mph for an hour. By the end of that week my plateau is history.
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Thanks soldlergrl.