My stupid Stairs

emmas42 Posts: 17 Member
I was wondering if anyone could help me with my ankle! :smile:

I had got into a routine at the gym with my classes everything was going well, but then I fell down the stairs about three weeks ago and hurt my ankle. I went to the hospital, and although I hadn't broken it, it was badly sprained. The swelling and bruising has finally gone down and I am (At last!) able to wear shoes.

Walking and driving are fine, it still aches though and I have the occasional twinge, it's not totally mobile yet.

Are there any people in mfp world that often deal with ankle injuries? Would you go back to the gym yet? just strap it up and not push it too much? Or leave it a bit longer?

I don't want to push my luck with it. I've not injured myself like this before and don't really know the timescales.

Thanks for your help! :happy:


  • 0smiile0
    0smiile0 Posts: 22
    If it were me, and it was healed enough to walk, I would go to the gym and do upper body workouts. I wouldn't risk it with lower body moves quite yet.
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member

    I made the same mistake years ago doing Irish dancing, I injured both ankles and did not wait for them to heal before becoming active again. I now suffer from chronic ankle pain in both ankles that will not go away. I can't even walk without pain.

    Let your ankle fully heal before you start exercising again.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Let your ankle fully heal before you start exercising again.

    This x 1000.

    If you're unsure of the timelines, check back in with your doctor.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    Watch this. Assume your injured ankles are as stable as what you see in this video.

    Your call.
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    I've been through countless ankle sprains, and two incidents of torn ankle ligaments:

    1) First time, ~20 years ago (playing basketball) - docs slapped me into a cast for 6 weeks, to allow the tear to heal, then cut the cast and said, "go ride a bicycle until you build it up again.

    2) Second time, ~10 years ago (playing volleyball) - same extent of injury, so I was expecting another cast, but doc said "oh no, we don't do casts for tears any more". He put me in a boot, and started me on physio right away. Whereas the first time, after 6 weeks of being in a cast, my tear-side leg muscles had withered to nothing, and it took another 8-10 weeks to build back up, the second time, with 6 weeks of physio, I was back to full strength and sports. In fact, because of all the work, my previously torn ankle was stronger than my uninjured ankle! From that point onward, I picked up my running again.

    So, get lined up with a good physio, and get working on repairing and rebuilding your ankle. You'll be glad you did.
  • gary241069
    gary241069 Posts: 255 Member
    I did once. i hurt my ankle in a body attack class.
    I pushed through my injuries to the end of the class, plus the class afterwards.
    I ended up leaving myself out of commission for months
    for what should have taken a week to heal.
    By the time my ankle healed, I lost all interest in fitness
    and I haven't been back since.