In need of some serious motivation

Hi all,

Looking for some motivation and other personal stories to get me motivated after a week of a bad weigh in.

So last weekend I didn't log any food and ate whatever my little heart desire. And now I am totally regretting it.

Not only did I not lose weight last week, I actually GAINED 1.4 pounds. I am killing myself checking the scale every morning now to see if it will go down. To make matters worse, I am leaving for a 9 day long vacation tomorrow - which will already be difficult for me to stay to my goals.

Anyways, looking for other stories of how people had a bad weigh in and overcame it will a strong next week.

On the plus side - I learned that no matter how good that food tasted on the weekend, it wasn't worth it!!

Share with me PLEASE!!


  • Hi! My best advise would be to stop beating yourself up over it! It's ok. We all mess up now and then. This is nothing new, we've all done it! You can do this!! Today is a new day and with it comes new choices!! Take a big breath, forgive yourself if you feel you need to, and move on with a smile on your face! You've done so well...10 lbs lost... just keep moving in that direction. Nothing in life stays constant, it's always &'s all a part of living our journey! Keep up your good work!!! Have so much fun on your vacation!!
  • bugaha1
    bugaha1 Posts: 602 Member
    I just gave up letting a bad weigh in affect me. I’m getting healthy for the rest of my life so a bad weigh in don’t exist in my mind anymore. I just get off the scale and take my shower.
  • cafurey
    cafurey Posts: 1
    I think we've all been there :) I had a bad weigh in this week as well but decided to try to brush it off, realize it's part of the process, and keep moving toward my goals. I took a twice as long walk this morning to start, and I've recommitted myself to looking up and logging everything BEFORE I eat it, versus after. I notice that I get off of my goals when I don't do things this way. You've done a great job so far, and there will be times when we slip up, but forgive yourself, and know that you're on your way to being a more fit and healthier you!
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    There will always be ups and downs. Good news: Life goes on! The number one thing I would suggest is STOP weighing yourself everyday!! That would be enough to drive anyone crazy. You had a bad week, but you can only learn from it. Don't let it drive you crazy, use it to motivate you to make better choices next time. Think of it as changing your whole life, not just the "right now". You have time to meet your goals.

    As for the vacation worries, I feel you. I worry about vacation too, but there are so many ways to stay active and make the right choices on vacation. You just have to use some common sense-- more fresh fruit, veggies, lean protein, you know the drill. You can still log your intake with the mobile app, if that helps.
  • laurapolan
    laurapolan Posts: 1 Member
    I think you should look at yourself for a great motivation story! It looks like you already lost 10 pounds. That is amazing! Be nice to yourself and enjoy your vacation.