Any Teachers (any level & especially online) in the House?



  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member

    In 2011 I went to school to be a school counselor and last year was my first year as a school counselor. I work in a middle school:

    Middle School Counselor - THAT'S what I call "job security"!!! <g>

    My bride retired recently after 40 yrs in the classroom -
    (snipped for brevity - now there's a word I don't often get to use)
    It's 40 years later, and FINALLY I get to mouth those famous words "....told you so" (if I could make the type whisper font 0.5 pt. I would, to more accurately reflect the event as it actually occurred....see, one's never too old to learn).

    But, in all seriousness, if there were one piece of advice I could offer to the new teachers it would be this - start and keep that diary!

    You, too, are likely to dismiss it (the advice) and that's perfectly ok - call me in 40 years (loudly), and I get to say it again.

    Glad you enjoyed the ramblings.

    My favorite teacher in the world is a Leslie grad (in the "stone ages" as she is wont to say), and began her career in Ipswich. Our son's godfather (and my best friend), a long time NA resident, our favorite Sunday morning memory- riding our bikes to Nport for brunch at Ten Center St, a toddy at the Grog, and back to Crane's for dune time.

    Leaving the area (job change for me), which seemed like a good idea at the time, turned out to be one of our greatest disappointments ever. First because we both loved it so (and still do), secondly because it "cost" her 11 years seniority and more importantly 11 years TIS credit toward retirement, and finally because that "if you love someplace(sic), set it free" is right up there with "the golden years" for #1 on the all time best BS list.

    The retirement credit is a particular burr under my saddle and one which young teachers really should be fighting to change. All the (foolish) chants to "run the schools like a business..." never mention the fact that for most people in the private sector, transferring credit ($ if not years) when changing jobs is a "given". For teachers moving to another state it's "Don't let the door hit you.....on your way out", and "you really should reconsider leaving (no matter the pay, work conditions, or morons elected to the BOE) because you know you will lose EVERYTHING, don't you?"

    Hopefully all of your tenure has been within MA and you are nearing the big R, hopefully too, young teachers will be more aware of the impact on their retirement than we were at the time (but at 25-30, who's thinking retirement?).

    We too love to travel, never could, and now spend hours planning our next mission and weeks (or months) living out our fantasies.

    A couple weeks after her "last day" we left on a 5 week road trip to the SE US states (Nville, NOLA, PCB, Savannah, Charlottsville, VB, OCB, Atlantic City, etc), footloose and fancy free ("let's stay here a couple extra days"), and to take her mind off "my kiddos are in heading to lunch right now and I'm not there for them".

    The Cape (after the crazies leave) for a week or two is next and a month in Mexico is on the radar for Feb.

    Finally being able to travel on weeks that are NOT school "breaks" (and airfare/hotel rates 3x normal) might just be the #1 retirement "benefit".

    In closing, I proffer another piece of "sage" advice. (the "old" part applies, not so sure about the "wisdom" part)

    I'm guessing that when facing the big decision of "when do I leave the classroom and MY kiddos for the final time?", a very large percentage struggle with balancing the physical and emotional toll those last couple years impose, the extra few bucks "just one more year's credit" or, "how will I ever be able to live on my pension?", or, "I just can't leave my kids, what would I do?" - as did my bride.

    The kids will be well served those who have followed in your footsteps (and likely learned from your example).

    You'll never realize how much your "normal" monthly expenses will be reduced until you at least sit down with pencil and paper and construct a realistic "in retirement" budget. All those "it's just a couple bucks and it's for my kids because the district can't (won't) include it in the budget, don't seem like much until you no longer have to spend it.

    No more monster dry cleaning/clothes bills, gas and maint for trips back and forth to school 2-300 times a year, Xmas (excuse me...."holiday"), halloween (this is probably out too), how about Valentine's Day (is that still ok) "it's just something small for them...x26), snack treats or lunch money for the kids whose parents either can't afford them or just "oops, forgot, didn't get the memo, my child won't let me look in her backpack".

    All that stuff, not to mention a very large cut in income tax rates (for most) - it ALL makes a big difference and one much bigger than most realize.

    And the *really big* one (not intentionally a pun), finally time to go for a walk, plan meals, and actually focus on "me" (and my health) with a sensible diet/exercise (yes, walking IS "exercise"), program/plan.

    Five months after moving on to her new life, my first wife can't find 25lbs of her former self, absolutely LOVES having to buy new clothes that "fit", and was pronounced by her doc to be in the "best shape of your life". She's struggling nevertheless, with trying to decide if the "new clothes" thing or the "best shape" thing is what brings her the most joy.

    In the end, simply placing a more appropriate level of importance on the phrase "we only have so much time left to...." (not in a negative or morbid sense, but a realistic one). You've (collective "you") EARNED IT, spent virtually your entire adult life dedicated to the most important slice of humanity there is, and now it's your "turn" to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

    NOBODY deserves it more!
  • jazzcatastrophe
    jazzcatastrophe Posts: 54 Member
    I'm a new high school chemistry teacher :)
  • OhCora
    OhCora Posts: 72 Member
    I am not exactly a teacher, I call myself a "wannabe teacher". Others call me an educator. I am sort of in a very small niche. I am a DECE. Which means "Dedicated Early Childhood Educator". Dedicated meaning that I am assigned to a class rather than supporting a specific child, like a child and youth worker. DECEs are the second teacher in our Kindergarten Classrooms. We call each other "teaching partners" and although I am sure we are very much appreciated by those partners, I don't consider myself an equal per se. The teacher has a much stronger foundation in the curriculum, more responsibilities with regard to assessments and reports. The DECE helps to take on some of that work, as well as enhancing the program through creative experiences, dramatic play, music and movement, science, and facilitation of inquiry based learning. We do it all on the fly, or like me, on our own time, because unlike teachers, we do not receive a single minute of prep time. I love my job, but I am frustrated that there is a strong push to make the teachers and ECEs equal parties regarding the work load and responsibilities, which I would be all for, except that the equality they speak of is not, and will not, be reflected in the prep time or compensation. On average, teachers make 2.25 TIMES what the DECE does.
    Wait, why was I ranting about this again?
  • IamMCM
    IamMCM Posts: 122
    I teach Drama and Film in an International school in Singapore. I am using myfitnesspal to avoid doing my marking. It is working perfectly.
    Glad I'm not the only one! Got just a bit bored with doing my statistics for the week so I popped over here for a little reprieve.
  • IamMCM
    IamMCM Posts: 122
    Yep, I've been a "Wal-Mart employee of academia" for some year now. All the tech school and many community colleges mostly use adjuncts now. Because of the guidelines of Obama care they only give us two classes now, afraid that they will have to pay for insurance if they give us more. One of my community college friends went to the state legislature to make a plea for benefits and enough classes to make a living. A state legislator said: "Get a real job".
    That "get a real job" thing really slays me. Online is the future of education; not that it will ever completely replace the classroom, but it makes higher education so much more accessible. I'm lucky that the college where I teach is moving toward having more full-time online faculty members, including benefits. Hopefully that's going to be the wave of the future. It's so nice not to have to worry about whether or not I'll have an assignment each semester.
  • I'm an elementary music teacher. Can't believe this will be my 12th year! So nice to see many educators on this site!
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    Hi, I'm an adjunct of College Writing and ESL at a New England university. I also teach a non-traditional program in New Hampshire for human services professionals that consists of 1 week-end of 9-5 classes a month, with everything else online. Currently, I'm teaching 3 courses at the university for the summer semester and 2 courses in the hybrid program. Typically, I teach 4 courses at the university in the fall. Still, I'm not considered a "full professor" because I have only a master's, and am paid a base rate paid on each course taught, no benefits, what a colleague of mine calls "the Wal-Mart employee of academia."
    Fortunately, the university has a recreational center with a full gym that I can use.

    Yep, I've been a "Wal-Mart employee of academia" for some year now. All the tech school and many community colleges mostly use adjuncts now. Because of the guidelines of Obama care they only give us two classes now, afraid that they will have to pay for insurance if they give us more. One of my community college friends went to the state legislature to make a plea for benefits and enough classes to make a living. A state legislator said: "Get a real job".

    Fortunately, adjuncts at the university recently unionized, and our contract dispensed with the 2-course limit and our per course pay is higher than the standard for my state. We're also tied up in union negotiations about a fund for health insurance. The downside of no 2-course limit, the university now has me teaching 3 and 4 courses -- like a full-time professor, just with no benefits. The university uses the excuse that ESL courses aren't the same as college writing courses (which I also teach), so I don't deserve full-time status. When the union was negotiating its contract, unsympathetic full-time professors said adjuncts were just "failed academics." Of course, many of these full professors don't have to teach first-year students who are struggling to write to academic standards.
  • theCaityCat
    theCaityCat Posts: 84 Member
    I'm a middle school speech/language pathologist! Not quite the same as a teacher, but I keep the same hours as special education teachers, and I do co-teach sometimes.
  • djtelesca
    djtelesca Posts: 3 Member
    High School Principal, former science teacher.
  • krazy1sbk
    krazy1sbk Posts: 128 Member
    Special Education teacher here - middle school math currently - this year I will be teaching 8th grade :-)

    Looking for friends to add to keep me motivated during the school year! I gained so much from stress-eating and work room treats. Hopefully having all this time over the summer to get on a good routine will help...
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    preschool teacher:)
  • IamMCM
    IamMCM Posts: 122
    Special Education teacher here - middle school math currently - this year I will be teaching 8th grade :-)

    Looking for friends to add to keep me motivated during the school year! I gained so much from stress-eating and work room treats. Hopefully having all this time over the summer to get on a good routine will help...

    One advantage of working online is no workroom treats to tempt you. The stress is still there, though, and the refrigerator is so darned close. But I know it's no excuse, since my schedule is also flexible enough to get my butt to the health club, or at least out on a short walk to blow off steam in a healthier manner.
  • BCCail
    BCCail Posts: 9
    English / History / Misc. High School Teacher from Canada! Anyone who wants to add me, feel free. It would be nice to have people to talk to about fitness as well as the daily triumphs and struggles of this career!
  • Sociologist2013
    Sociologist2013 Posts: 22 Member
  • peter_rotten
    peter_rotten Posts: 28 Member
    High school English teacher entering his 15th year in education.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I have an Elem Ed teaching degree that I never used, but I do coach kids of that age. :^)
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    DaughterOfTheMostHighKing Posts: 1,436 Member
    online teaching may work for upper elm and higher, but lower elm needs the monitoring of a real person and not a parent… unless the parent is a teacher…but then why enroll? lol!!! human interaction is always more important than information given.
  • Coach1970
    Coach1970 Posts: 74 Member
    Special Education teacher here - middle school math currently - this year I will be teaching 8th grade :-)

    Looking for friends to add to keep me motivated during the school year! I gained so much from stress-eating...

    Hopefully having all this time over the summer to get on a good routine will help...
  • Hi, I am a kindergarten teacher :)
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    I taught graduate library science students for 15 years, first on educational TV and eventually live online. I'm blissfully retired now.