Exercise Alternatives (too fat/anxious for public exercise)



  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    DaughterOfTheMostHighKing Posts: 1,436 Member
    I loved going to 24hr fitness for a season, but it wasn't cost effective. I use Jillian Michael's dvds. walking the stairs… 11th floor… I'd make that a goal. maybe get off at the 9th floor and walk up and get off at the 3rd floor going down? take time to find what's comfortable and then up it. Congratulations on beginning your journey!!!
  • HannahLynn91
    HannahLynn91 Posts: 238 Member
    Best way to get over your fears is to face them.

    This! +1
  • audrast
    audrast Posts: 74 Member
    Another vote for fitnessblender on YouTube. Fantastic range of workout videos. Also, have enough confidence in yourself to go to that gym. You might encounter a Scumbag Steve or Stacy but their souls are hollowed pits of darkness anyways, you shouldn't give a good god damn what they think. Most people will either ignore you or be encouraging. Take pride in yourself for making healthy choices!
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    I'm part of a group on on here for people who have a lot to lose, http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/58438-for-the-morbidly-obese. I'm just reading what you wrote and the reason I wanted to share the link was because a lot of the things you have said remind me of conversations we had in the group. Especially about the anxiety of excise.

    When i started I would walk in the evening. The weather was better and fewer people were around. With my headphones on I felt like th streets were mine. I could concentrate on my walking and less on my anxiety about how I was doing and what others around me were thinking. In all honest, for the most part, I found people to be very supportive and nice. They see me out walking and they know its for exercise. At whatever size it at least means we are doing something about it. Steps are a good option but I would just be carful that your not hurting your knees. Depending on your weight it might do more harm then good at this point. Yoga is a great option. It doesn't burn the most calories compared to walking but It can be done in the home. Walking and yoga are what I did to start and yoga was great both for improving my flexibility and helping me really learn about my body. I traded work for lessons with a private instructor who came to me but their are any number of dvd's (DDP Yoga is a mixed yoga that might help you burn a little more) and of course youtube (Yoga with Adrian has a great beginners series). I'm now doing a lot of bike riding. It's low impact (assuming the bike is set up properly), can be done in the evening (but that has it's safety issues).

    Anyway, I wish you the best of luck on your journey. :)
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Stairs! I was considering wandering up and down them, though they are the bane of my existence (I work on the 11th floor...)
    I might be able to convince my family to ship in for a fold up treadmill for Christmas : )

    Stairs are a great idea, don't try to do all 11 floors to begin with, start off by going up 1 floor, then 2 etc etc etc.

    Personally I'm not a fan of folding treadmills, they tend to be a lot less sturdy and a lot nosier than a better quality one. You'll probably just upset the neighbours and end up scrapping it in a fairly short time. Have you checked out your local Y? If the cost is a concern many offer discounted fees for those on a tight budget and despite feeling self-conscious about working out in public you will probably find the atmosphere welcoming and encouraging.
  • raysputin
    raysputin Posts: 142 Member
    Exercise is not the answer to weight loss. As a long term overweight who has tried intensive exercise regimes, I have found that exercise by itself does nothing. At one time I was running 110Kms to and from work each week in ten 11Km journeys and all with a day pack on my back. Weight loss - zero! When my knees gave out I switched to the same distance on the bike followed by 90mins in the big weights room at the gym each morning. Weight loss - zero! The problem is perception. When you know you are burning big calories, you say to yourself that it is OK to eat a bit more and you undo all the good work that the exercise has done. I have tried all sorts but only the Atkins has had any success. I have lost 11Kg by following Atkins but it is boring and I am worried about the total protein load on my kidneys. Anyway the only method that I have found to lose weight is to cut back on food. And be totally anal about it. NEVER break the cut back rules even if it is the birthday of your longest and bestest friend and they are offering gold-plated black-forest cake. Say no thanks. If you get off the wagon it takes forever to build up enough motivation to get started again. Some exercise is needed to maintain health but concentrate on food intake for successful weight loss. Do not go into any exercise regime with all guns blazing - you could injure yourself and your poor early performance will drop your motivation - let your body improve slowly. Stairs offer great exercise - start by taking the lift to the eighth floor and walk to the eleventh for one week. Walk all the way when going down. On the second week, take the lift to the seventh. Follow the weekly pattern until you are walking all the way up and down.
  • KyrCo
    KyrCo Posts: 4
    Wow! Thank you everyone for the amazing and overwhelming amount of advice.
    I will definitely work on the stairs , and I think I am going to play some dance central right now (I had completely forgot that I have access to a video game room I can book through school...)

    Other than that I will take the time to look through the recommended youtube channels and workout videos.

    Maybe one day I will be less scared and able to face my fears, but for now this is very helpful.

    Thank you again.
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    So know that anxiety about exercising in public.

    But I had no choice. No gym nearby, and I'm too cheap to buy fitness equipment!

    So I went outside and walked early. With sunglasses. Sorta a 2 year old they-can't-see-me thing. But it worked. And I forced a smile whenever I met someone.

    And I only jogged WAYYY in the back of the storage facility around the back building that no one can see.

    Today is 2 months since I started all that nonsense. Today I walked all around a neighboring town (not b/c of shame, but convenience; our kid had VB camp there), then through their park where I, gasp, jogged in public. Thrice.

    And I still hate it, but I've sorta adopted the " I don't give a $#!( what anyone thinks ".

    Get some good sunglasses, an audiobook (with BRIGHT earbuds so no one dares speak to you!), and Map My Walk on your phone so you can track your progress! You can borrow my attitude if you'd like it!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    You can usually get used exercise equipment pretty cheap on Craigslist.

    Also, there are lots of free resources online, or you can buy cardio DVDs.
  • Lelah77
    Lelah77 Posts: 177 Member
    Walking the stairs… 11th floor… I'd make that a goal. maybe get off at the 9th floor and walk up and get off at the 3rd floor going down? take time to find what's comfortable and then up it. Congratulations on beginning your journey!!!

    I second this!!! I think doing the stairs a bit at a time and "graduating" yourself as you get stronger or want a greater challenge.

    You could also Google "calisthenics" and later "plyometrics" which are both types of exercise that use the body weight for resistance.

    I applaud you for taking steps in the right direction to a healthier life and hope you have steady success.
  • ravengal
    ravengal Posts: 39
    With Youtube, you could find and do a different workout for months without ever repeating the same routine.
  • lijepa1979
    lijepa1979 Posts: 16 Member
    When I lived in an apartment, we had a Gazelle. I still love to use it and plan on using it again after my baby is born. Resistance bands don't take up any room. You can do all sorts of exercises with them. Also, hand weights are good to have as well.

    Do you have a Wii or X Box? Some of my favorite workouts are using the Wii Fit, Zumba on the Wii, and all the Just Dance games. I am 9 months pregnant and still do Just Dance. It's fun, and may be a good confidence builder as well. :)
  • joshpass
    joshpass Posts: 82 Member
    Fitnessblender.com. DDPYoga.com. 21 Day Fix (beachbody.com product), Just go on walks

    I don't even have a gym membership anymore. I started off working out at home, then joined a gym, now I"m back at home only. There are pros and cons for both but I enjoy at home now as I have proper equipment. But you don't eve need equipment. I have weights and stuff at home now but I lift for muscle building.

    There is so much crap out there about the "best" workouts that I think it actually stops people who want to get started as it's too much. Just start walking. If you want more, check out some of the ones I mentioned above. But just walking will do WONDERS.
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    I started at 450+ lbs just walking was hard for me let alone exercising in public. I started by walking in my woods or by my house 5 minutes a day and increased from there. For the whole first year I Just walked I worked on increasing time and pace until I was comfortable enough to go to a gym. However, if I can give you any advice its if you just do not want to go because your anxious but really want to do gym work outs please go :) I wish I would not have waited so long because the truth is no one was looking at me. They were doing their own thing. :) Best of luck to you!
  • Hi Kyrco,

    Maybe you could use some workout tapes that do not need a lot of space. I have a few Jillian Michaels tapes that are very high intensity as well as some low intensity workouts. All you need is a pair of hand weights. There is also another tape by Jillian Michaels that uses a kettle bell. If you would rather take it easy at the beginning of your indoor workout Zumba tapes are also very good to use and they are fun Latin dance tapes. Anyway, Cerakola advice is great. I find that people at the gym are very friendly and nice to everyone. I sometimes make a fool of myself (to myself of course because no one else sees it that way) and people, total strangers are always willing to help to show me how to use an equipment if they see that I am using it incorrectly. I have had even the personal trainers come up to me and shoe me what to do - for free! Good luck with your workout.
  • NancyN795
    NancyN795 Posts: 1,134 Member
    Don't feel pressured to exercise in public. But do exercise. Your will power will improve and you can eat a little more (be conservative about how many calories your exercise burns, plus, don't eat back all your exercise calories).

    When I decided I was going to start getting healthier, I got a used Nintendo Wii and Balance board. I started with the Wii Fit software and a commitment to do 30 minutes of cardio every day. I eventually switched to the Wii Gold's Gym Dance Workout and then to Wii Zumba Core. (The Gold's Gym is easier and more tutorial than the Zumba.) I've also tried some Zumba DVDs but I like the greater variety of "classes" that I get with the Wii. I do at least an hour a day now.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Walk the mall in the winter. No, the mall won't mind, and a lot of them actively market this idea to people. Tons of folks do it and it's impossible to tell who's there to exercise and who's there to shop.
  • Tell them to gwt you a fold up stair climber I was going to get one from walmart . Its the sunny health n fitness also u can get a warranty for 2 years or so for an extra 12$ . I havent had extra cash otherwise I would have it. Its only 100 bucks .
  • Your family will buy whatever you need to be successful even it it isn't Christmas. SO proud of how well you were doing, I am watching what I eat but not logging it. Will start again when I am back at school. I think with whatever you get to exercise, you need a better tv so you can watch stuff while you do it.
  • are doing...not were