Calorie limits

I let MFP set my calories for my goal... Currently weigh170 and goal is 130... It says 1200 calories? Is this ok??


  • jasmang
    jasmang Posts: 48 Member
    I don't know for sure but I have heard that you really shouldn't take in less than 1400... I know 1200 would get you faster results but so would starving yourself... I personally don't think I would go lower than 1400.
  • love8383
    love8383 Posts: 169
    seems low but you could do a couple of days to see if your left feeling hungry, if so you could add a couple more hundred. also if your exercising you will need to eat back all calories burned, or you will be starving yourself.
  • Shancouchon
    Shancouchon Posts: 6 Member
    It has been hard but not awful.... More like I just need to get used to the idea of not shoveling food in for no reason... It seemed low but that's what MFP gave me so I figured it had to be right since I am 5'2?
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
  • Abby_C2014
    Abby_C2014 Posts: 86 Member
    I am 5'1 and my calorie intake is the same as yours.
  • roenutrition
    roenutrition Posts: 26 Member
    I am the same height. I to eat 1210 calories. If I exercise and I do, I do not eat back all my calories. If I have a hungry day I eat but, I pick foods that are low glycemic. I find sticking to 1250 to 1400 calorie range is fine and I am losing weight consistently.
  • roenutrition
    roenutrition Posts: 26 Member
    BTW I don't think MFP would suggest a 1200 calorie diet if it was dangerous.
  • wendybwolff
    wendybwolff Posts: 1 Member
    Seemed low for me too. I started at 150 with a 125 goal. It gave me 1200 calories too. But I have been doing it and actually been coming in under my calories everyday! And I feel fine. I have lost 10 pounds in 25 days! I eat a lot of salads which you can eat lots of with very few calories!!
  • Shancouchon
    Shancouchon Posts: 6 Member
    I agree that they wouldn't give me a dangerous limit... I just got nervous reading other threads and people saying 1200 was a starvation limit and would wreck my metabolism. Although I want that calorie deficient I want to have a healthy and long lasting life style.
  • Shancouchon
    Shancouchon Posts: 6 Member
    I am hopeful for a 10 loss quick... Just as a jump start and motivator!
  • reachrenhere
    reachrenhere Posts: 30 Member
    Don't forget MFP also takes how many lbs per week you say you want to lose in consideration when calculating your deficit. 1200 is okay for a small woman.
  • roenutrition
    roenutrition Posts: 26 Member
    Choose healthy foods that are low in calories but can be eaten abundantly. You can eat high carb foods but then use up your calories quickly which in turn make you hungry quicker. It is really about what you eat. I have lost 39 lbs in 6 months. Hopefully 40 by tomorrow. I wish you success on your weight lossjourney.