Hopeless and reaching out



  • Ldbg289
    Ldbg289 Posts: 236 Member
    You can do it. Like others have said, small changes will make a big difference.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    You can do it. Start with tracking calories. Weight can be lost without exercise in the beginning!

    This is true. Your biggest tool to succeeding this way is to accurately log what you eat. MFP makes that much easier. The other tool that really helps accurate logging is a food scale. If you do nothing else, weigh everything and log everything.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    don't give up hope :)

    i lost my first fifty pounds by making food substitutions. instead of eating regular ice cream, i ate dryer's slow churned (it's lower fat but delish!), instead of regular cheese, i ate reduced fat sargento (my fave except for reduced fat irish cheddar). instead of regular milk, i used low fat, i replaced eggs with egg beaters and so on. so i kept eating the same amount of food, but cut about 20% of the calories, and it worked.
  • mywalkwithhim
    mywalkwithhim Posts: 14 Member
    This is a great place for you to start. So many people truly get it and will support you. Don't be afraid to reach out and trust the process along the way. You are worth feeling as good as you want to:)
  • baba_helly
    baba_helly Posts: 810 Member
    You have come to the right place and you have taken the first step which is always the most difficult. All I can say is if you want something, make the changes necessary to get it. Keep a list of all the things you want to do, starting with small goals, and check them off as you go. You are more than capable of doing this and you owe it to yourself to accomplish everything you set out to do. Hope is for dreamers, drive and determination is for doers. :flowerforyou:
  • lindainprogress
    lindainprogress Posts: 129 Member
    I felt overwhelmed as well. one of the small things I did, which turned out to be huge, was change every password I had to an affirmation of some sort. try things like Slim4life, I am so worth it, do it 4 me or I am stronger than I think. if I need a number in the password, I just add my goal weight to the end. This way, all day long, you are giving yourself some positive self talk to help block out all the negative.
    Best of luck to you
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Yes, you can absolutely do it. Start with small diet changes at first, and you can incorporate exercise later. For example, if you drink a lot of soda, start drinking water and allow your self one soda per day. If you like fast food, then cut it down to once per week. I am not sure what you do, but these are just examples. If you can only walk one minute today, try two minutes tomorrow, three the next day and so on. The key is baby steps.
  • sjmrox4ever
    Don't give up. It seems overwhelming, and you really need to be ready to MAKE THE CHANGE in your life. It isn't a change until you put off some weight, it's a lifestyle change. I know it sounds scary, and it sounds difficult, but once you start to see results, you won't want to go back. You'll hit some hurdles, and there will be times where you binge, and you want to give up, but this is when you need to realize tomorrow is a new day, and once you push through this hopelessness it gets so much easier. It won't always be this hard. It gets easier every day. Trust me. You can do it.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    Start small! log your foods and learn about portions, calories, protein. Just logging your foods is an education. Take it easy, but make a start. Be here for the long term. this is a way of life. As for exercise, that is fitness, a different category than meal plans. Some people on this site barely exercise! Some are lifters, runners, and all the rest. Find people in the same boat and you and friend them for support. Look through the groups and read the descriptions. You'll find the help you need; don't defeat yourself. You've made a start, don't take on too much exercise and give up. I'd focus on food first.
    yes this totally. just start by logging and weighing and measuring everything you eat. you will be surprised at what a real portion really looks like. you made the first step by coming on here. we all had to start somewhere. maybe eventually you can pick up a cheap pedometer at cvs or wherever to keep track of how much steps you take in a day but for now just focus on the food you eat and how much and what kind you eat. read nutrition artlcles. watch youtube videos. watch things like food inc. or hungry for change or videos on youtube like the series called The Weight of the Nation. Every small change you make is going to be a victory. Make yourself five lb increment goals. Make yourself some nonscale goals too like being able to walk for two minutes then three... etc Try new recipes. Try new foods. Do a pantry and fridge makeover and start making good shopping lists so you can have good stuff in the house. Just take it one choice, one meal, and one day at a time. Drink water. Get creative. You can do it.
  • IHateThinkingOfAUsername
    What they all said. :)
    I have nothing to add other than to say hi. :) MFP forums really are great, here you can share your highs and lows, and celebrate those of others, join in with some very random yet highly entertaining threads, and make some great friends. Well done on making that first step. :)
  • fittertanme
    fittertanme Posts: 259 Member
    yes you can do it but I would recommend you see your doctor first an see what he thinks as he know you better than any of us and then if he says its ok then start off slowly and work your way up there is no quick way to do it and there will be times when you will think of giving up but try to beat it and you will get there but as I said it will take time that is why we are all here to look good and feel better and fitter:drinker: :happy:
  • glendeb
    glendeb Posts: 129 Member
    Yes you can! 95% of it is in the mind, and telling yourself you can do this is a lot of the battle.

    I agree with a previous post suggesting tracking your current diet and seeing in black and white just how it is - I can tell you know it's a real eye opener!

    And 1 minute of walking could be 5 minutes in the pool or on an exercycle.

    You can definitely do this!
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    You have come to the right place. The fact that you posted is the first step.
    Another poster mentioned that just taking a several small walks a day can really help.
    Just the fact that you are doing something will make life better.

    you don't have to lose the weight "fast". this isn't the "biggest loser" here. But if you steadily lose every month you will feel better and want to do more. There are a lot of success stories here and you can be one of them.

    Good luck we are behind you! :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • Okumura91
    Yes it's certainly possible and 100% do-able. Overthinking it an spending too much time thinking about it will exhaust the idea of dieting an exercise before you even start. Just find do some googling on diets and find what works for you, at the same time use the knowledge you gain to create your own diet so you can adapt to a lifestyle change that you enjpy instead of dieting and then returning to your usual diet. Find your bad eating habits and limit them and instead find something satisfying to replace them. Don't stress about not seeing immediate results! Everything takes time but the results will be all that more rewarding. Take things slow an when you get stronger and feel a little better find some light exercise and try and find something fun like a dance game or dvd so it you can have fun doing it an don't feel like it's a huge chore.

    Just do it! =D you can an you will, just don't overthink things an keep reminding yourself, every little thing you do makes a difference!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Congratulations on making the first step! Coming here, being honest, getting up and walking for that minute... it's all these little steps that you need to realize are perhaps small, but lead to so much bigger and better if you just commit to that change.

    And CyberEd... definitely a great inspiration. Read up on his journey as previously mentioned.

    MANY people here have been morbidly obese and are still pushing through every single day... Join them. You'll never regret trying.
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    Start with small changes, educate yourself about calories, substitute some foods and as you see changes in your body you will feel empowered to change.
    You can find videos on youtube to start for exercising, Leslie Sansone has a lot of walking videos in the Befit channel like this one.