Insanity 60 Days, who can start this with me?


My names Amaris and I'm currently looking to embark on this insanity challenge. Just to give you a little background about me, I started my weight loss journey July 25, 2013 when I first purchased my fitbit. To be completely honest I never imagined reaching the goals or some of the things I do now. I started at 354.9 LB's and I'm currently at 264 LB's. I feel like I need to do this, I want to see what I'm made of and If I can stick to it. I want to give it my all. Some people want to lose 5 or 10 lbs and thats fine but my final goal is around 130-150 LB range, and thats being toned. I'm wanting to start the program on August 1st or in between August 1st and the 8th. But first I need people on board. If you think your up for the challenge and commitment then by all means directly message me, comment on the form, etc what ever works! I would love to hear you. 60 days is quiet a journey. are you up for the insanity 60 day challenge?


  • Ems500c
    Ems500c Posts: 153 Member
    I'm also starting the journey of Insanity! I should hopefully have it before tooo long. A friend of mine got it and he never used it so said I could try it! I plan to start it as soon as I get it! Let me know when your starting, it would be great to have someone to talk about it with, that's going through the same thing I am! Feel free to friend me if you would like!
  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    Good luck! It's a killer.
  • Pixie_99
    Pixie_99 Posts: 4
    I'm doing insanity at the moment as well and need some pals...add me :)
  • roserosey1993
    roserosey1993 Posts: 21 Member
    sure will ! What week are you in? (:
  • Hello everyone, I am also doing INSANITY and currently on Day 8. If you guys can add that would be great.
  • I am currently in week six and plan to restart it once I complete the 8 weeks.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Congrats on your progress so far. While I don't want to dash your enthusiasm, I would like you to take a look at the article I'm linking and think about whether Insanity is the right exercise plan for you. This is the Insanity day, jump some day, hey, let's jump some more. There's a LOT of impact on your knees. I did Insanity last summer when I was about 60 pounds above where I wanted to be. I was mad at myself for various reasons I'm not going to go into, but I wanted to try to lose weight as fast as possible so I figured I would do Insanity. Big mistake. Around 6 weeks into the program, my knees started to bother me. I kept pushing through because I'm stubborn. The knee pain increased, but I finished the program and then did 3 weeks of T25. Finally, the knee pain was so bad that I had to give up working out completely. I got discouraged, stopped eating well, and ended up gaining back all of the weight I had lost during Insanity plus some. The knee pain subsided a couple months later...and fortunately it appears that it was only bad tendonitis. And by the end of 2013, I found peace with myself again so that I could get rolling again in January....and I'm being smarter about things this time around (which means skipping things like Insanity).

    Anyway, you've done great so far...and you've done great without taking the injury risk that Insanity presents. Anyway, take a look at this article and give it some thought. Is potential knee damage (and the possible for discouragement afterwards) worth it?
  • yagoda04
    yagoda04 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Guys, add me to your group please...just finished day 2 :)
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    I would like to start too. I meant too last week but work got insane and I have to admit I am a bit scared. I'm going to start tomorrow!
  • I am starting it mon or tue...add me!!!
  • Momanjb
    Momanjb Posts: 15 Member
    Visiting family until the 6th then going to blow the dust off the insanity package :s
  • I'm starting Insanity tomorrow, going on holiday in 4 weeks and need all the help I can get to feel better in the dreaded bikini!!!
  • I'm starting Insanity today after losing 2 stone at the gym over the last 3 months. I decided i was to fat and unhealthy to even try Insanity before this. I would love to join a group and support each other through the program but unclear how to do this? Any help, advice or tips would be great :)
  • I am purchasing it this weekend. Let me know how it goes :)
  • mrsgoodwine
    mrsgoodwine Posts: 468 Member
    Congrats on your progress so far. While I don't want to dash your enthusiasm, I would like you to take a look at the article I'm linking and think about whether Insanity is the right exercise plan for you. This is the Insanity day, jump some day, hey, let's jump some more. There's a LOT of impact on your knees. I did Insanity last summer when I was about 60 pounds above where I wanted to be. I was mad at myself for various reasons I'm not going to go into, but I wanted to try to lose weight as fast as possible so I figured I would do Insanity. Big mistake. Around 6 weeks into the program, my knees started to bother me. I kept pushing through because I'm stubborn. The knee pain increased, but I finished the program and then did 3 weeks of T25. Finally, the knee pain was so bad that I had to give up working out completely. I got discouraged, stopped eating well, and ended up gaining back all of the weight I had lost during Insanity plus some. The knee pain subsided a couple months later...and fortunately it appears that it was only bad tendonitis. And by the end of 2013, I found peace with myself again so that I could get rolling again in January....and I'm being smarter about things this time around (which means skipping things like Insanity).

    Anyway, you've done great so far...and you've done great without taking the injury risk that Insanity presents. Anyway, take a look at this article and give it some thought. Is potential knee damage (and the possible for discouragement afterwards) worth it?

    Yes, Insanity is very hard on the knees. I got through the whole program about a year ago and my right knee still bothers me now and then. I only had 15 pounds to lose at the time.
  • Jerseygrrl
    Jerseygrrl Posts: 189 Member
    Congrats on your progress so far. While I don't want to dash your enthusiasm, I would like you to take a look at the article I'm linking and think about whether Insanity is the right exercise plan for you. This is the Insanity day, jump some day, hey, let's jump some more. There's a LOT of impact on your knees. I did Insanity last summer when I was about 60 pounds above where I wanted to be. I was mad at myself for various reasons I'm not going to go into, but I wanted to try to lose weight as fast as possible so I figured I would do Insanity. Big mistake. Around 6 weeks into the program, my knees started to bother me. I kept pushing through because I'm stubborn. The knee pain increased, but I finished the program and then did 3 weeks of T25. Finally, the knee pain was so bad that I had to give up working out completely. I got discouraged, stopped eating well, and ended up gaining back all of the weight I had lost during Insanity plus some. The knee pain subsided a couple months later...and fortunately it appears that it was only bad tendonitis. And by the end of 2013, I found peace with myself again so that I could get rolling again in January....and I'm being smarter about things this time around (which means skipping things like Insanity).

    Anyway, you've done great so far...and you've done great without taking the injury risk that Insanity presents. Anyway, take a look at this article and give it some thought. Is potential knee damage (and the possible for discouragement afterwards) worth it?

    Yes, Insanity is very hard on the knees. I got through the whole program about a year ago and my right knee still bothers me now and then. I only had 15 pounds to lose at the time.

    I did one full round of it when I had 70 lbs to lose. It CAN be hard on your knees, and the videos don't have a modifier, but it is very easy to modify all of the moves, which I did. I have a "bad" knee, and it never bothered, even at my heaviest. I just modified the jumping.
    That said, some people will say it's not really Insanity if you're modifying everything. I say, if you're sweating, if you're getting your heart rate up, and if you're not giving up, you're still getting in a good workout.
    Be gentle with yourself to start - don't pound your joints. Just don't be afraid to try something because someone else had a negative experience.