Plexus Slim



  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member

    "I started eating a dodo bird for dinner every night, and in a week my arthritis disappeared! Everyone eat dodo birds for dinner!"

    Fred Flintstone ate a lot of dodo as well, and he was the picture of health. That was before they were fed GMO soybeans, of course, though.

  • I have never really been into forums...but since I have been researching this product- thought I would just add my 2cents, give or take. First, I am NOT an ambassador nor sell this product in any way. My daughter (25 yo)- also not an ambassador- gave me samples to try. She has had great results; however, she also changed her eating habits and exercises. Many lbs were lost at first- but, she was very overweight- now it is primarily inches. Plexus seems to simply be part of her getting healthy- and, if it is working for her, then I am happy. Me, I am 47 years old- have never been obese and in earlier years was a fitness instructor, etc. My issue has been being tired and lack of energy to exercise when I get home in the evenings and "sinking" spells during the day. I am a hospice nurse- my day starts really early and I get home really late. My schedule has enabled a few extra lbs to creep up and I am disgusted I have not had the energy to do anything working out wise out to defy gravity or lbs. Now, I am 5'8.5 at 146lb- garden in my back yard- I can veggies, don't drink sodas but once in a blue moon and I try to make smart fast food choices when I have to eat it. My daughter halved her Plexus Slim and Accelerator with me. Three weeks later- I have not "lost" any weight (nor have I regularly exercised); however, my concentration is better and my energy and mood have improved. The ingredients in Plexus list a lot of B vitamins and other herbs though not FDA approved or "scientifically" proven to shed weight- are sold separately in health food stores for varying diet supplementation for unlimited reasons. I personally "like" the way Plexus makes me feel- the price I HATE. However, if I bought each one of the ingredients separately and then remembered to take all those supplements, it would not be pleasant or cheap either. All bodies are different, all metabolisms are different. Everyone has an opinion. As much as I hate to, I will probably buy more- and, get out my swiss ball and dumb-bells for the body transformation....but, be kind to others when they are seeking information. Some of the posts here are just down right cruel.
  • I have been taking plexus slim & accelerator for 30 days now and I only lost 2lbs sadly but I took pictures of before and after and I can see a difference I usually work out but was slacking this past month and not eating so healthy I'm not giving up yet I feel great going to stick to drinking lots of water haven't drank any soda juices etc since I've been taking plexus I don't crave sweets like I used to so there is some benefits I'm just hoping for better results for the month to come
  • tdours
    tdours Posts: 1
    I lost 40 lbs on Plexus 2 years ago. I did not crave sweets, fried foods, sodas or any of that stuff. The accelerator really helped. I changed my way of eating. However, after I got off, I ate some sweets during the holidays and ate way too much. I have since gained 20 lbs back and I feel like 20 is more than the 40.
    I am going to order it again and start over. Only this time when I reach my weight loss goal, I will not slip back into the bad eating habits I did before.
    My niece just started selling it and I know 3 others that sell it as well as use it and are doing great.
  • I used to sell Plexus - when they had the original Accelerator. I lost 20 lbs and was so happy and looking good. Then they changed the formula to the then new Accelerator+. I plateaued, gained 5 lbs, lost all my customers, all my ambassadors and my extra income I desperately needed. I quit buying and now I've gained back even more lbs. I eat very healthy and as little processed food as possible. I struggle to exercise regularly bc of my hypoglycemia and depression. I'm very, very upset that they changed it. I thought there was finally something that could really help me. Now they've changed the Accelerator+ to Boost. I can't take either one bc just one pill will give me light-headed jitters all day and drop my blood sugar too low. The whole point of Plexus Slim is to balance blood sugar. It certainly never helped me with my hypoglycemia.
  • My pic is my plexus testimonial from last year.
  • I tried the three day sample of Plexus a month ago and gained 5 lbs after. I had been going back and forth on whether I wanted to try a month's supply or not because of this. I bought it and started today and only took the Slim. I have felt strange all day, random feelings of hot and cold , strange twinges of pain in my chest and hard to swallow. I have been checked previously and have no thyroid issues. Also drank all of the water recommend. Anyone else even experienced this?
  • This product is a SCAM! They ban and delete ANY negative feedback on any facebook or other pages. I actually gained five pounds and I was drinking water,exersicing,eating healthy. I became very bloated. I quit taking it and within a week lost 7 pounds. Another friend has been taking it for two months and has yet to lose any weight. I have joined plexus groups and as soon as you ask as to why it's not working you are deleted. Something is seriously wrong with this company! I spent over $100 dollars and couldn't get a refund because I didn't try it for 60 days! If it was making me gain weight of course I'm not going to keep taking it. And everyone posting "give it time,yada yada" Are ambassadors only out to make a buck,this is OBVIOUSLY A SCAM!!!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I tried the three day sample of Plexus a month ago and gained 5 lbs after. I had been going back and forth on whether I wanted to try a month's supply or not because of this. I bought it and started today and only took the Slim. I have felt strange all day, random feelings of hot and cold , strange twinges of pain in my chest and hard to swallow. I have been checked previously and have no thyroid issues. Also drank all of the water recommend. Anyone else even experienced this?

    A few have. But they are all deceased, now.
  • halaghh
    halaghh Posts: 20 Member
    This stuff doesn't work at all. There is a reason that the only positive reviews you can find for it on the internet are from people who are selling it.
  • Cannonk3
    Cannonk3 Posts: 5 Member
    Ok, so... I have read almost all the post on here and I have some info to share. First I took plexus for 6 months to help me get to a better for my wedding. I love it for many reasons. First, it helped me make better choices at the table, I also had a more regular digestion and that's a big deal for me I have chronic constipation. Also I craved WATER which was awesome. As far as weight I did not weigh myself because I have never succeeded at weigh loss usinga scale. I'm 5 '10 and and when I'm less that 175 lbs I look SICK. I did measures, I went from a 22/24 wedding dress to a 16/18 I was so grateful am an ambassador and how I settle refunds is if you dont like it you get your money back based on what I get back. So if you bought 2 months worth and only used on I bought back the rest because I could sell it as a sample pack.
    For those that are thinking of taking it here's my advice. Drink plenty of water because that is going to help flush your system. Also, its not a miracle supplement it takes time, losing weight to quickly is dangerous and does not teach you anything about living a healthier lifestyle. Next, get off the couch. I have a sit down job and its tough to get some exercise in. Walk for 30 mins to an hour a day. You like the walking dead or some other show that's an hour? Walk in place while watching or clean off the treadmill. Remember this product ot telp you achieve a healthy body weight. So if you ate a size 6 looking to be a 0 this product is not for you. A side not my best friend is small like that and has/had terrible hypertension for 20 years! And now has no issues and doesn't take meds for it anymore. It is great to take with a multivitamin for overall health reasons. And people I did not become an ambassador until it worked for me and it does work for SOME but not ALL.
  • Cannonk3
    Cannonk3 Posts: 5 Member
    By the way if you see tons of typo sorry my Internet is screwed up and is makin a mess of my post.
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    Aussie government folks don't like Plexus.

    "Plexus slim accelerator pill bottlePlexus Slim Accelerator capsules and Plexus Slim Accelerator 3 Day Trial pack pose a serious risk to your health and should not be taken."

    Read more about the decision to ban Plexus:

    "The TGA decision to ban DMAA"
  • DzLady
    DzLady Posts: 12
    10 years ago, I was diagnosed with Restless Leg Syndrome. 5 years ago, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I am sure the RLS was actually the FM and that I have had it for about 15 years but couldnt pinpoint what it was. After 3 weeks of not being able to get to bed before 5 or 6 am and sleeping all day, someone told me Plexus would help me with my FM. So I started researching it. Price was the first thing I sought out to answer. Once I had that, I began looking into what Plexus was and how it was suppose to help with my FM. I learned first and foremost about Candida Overgrowth (yeast). Once I seen the symptoms of CO, (that they are VERY similar to FM symptoms) I began looking into how Plexus was supposed to take care of detoxing my body. Then I began learning about Magnesium Deficiency and how Plexus helps with that. I immediately signed up as an ambassador. I didnt start as a customer, because, well, I simply couldnt afford it that way. I told my husband to give me 1 month. If after 1 month, it didnt work, I would quit. That was just over 2 months ago.

    With my FM, besides not sleeping, I had no energy to do anything and spent most of my "day" in bed or on the sofa watching TV. I was depressed and hated going anywhere because my anxiety and panic attacks in crowded places scared me. I didnt even enjoy doing the things I use to do and I always wanted to be at church at least 30-45 minutes early, to get there before a bunch of people were there so I didnt have one of these attacks at church, walking into a crowded room. I was always tired and could have probably slept ALL day or a very large portion of it, if I had wanted to. My RLS made me feel like if I had stabbed my hips with a steak knife, surely it wouldnt hurt near as bad. The migraines often took me to the emergency room.

    Within a week (actually more like 4-5 days) on Plexus, I felt great. 9 weeks tomorrow and I have been on the products. I take Slim, Probio5, BoCleanse, Boost, X Factor and the Plexus 96 protein replacement shakes usually 3 or 4 times a week. What have I lost? My insomnia, fatigue, migraines, RLS, depression, anxiety/panic attacks, 27 lbs, 20 inches and 2 pant sizes. What have I gained? Energy, wonderful sleep, normal hours and as a result of people seeing how well I am doing/my results...some new friends, because I am more outgoing now and the depression and anxiety is gone.

    Is Plexus for everyone, probably not. Will you have the same results that I have, I dont know. Each person is different, metabolisms vary from person to person. What do I think of the products? I Love them! They gave me my life back. Am I cured? Probably not. But as long as I watch what I eat, get a little exercise (just from walking around the house and now my new 8-5 job that I start next week), I know I can take control of this instead of it having control of me.

    I agree that there are less expensive alternatives out there. But someone once told me, if I were to buy all the supplements that is in Plexus individually (and then remembered to take them all), that I would be spending more than what I am with Plexus. I didnt sign up to lose weight (though I have a pound or two that I could lose but the weight is coming off and I feel great. I am not a salesperson and to date have 3 people who have bought from my website (and those have been within the last week). I am anxious to see (hear) their results and am hoping that they feel as amazing as I do.

    It has a 60 day money back guarantee, so with nothing to lose (except the fatigue, insomnia, weight, etc) and everything to gain...if it works for you great! If not, you get a refund and move on down the road, none the worse for wear. I enjoy showing people how they too, can improve their health and love hearing success stories from all walks of life.
  • tabicatinthehat
    tabicatinthehat Posts: 329 Member
    The weight people lose with Plexus is due to dietary changes. Come on, man.
  • I am currently pregnant so iwont try it, however i do plan to start using this product after i have the baby. I have done several weight loss regimiens however i tend to get comfortable and slack til i gain all of my weight back.

    Anyways, this works for some and doesn't for others just like th emillions of products out there. You simply have to try it yourself. Good luck on your journey..

    I want to be 145. I am almost 7 mos and weigh 205 so i have a ways to go!!!
  • DeeJayShank
    DeeJayShank Posts: 92 Member
    Ask yourself this....................................will I be taking this forever? Because if the answer is NO, then you'll regain weight. ALL diets have a 90% failure rate because they usually can't be sustained.
    And if the quick answer is "I'll convert to a better lifestyle once I reach goal weight", then what's really stopping you from doing it now?
    That's like a person saying "I'll start saving money once I pay off all my bills". If you ain't doing it now, you ain't gonna do it later.

    ^^^ this x1000 ^^^
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    Did y'all read the part about Plexus being a serious risk to your health and should not be taken (from the Aussie government)? Don't you trust the Aussie scientists? :noway:

    Edited to add additional quote. Bleeding in the brain is a no-joke side effect.

    "Plexus slim accelerator pill bottle Plexus Slim Accelerator capsules and Plexus Slim Accelerator 3 Day Trial pack pose a serious risk to your health and should not be taken."

    "Risks associated with its use include high blood pressure, psychiatric disorders, bleeding in the brain and stroke."
  • WOW, this was very informative, thanks, i am not looking for a quick fix, i eat right, log calories, work out,and strength train, and i know as i get older it takes longer to lose so i wanted to try it.... guess ill stick to m chia seed shakes! :)
  • jonesy2932
    jonesy2932 Posts: 9 Member
    I used it last year along with the old accelerator and I think it helped me lose 25 pounds along with using mfp. It helped curb my appetite and my taste buds changed. They since have changed the formula of plexus slim and created the new accelerator which I can't take and the new slim doesn't work for me.