LADIES ONLY: a weird question



  • penny0919
    penny0919 Posts: 123 Member
    "Everyone is so quick with the "that's sexual harassment! Sue sue suuuuuuueeeeeeee!" it makes my head hurt. "

    Um... no one is saying "sue sue sue".

    It is totally inappropriate to make fun of someone's body part, and the fact this is a workplace makes it that much worse.

    The OP just admitted it bothers her a little. In fact, I'd wager it bothers her more than a little as she thought to make a whole post about it.
  • DamieAnne
    DamieAnne Posts: 103 Member
    I similarly have a 'bump' there - (un)fortunately I also have a somewhat bumpy stomach so all attention goes to that haha! I would be interested to know if it does reduce with weight loss. Personally I'm a massive 1950s flared-dress fan so that pretty much sorts all my bump issues out! :laugh:

    hahaha aww! I do like those dresses though!
    I have lost 53 lbs, and though the rest of my body is thinning nicely, that area stays chubby!

    Congrats on the weight loss :) I think it may end up being that half of us are just predisposed to the bump - like other people said, there is a biological reason for it! So the best bet may be to try and find clothes more suited to body type.

    It's hard in regards to tight fitting clothes - maybe worth having a look at some lighter over tops that are long enough to cover the area? I have seen a few nice ones that are aimed at dance and yoga recently
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Am I the only one bothered by the fact that your boss makes fun of you for this?

    What I was thinking...
  • sofaspud
    sofaspud Posts: 3 Member
    It's called a Mons Pubis (or your pubic mound) which is the area I think you are referring to?!?

    Yes you can gain weight there, I have noticed that mine is a lot bigger than it used to be now I am fatter. It should eventually slim down but if you are really conscious about it then go for the longer line tops or change the style of trousers/underwear you wear.

    As for your boss commenting....... Regardless if whether they are male or female or whether you are friends or not, there are lines which shouldn't be crossed by your boss - this is one of those.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    If it is fat, you still have weight to lose so I'm sure you'll see some improvement eventually. My thighs are the very last place I lose.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 856 Member
    The condition is called 'Large Mons Pubis". From what i gathered you have a large pubic pad and potentially your pubic bone is a little forward.

    There is nothing you can do about it beyond getting lyposuction. You lose fat all over your body with cardio, and if you're a healty weight then it's not going anywhere without sergical intervention.

    If you ever watch professional Gymnastics, those girls have a similar issue.

    The pad is there to make sexual intercourse more comfortable.

    It has nothing to do with a 'Camel Toe' or the labia.

    ^^^^ This. It may never go away. I have read previously that it sometimes doesn't really go down, even after weight loss. Mine is a lot bigger than it was when I was young, but, eh. It may always be "puffy" after gaining. I previously lost 55lbs and it pretty much stayed just as padded there.
  • tatanisky
    tatanisky Posts: 33 Member
    That area is called the mons pubis, just so people will stop thinking it's your stomach and/or that you suffer from camel toe.

    It's probably because your pubic bone protrudes forward - the only thing I can think of is that it'll eventually shrink with the rest of you and that exercise - the abs especially - should firm and pull the skin so it should flatten out a bit.

    Good luck! :)
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    1. I'm utterly and completely fascinated by this whole thread.

    2. Because of #1, I can't even make fun of the "Ladies Only" subject line...

    3. I have no advice other than what's already been provided... if it's just fat, it's just time in losing it.

    4. You have a LOT of lymph nodes in this area. If it's "swollen" and hasn't always been this way, you may want to make sure there isn't an underlying reason those are all inflamed and that it is indeed just fat. I had to have some monstrous nodes removed b/c of a different medical condition. Just throwing out a possibility (albeit a very unlikely possibility).
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member

    If you want a definition, and are at work, do not go to the Wikipedia page.
  • CrushedObsidian
    CrushedObsidian Posts: 1 Member
    Based on how you've described it, I looked it up and found the term to be "panniculus" - or an apron of fat that hangs down over the pubic area or "large mon pubis". Look on Google images to see if this fits what you're talking about. Those are the closest I could find and it usually accompanies major or rapid weight loss or childbirth. Unfortunately, looking through looks of boards and articles, it seems that people turn to surgery to remedy this. I hope this helps some, although I know it probably isn't the answer you're looking for. Good luck!

    Edited: "public" to "pubic"
  • ForeverVegan
    ForeverVegan Posts: 1 Member
    Oddly enough this issue was raised on an episode of Embaracing Bodies. The doctor on there said that it is almost impossible to loose the fat on your "lady parts" and the only way to get rid of it is surgery. If you can find a copy of it it's episode 5, series 7.

    Edited to add link for further info:
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    Am I the only one bothered by the fact that your boss makes fun of you for this?

    Why would you be bothered by the way two people, who you don't know, interact with each other? Maybe they have the kind of relationship where neither gets bent out of shape.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Running skirts.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Have you seen a doctor? At a normal weight or even only slightly overweight to have something that large in that area that it pushes skirts out doesn't sound right. I hate to say this, but could it be some kind of tumor? Fibroid, maybe?
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I hear that some guys are into this. Has it always been like this?
  • my_chrystal82
    my_chrystal82 Posts: 46 Member
    My younger sister has this problem. We are built completely different-she's 5'7, no hips or *kitten*, an A cup and perfect legs and I'm 5'9, all hips, thighs, *kitten*, and C cup.

    I have good news for you! It will go away with more weight loss. And look up pelvic, abdominal exercises. She swore by them and her favorite is lying flat on your back, legs bent and shoulder width apart and lift your bum, hold it-similar to planking.

    Keep up the good work!

    Ps. The whole boss making fun of your pudgy crotch, while this kind of joking is normal to your relationship, does not make it acceptable or healthy. Remember-people are going to treat you however you allow them to. If you let people make fun of something you're admittedly uncomfortable about, what does this state about how you value yourself? Consider one of her flaws. Would you make crude/rude jokes about it to her? You are worthy of positivity!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    I have a SUPER bizarre question. I don't even know if this is the right board for it - sorry if it isn't.

    I carry a lot of weight in odd places. But the oddest of places .... is my "pum pum" as my boss likes to call it (she makes fun of me still about it, particularly when I wear tights or yoga pants) I get told I have a "FUPA" or a "fat camel toe"... I have lost plenty of weight, in every other area of my body - but not in the pelvic area.

    It sticks out when I wear a skirt, or nice pants... almost looks like I have a bulge! Does anyone else have this issue? How do you even lose weight in that particular area? I almost contemplate getting some lipo there lol. Has anyone noticed this issue in significant weight loss? When did that area seem to shrink? Was it the last to go? Are any of you ladies out there, as insecure about this area as me? Do men even care about that area?

    EDIT*** it is NOT a camel toe. I am not talking about the lines of a camel toe like if you were to google cameltoe images. It's a chubbiness in the area where your jean zipper would sit if you were wearing jeans. It's like a bulge, so it gives the effect of having... basically having a bulge as if you were a dude...except I'm a girl. It's just a chubby area there. Think of your bikini bottoms - they sit flat there, mine however, do not, that area is chubby so it puffs out. Or if you wore a fitted dress, everything would lay flat, except that one bump there in the pelvic area.

    Can you post some pics so that we can better assess the situation and give you positive guidance. Without understanding the severity of the situation it is very difficult to respond appropriately.
  • jade_222
    jade_222 Posts: 147 Member
    for the ladies who have this problem, did it occur after pregnancy. I think I may have the same thing but only developed it after my first baby. I gained over 50 pounds and have just under 10 more to lose. I'm thinking it should go away as I get closer to pre pregnancy weight.
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    Well, I'm still losing so not sure if I will have this issue. BUT, I have a friend who did and it took surgery for it to be greatly improved. She lost over 60lbs. and then went in for a tummy tuck. When they did her tummy tuck, they did some lipo there. She had already lost the excess and was smack dab in the middle of where she needed to be to be a healthy weight for her, and she had been working out so she wasn't 'skinny fat'. She was slim and trim. But she still had it. Weight loss helps, but until you get really lean I just don't know that it will go away. In her case, she was as slim as she could be and still had it which is why the little bit of lipo there. If you do have the issue of the whole thing being tilted more, well then, even weight loss or lipo may not help. But if you feel a fatty pad there, more weight loss and/or lipo are probably the best options other than learning to live with it.

    As far as the boss thing... well, it just doesn't bother me. I guess for me it depends on the relationship with said boss. If it doesn't bother you and you give as good as you get, that's fine by me. But if it ever feels uncomfortable, you need to be sure to be able to say, 'Hey, that's crossing a line.'
    KIZGNARR Posts: 28 Member
    Google Pannus removal... this is the area you are talking about I believe??