Enough Already!

Hi I'm Cindy and I have been coming here off & on for a year and have gotten no where. I have to say I have never introduced myself or joined into the community. So I have decided that I need the inspiration of others going thru the same thing as I. I need motivation. I purchased the Fitbit One yesterday and I think if I get more involved in community here I will get the motivation to get my derriere out of this chair! I am a 66 year old retiree if that matters to anyone. About ten years ago I walked off 40 pounds and I need to do it again!


  • ladym8204
    ladym8204 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi Cindy, Feel free to add me if your looking for some friends. I would love to here how you like your fit bit. I really want one. :)
  • inneedofanap
    inneedofanap Posts: 63 Member
    Love your profile name and your attitude!
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    Feel free to add me too! I'm always looking to give and receive motivation. Let me know how the fitbit goes too! I really want one.
  • JennyStixx
    JennyStixx Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Cindy!

    I just started a few days ago, too! I will send you a friend request ;). I also just bought myself a fitbit flex and it literally arrived today! Once I get it set up (tonight) I will let you know about it! Good for you for coming here; I think the community really helps motivate. Everyone is very nice and it's a no judging zone for sure ;)
    Look forward to getting to know you!!!

  • tmccoy723
    Hi Cindy! Good for you for trying to get involved in the community. I hope that you find it as beneficial as I have. There are great people on this site. =) I have a FitBit and really like it! It's great to see the progress I'm making physically and it actually motivates me to do a bit more when I see that I'm really close to my 10,000 steps. I also like the fact that it syncs with your MyFitnessPal account and tracks the calories that you've burned. Good luck on your journey!
  • troublemaker47
    Thanks for friending me! I will love getting to know you too! I hope we can inspire each other to get moving and enjoying our lives! It will be fun to see how we do! Nice meeting you and hope you have a nice weekend!
  • gopgirl425
    gopgirl425 Posts: 140 Member
    Hi Cindy...I know you can do it. Keep it simple and don't over complicate things.

    All that is needed to lose weight is a calorie deficit.

    I have read also that slow changes are better for long term weight loss. So maybe you can do that...once you get use to one adjustment you can make another and so on.

    Good Luck~!

    I sent a FR...anyone can add me. I have a FIt Bit Flex that I love and we can send request to be friends there too.
  • mealprepping_fit4life
    Well you did it before you can definitely do it again. Just one day at a time. I am 46 and I have to make myself do this. Its not easy and I wish I had stayed fit but I hit my late twenties and stopped exercising raising kids, husband, school working it all distracts you but its time to take care of ourselves the kids are grown.
  • shellecollins
    shellecollins Posts: 89 Member
    I ordered my fitbit today!!! I am on day 3, and still have my begging, this is new energy!! I know come day 15 I'm going to need some support!! Feel free to add me, and anyone else for that matter!!
  • SandraJN
    SandraJN Posts: 305 Member
    Sending FR your way!
  • pinkyj921
    pinkyj921 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Cindy! Good luck! You can do it. I've been here off and on, too and because of a Fitness Challenge at work decided to get serious! Take it one step at a time and have fun too! :flowerforyou:
  • joverine
    joverine Posts: 28 Member
    i would be happy to have more support so anyone feel free to add me if they like. Im very interested in the fit bit to and would love to hear how it works out for all of you. maybe I will get one if i learn more about them

  • southernbuttercup
    southernbuttercup Posts: 61 Member
    Hi, I'm new here and looking to make friends too. I'll send you a friend request. I need motivation too!
  • ksmithnh
    ksmithnh Posts: 68 Member
    Hi Cindy! Good for you for taking the first step! You'll love the fitbit and the support from people here is fantastic. You can do this!!
  • judipatootie
    judipatootie Posts: 51 Member
    what is a fitbit?? LOL

    Hello Cindy! Im all for motivation. i have motivational issues myself, but trying to take this very seriously this time. Friend me if you would like. I would like to know what a fit bit is :D