Wisdom Teeth

Hello all. Somewhat new here to the forums. I have seen where people have posted before me about what foods to eat when getting their wisdom teeth out, but should I worry too much what I eat? I just started trying to eat clean and I'm so worried about what I'm going to eat. I love mashed potatoes and soup and such, but I'll just feel guilty for eating it?


  • ItsJordanNicole
    ItsJordanNicole Posts: 110 Member
    When I first got my wisdom teeth pulled I ate mashed potatoes and milkshakes. That was it. But I honestly didn't really feel like eating at all. That lasted about 3 days and then I was fine and went back to my normal diet. It's not really a big deal, unless you have complications. Hope you have a speedy recovery
  • leahraskie
    leahraskie Posts: 260 Member
    When I had mine out I didn't want to eat. My mom forced me to eat those little bluebunny ice cream cups. I'd have like half of one a day. I was in bed for like a week though, so I didn't move much....

    I wouldn't worry too much unless you're eating way too much for usual. Just make sure to pay attention to the surgeons food suggestions and what you can and can't eat.
  • sweetmelissa222
    sweetmelissa222 Posts: 290 Member
    I agree with everyone else. It was mostly mac and cheese and mashed potatoes for three days, but I honestly did not want to eat at all.
  • Thanks for the feedback. I think I'm gonna stick to mac n cheese and mashed potatoes for the coming week.