Sweet tooth

Does anyone have advice on how to overcome those sugar cravings? Ive calculated that i need to lose 19kg to get to a healthy BMI but my love of all things sweet seem to be hindering this....
I try to avoid the sweet/chocolate/dessert isles when I am in the supermarket doing my weekly shop but then the vending machine at work always tempts me or sometimes the cravings get so bad that I will go to the shop to get something sugary
Help please!


  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    Pack snacks for where ever you go. Keep no money on you so you can't use the vending machines. Shop the perimeter of the store mostly. It's the naughty bits in the middle aisles. Plan your day and know your body.
    Are you hungry or bored. If you are hungry eat one of your snacks. If you are bored get up and walk. Take a peek at mfp on your phone. Get a drink. You can do it.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Budget a sweet item into your day. I have ice cream or brownies.. sometimes both or something different at least once per day. Knowing it's a part of my day has made it much easier to deal with cravings.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Budget a sweet item into your day. I have ice cream or brownies.. sometimes both or something different at least once per day. Knowing it's a part of my day has made it much easier to deal with cravings.


    Pick something that will satisfy your sweet tooth....eat 1 portion of that and log it. Losing weight AND keeping it off will require permanent lifestyle changes for me. I have to learn how to manage snack and/or sugar at some point.
  • masdec7
    masdec7 Posts: 166 Member
    I find I have to buy my sweets in single serving packages. Not boxes with single servings pre-wrapped, but an actual individual serving. Otherwise I'll eat the entire box either way. I also limit it to once a week. If I need a sweet boost at another time, I've got a recipe for a microwave browning cake that is about 243 cals. If you share you get to half that! I cut mine 3 ways so less than 100 cals for my part! If someone from work brings in something, I just politely say no thank you. I know if I have a bite, I'll have it all. Good luck!
  • laineybz
    laineybz Posts: 704 Member
    I usually allow for a small chocolate bar, like a Freddo. Only 95 cals.
  • jeannelabanane
    jeannelabanane Posts: 38 Member
    Budget a sweet item into your day. I have ice cream or brownies.. sometimes both or something different at least once per day. Knowing it's a part of my day has made it much easier to deal with cravings.

    This is exactly what I do. And watch the portions/calories of these treats.

    Edited to add: I find that avoiding it completely makes me go completely overboard when I do get to have sugar, so knowing that I can have a little bit every day helps - you know?
  • Cupcake_Kate1990
    Cupcake_Kate1990 Posts: 14 Member
    Great, thanks for all your replies :)
    BEVERLYSTEEN Posts: 106 Member
    I find it easier to not have it in the house. My problem is when someone else brings it over I can say no only so many times before I cave in.
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    frozen yoghurt
    treatsize/funsize bars of chocolate
    sugar free jelly
    frozen fruit (banana, berries)
    low calorie hot chocolate
  • Flopzsalter
    Flopzsalter Posts: 6 Member
    I just started working as an MA for a weight loss program/ medical office and so I end up assisting in the rooms and end up getting to sit in on a lot of consultations. I have this same problem with sugar cravings and although it varies from person to person it seems to be a sigh on glucose instability in most people. According to the doctor I work under eating more protein is the key. I'm just starting to try it (I'll eat a very small portion of the sweet I want but then make sure I eat protein with it. From personal experience I know I have worse cravings if I eat less often. If I eat only 3 meals a day my cravings are horrible but if I consume a meal every 3 -3.5 hours I don't have as many and the ones I do have are not as strong. I'll let you know if the increase in protein helps but it can't hurt trying. ^_^