How hard can it be to eat 1200 calories, what's up with that

lmvolk Posts: 51 Member
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
I have read numerous posts from people who say they have a hard time eating all 1200 calories. As for myself, I could eat that in one meal, no problem, if I wanted to.
I'm not a glutton, but keeping myself to under 400 calories for a meal is pretty hard. I am getting out the measuring cup and scale all the time.Since the average person eats about 2000-2500 calories per day, why do some people have trouble eating 1200, and if they do, how did they ever get fat to start with?
Or are the people who post they can't eat it all the anorexic ones? I'm sure there are some of them on here, maybe trying to learn to eat properly?


  • I'm with ya--- I have a HUGE appitite!
  • sdsmart
    sdsmart Posts: 25 Member
    I couldn't agree more!!!! I feel like all I can eat for 1200 caloris is fruit and vegetables, my usual morning muffin is 500cals- and that is just a snack!!!!
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Wow. Anorexic? Hardly.

    I think the people are more confused about eating back the calories they work off through exercise.

    I haven't read many posts saying people don't know how to eat all 1200 calories.

    Although today I didn't. LOL But I'm FULL! I average about 1400 a day.
  • I felt that way at first, but after eating light for a while, you're less hungry and if you increase your exercise, you're not just eating 1,200 calories, you're eating 1500 or 1700 to get a net caloric intake of 1200, when you were planning on 1200, Getting in those extra calories after the gym and before bed can be quite the challenge! And I don't like eating them before I go to the gym, because what if i don't go??
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I had about 900 cals for most of the day. I forced myself to eat the last bits to cover into 'safe' territory but still was unable to eat all my suggested calories.

    I'm not anorexic. This doesn't happen every day.

    Most days, I get hungry after 5pm. So I spread out my cals in the midday and morning so that I can eat whatever I feel like in the evenings. Sometimes I don't get hungry in the evenings and that is how it becomes hard to eat all my calories.

    It IS hard to eat them all sometimes, because while I could go grab a burger and fill my entire calories for the day on that, I'd rather try to find healthy choices and fill up on those.
  • The only time that ever happend to me was when I did a 10 mile hike carring a 15 pound back pack and burned so many calories that even though I ate breakfast, lunch and snacks when I got home and had dinner it was pretty late. I couldn't catch up on enough calories and ended up being negative for calories for the day. I learned from that and when I know I am going to be burning a lot of calories I load up a little more so that I don't have to play catch up.
  • I can relate to not getting in enough calories, there have been occasional days I have gone most of the day not eating much due to business or distraction. However, I agree, most people would not have a problem with meeting a 1200 cal intake, especially considering that one meal at a restaurant can reach those amounts easily. With that said, just because someone eats a very low cal diet it does not mean that they cannot gain weight... in fact, it's people who starve themselves repeatedly who screw up their metabolism (and hormone balance) the most, thus causing them to gain weight even eating a 1200 calorie diet. Not to mention the lack of energy they must have and therefore can't possibly exercise to develop lean muscle necessary to burn calories or increase metabolism. Going on a very low calorie diet should never be attempted on one's own, only through a certified nutritionist, monitored carefully, and only for a short duration. Otherwise it will certainly be detrimental to the body.
  • samrockrocks
    samrockrocks Posts: 251 Member
    most people have a difficult time eating their 1200 NET calories. some days my total calories before i subtract my exercise calories is 2000 or more. not everyone is the same type of eater as you are. that doesn't make them anorexic.

    you said you could eat 1200 calories in a single meal.. i can think of few HEALTHY meals that are 1200 calories.
  • I struggle with an eating disorder...but I'm learning to control it. Sometimes it really truly is hard to think about eating 1200 calories. It's a mindset thing. *hides behind laptop* don't judge me!!
  • feetypajamas
    feetypajamas Posts: 104 Member
    I had about 900 cals for most of the day. I forced myself to eat the last bits to cover into 'safe' territory but still was unable to eat all my suggested calories.

    I'm not anorexic. This doesn't happen every day.

    Most days, I get hungry after 5pm. So I spread out my cals in the midday and morning so that I can eat whatever I feel like in the evenings. Sometimes I don't get hungry in the evenings and that is how it becomes hard to eat all my calories.

    It IS hard to eat them all sometimes, because while I could go grab a burger and fill my entire calories for the day on that, I'd rather try to find healthy choices and fill up on those.

    Sounds like me. It's hard to fill it up with healthy stuff. My husband is doing nothing to help support me, and loads the cabinets with junk food. I get frozen dinners so I can at least eat something decent then. I drink so much water, I have to force myself to eat anyway. I'd much rather go out and load up on a Big Mac, fries and a shake. But... I'll sit here and nibble on some crackers instead. :P
  • Jaedynmoon
    Jaedynmoon Posts: 280 Member
    I'm set at 1200 calories and some days I have a really hard time eating 1200. Today I ate 1234 calories and I feel like I ate a lot (my food diary is public if you want to check) I make everything, eat lots of whole grains, drink tons of water, fruits, veggies...stuff like that. It's filling and not very calorie dense. I just had to eat an apple after my workout just so it would put me over 1200 calories...some days I'm filled and am only at 1100 and I just call it a day because I can't imagine eating anything else!
  • Kristina0202
    Kristina0202 Posts: 188 Member
    Some days I am just not hungry enough to eat 1200 calories. Like, today I only ate 900 and I was too full to eat anything else after dinner.
  • Sirenism
    Sirenism Posts: 100 Member
    I'm by no means anorexic and the past week and a half I have struggled most days to get my caloric intake above 800 calories. I don't force myself to eat if I'm not hungry. I work out which makes me not hungry. Sometimes I'm running around too much at work or the food has too high of a sugar content for me to eat without getting sick. Other times I eat a lot... but it's all very low calories and doesn't add up to what people would like.

    On an ending note I'd just like to add that I think the comment about "must be anorexic" was quite rude and disrespectful.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    wow. I don't get what the big deal is, if people are staying @ 1200 thats great. I can stay @ 1200 easily. the trick is to eat 6-7 small meals a day, and you won't want a 1200 cal meal.
  • The best way to lower your calorie intake is to be sure to eat every 3 hours or so and to eat very low calorie/nutrient dense foods (most of your fresh vegetables), lean meats (for protein) and a small amount of fruit and good fats (olive oil and avocado). Remove all processed foods and sugars and you can easily survive on 1200 calories healthfully. Remember, the body usually burns anywhere from 1500 - 1800 calories, give or take, depending on your size and lean muscle mass, just to maintain itself (breathing, digesting, etc.) So when you exercise, you should increase your cal intake to maintain a deficit of not more than 1000 calories a day (2 lbs a week). This way your body burns the fuel you provide it and releases fat to burn (depending on how you workout) instead of using it's own muscle tissue as fuel.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I don't force myself to eat if I'm not hungry. I work out which makes me not hungry.


    Working out means you are using energy above the normal amount. Don't you feel like you need to refuel?

    I know as soon as I've finished a workout, I'm usually not hungry for about an hour and then I'm starving!
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    I just had a look at my net cals - I haven't netted 1200 all week. I eat regularly, I eat tonnes of veges, protein and good fats, plus some brown rice and toast. My cals are set at 1200 and normally I burn at least 400 during the day and net 800-900 - I struggle to net `1200 feel free to look at my diary though - it seems plenty to me. I am not anorexic but some people here are struggling with eating disorders, I kind of find it a bit harsh that you are talking like there is something wrong with people like this. It wouldn't be nice for me to say "I can't imagine how any one can eat X many calories, it's so much, what is up with that blah blah". Every body is different - we are all here trying to be healthier. The people asking for help as to how to make 1200 cals are ASKING FOR HELP so let's give it to each other constructively - not create divisions.
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    The only time I really have a hard time eating that much is if I'm too busy at work and I miss a meal. Then my whole day gets screwed.

    I can go home and eat dinner but lets take yesterday for example. I missed lunch. When I got home at 6 pm I had like 800 calories left or some such like that. I had dinner, home made turkey spaghetti sauce over whole grain pasta. A whopping 357 calories and I was completely full.

    I had some snacks before bed to try to fill in the gaps and I still think I only hit 1100 calories.
  • My problem is definitely consuming a net total of 1200 calories, once i have exercised for the day! i would hate to think that i am working against my metabolism by not giving my body enough fuel, but i also don’t like the idea of eating more to compensate for exercise, since then i just feel as though my intake = output and im maintaining my current weight. I could be all wrong with my mindset, and would appreciate it if someone could explain exactly what the right method would be!
  • I am new to this whole eat more, weigh less method!

    I find it difficult to eat my expected daily calorie intake when it's combined with exercise....don't want to over indulge when I eat meals because i'm worried if i don't find the time to exercise in that day and i have eaten about 1500-2000 calories, then end up gaining weight.

    will just eating the 1200 calories a day without exercise aid weight loss....this is basically what I am trying to find out.

    because if so then i can stick to 1200 calories a day just eating food so i will lose weight and on the days i exercise i will eat more calories.

    and would this be the best way to get around it.... try to eat about 800-900 calories during the day before dinner then if i exercise i can eat the other calories plus more during dinner....and if i dont exercise then limit my dinner to about 300-400 calories??

    any help would be great!!
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