So, I met my doctor's wife at the supermarket...



  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    It's called flexible dieting.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Wait, is this a diet that has been discussed with your doc?
    I'd go HIPAA on his butt. All day long.

    So much of this, assuming the OP is in USA and protected by HIPAA

    Actually I am so confused by this post. OP's doctor, his wife, instructor, are all of these people connected? And why is this allowed to continue? I would be like, um no these people are way too much in my business and would break those ties and find new providers with appropriate behavior and boundaries.
  • joepage612
    joepage612 Posts: 179 Member
    this reminds me of a clip i saw of the singer wendy o. williams getting kicked off a talk show for saying ice cream is bad for you. (it is by the way). Some people are way too blunt but at the end of the day, she was right.
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    this reminds me of a clip i saw of the singer wendy o. williams getting kicked off a talk show for saying ice cream is bad for you. (it is by the way). Some people are way too blunt but at the end of the day, she was right.

    Why exactly is ice cream bad for you??

  • bugaboo_sue
    bugaboo_sue Posts: 552 Member
    Wait, is this a diet that has been discussed with your doc?
    I'd go HIPAA on his butt. All day long.

    So much of this, assuming the OP is in USA and protected by HIPAA

    Actually I am so confused by this post. OP's doctor, his wife, instructor, are all of these people connected? And why is this allowed to continue? I would be like, um no these people are way too much in my business and would break those ties and find new providers with appropriate behavior and boundaries.

    You didn't read the OP's post did you?

    Reader's Digest Condensed Version:

    She stated that she and her doctors wife started going to the same class at the gym together. Dr Wife saw her at the supermarket buying ice cream and made a comment. The next day in class she told the instructor about it and apparently everyone else in class overheard thus prompting the bashing.
  • cstringfellow2013
    cstringfellow2013 Posts: 172 Member
    And OP_ stand you're ground (obviously you are) that's totally inappropraite and I would just continue to sacrastic the hell out of them.

    My usual go to is
    " I can dead lift- 300 pounds.... can you??"

    "I'm going to the bathroom at 3 PM for my usual *kitten*- I'll make sure I have a full write up for you since you seem overly concerned with what goes in- I figured you want to know what comes out"

    "I'm sorry I don't recall asking you to give you're own personal and inappropriate commentary on my personal food diet"

    you have a range- you can kind of work from least offensive to most offensive depending on how aggressive the busybody is.
    I have no tolerance or patience for that type of rubbish.

    Your responses are always dead on.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Why do some people feel they have the right to get up all in your business? I get this on all sides, people feel they need to justify what they eat in front of me (I don't give a rat's *kitten*), if I turn down something "bad", I get, "but you're so skinny, you can eat anything" or if I indulge, I get, "hmmmm, are you going to eat that?", I'm gonna eat the hell out it.

    Now I want some ice cream.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    Move to London. Everyone would be too shy to engage you in conversation and share your personal information even if you whispered, "I just murdered my neighbour."


    yeah in London the reply to that would be "um... that's nice"...

    *note to self* - "Add London, England to job searches in"
  • HellaCarriefornia
    HellaCarriefornia Posts: 102 Member
    Ugh. Just ugh! What is wrong with people?
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    I could think of a choice location to have shoved the pointy end of that ice cream cone.
  • jeffd247
    jeffd247 Posts: 319 Member
    Next time just say "scoreboard, b**ch*
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member
    Next time just say "scoreboard, b**ch*

    LOL HA HA...You..I like you.
  • ambushhunter
    ambushhunter Posts: 1 Member
    Wait, is this a diet that has been discussed with your doc?
    I'd go HIPAA on his butt. All day long.

    I think he said it was his wife's doctor.
  • BarbieFromHellx
    BarbieFromHellx Posts: 758 Member
    How is what you put in your shopping basket any of her business? Some people are just beyond annoying!

    P.S. I also love the OP's profile picture, describes me well :laugh: