Weird things you've been asked.......

amethyst7986 Posts: 223 Member
Today I had a patient call and ask me if he could bring in his portable toilet when he comes in for his appointment because our restroom was too far away and he needs to be able to get there in 5 seconds because he has a urinary tract infection. I work in a small out patient physical therapy clinic, at times we will see 1-4 patients an hour and our closest restroom is just down the hall (less than 20 secs away), we have rooms but they aren't private (no doors, just a curtain to close).

Which brings me to wonder...what weird/odd/gross/out of the ordinary things have others been asked ?


  • MikeCrazy
    MikeCrazy Posts: 2,716 Member
    Some strange lady once asked me if she could lick my hand.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    When I was a teen, I worked as a cashier and a lot of people would ask me to fill out their checks for them when they made a purchase by check. I always thought that was odd, especially when I was like sixteen and the person didn't seem to be doing it because they were lazy...often it was men who seemed to have never written a check before and they seemed so impressed and/or relieved that I could help them. What?!
  • FrozenSongBird
    FrozenSongBird Posts: 3,892 Member
    Just random things people ask you when they hear you live in Alaska ..

    Do you live in an igloo ?
    Is it always light/dark? - This one gets a pass ...
    Do you have a pet moose ?
    do you have running water and electricity?

  • triciabh1
    triciabh1 Posts: 126 Member
    When I was pregnant with my first child son random lady came up to me at Target and asked if she could touch my stomach. I actually let her but I couldn't imagine going up to some stranger and asking to touch them. :laugh:
  • Jonalee1977
    Jonalee1977 Posts: 415 Member
    My 7-year-old asked me yesterday if there were restaurants around when I was a kid.
  • amethyst7986
    amethyst7986 Posts: 223 Member
    My 7-year-old asked me yesterday if there were restaurants around when I was a kid.

    my daughter once asked me what it was like watching tv in black and white.......I'm 28, I've always had colored tv :frown:
  • Jonalee1977
    Jonalee1977 Posts: 415 Member
    A couple years ago my now 11-year-old asked me if crayons only came in black and white when I was a kid. Then, I went on a field trip with him to a museum and there was one of those really old bicycles with the huge front wheel and the itty bitty rear wheel...he asked if that was what my first bike looked like.

  • amethyst7986
    amethyst7986 Posts: 223 Member
    Some strange lady once asked me if she could lick my hand.

    why....just why? :noway:
  • MikeCrazy
    MikeCrazy Posts: 2,716 Member
    She was serious and I was totally weirded had to have been a dare or something.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    I had been out of the Army for only a few months and I was on a job interview.
    Near the end of the interview, the Manager leaned across the desk, looked me right in the eye and, in a low voice, asked me if I had killed anyone.

    I didn't get the job.