Quick advice on pull-up

So I've been working on strengthening my back with my bodyweight exercises. In my circuit sets (3x a week) I've been including horizontal body rows and the last almost 2 weeks switched to leg assisted pull-ups to try to let my bodyweight hit the muscles more. I'm going to be modifying my circuit to get some different exercises in for the next month but I want to keep getting my back stronger. Now I know that chin-ups are slightly different due to the grip and supination, so biceps get hit a little more and though I do want to build those as well, I don't want to let up on my back. So would switching to chin-ups be ill advised until I can manage unassisted pull-ups? Or would the switch not be a big issue and I'm just over thinking?


  • wolfgate
    wolfgate Posts: 321 Member
    You're overthinking.

    You are doing the right thing to change up the ST exercises every month or so. No reason not to make the change you're considering. Your goal as a beginner is exercise and gaining strength - not entering a bodybuilding competition. The two exercises work both back and arms slightly differently, which is a good thing for you. Make the switch for a month or two.