Supplements/Weight loss Pills, YES or NO?



  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    IMO diet pills are a bad idea. Just eat at a deficit, and do 80% healthy/20% indulgent so you can still eat the foods you like.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Exercise boosts metabolism
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Supplements can be useful in moderation.

    Weight loss pills do jack squat OR very little and wreck your health.
  • MattLewis521
    There's only really two supplement pills I'd ever recommend that actually work, with scientific results.

    CLA pills and L-Carnitine.

    The CLA is taken before your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Don't take during snacks or between meals.
    You take the L-Carnitine before workout and in the morning and night.

    Recomended dosage for desired weight loss effects is around 3.5-4mg daily for both supplements.
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    I know pills are tempting when the weight isn't coming off as fast as you would like.

    But in reality they will only cause more of a delay, because when you stop them, you'll gain back the weight and have to start all over again.

    Keep track of your calories, exercise, and most of all be patient. Patience is the key.
  • oksanatkachuk
    oksanatkachuk Posts: 149 Member
    My artificial adds are protein and caffeine . Caffeine helps me when I m too lazy to start workouts
  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    Supplements, yes. Diet pills, no.

    I take a food-based multivitamin, magnesium supplement, Vitamin D, fish oil, and COQ10. There is no quick way to lose weight and keep it off. It's all about hard work, determination, and persistence.

  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    If you want success that lasts for the rest of your life, you have to put time and energy into making sustainable changes to your lifestyle and find a way of eating and exercising that you're happy to maintain forever. It can be a slow process, but it is worth it. :smile:
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    my body is made to gain and lose fat depending on what i eat and how i burn it off. . trying to speed up what comes natural or find an easier way than just doing what needs to be done sounds like a cop out, and its not very respectful to my body, which worked hard to make itself and its whole complicated machinery. respect the process. eat less. move more.

    there are some illnesses that hinder its progress. but rarely will a good doctor prescribe a diet pill for them, instead they try to right the imbalance. same can be said for your diet and lifestyle. right the imbalance. the rest will follow.

    diet pills... no.
  • Remo_Williams
    I wouldn't worry about #5 until you dial in #'s 1 - 4:

  • beardedwarriortx
    beardedwarriortx Posts: 238 Member
    Is booze a supplement?
  • kenc1971
    kenc1971 Posts: 107 Member
    Is booze a supplement?
    According to the pyramid above, I think booze falls under #3... Micronutrients (for decent brews) and Water (Budweiser, etc.) :D

    Creatine, Protein powder, multi-vitamin.